Stripping a trailing slash at this point is kind of pointless, since
EPREFIX is used all over the code base without this stripping. Either
configure, or portage.const_autotool should ensure it doesn't end with a
slash. Removing slash stripping here, incidently helps people who use
Prefix Portage without an offset, and as hack use '/' as offset there.
# due to how it's coded... Don't overwrite this so we can use it.
mysettings["PORTAGE_DEBUG"] = "1"
- mysettings["EPREFIX"] = EPREFIX.rstrip(os.path.sep)
+ mysettings["EPREFIX"] = EPREFIX
mysettings["EBUILD"] = ebuild_path
mysettings["O"] = pkg_dir
mysettings.configdict["pkg"]["CATEGORY"] = cat