return new_list.keys()
def grabdict(myfilename, juststrings=0, empty=0, recursive=0, incremental=1):
- """This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a dictionary"""
+ """
+ This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a dictionary
+ @param myfilename: file to process
+ @type myfilename: string (path)
+ @param juststrings: only return strings
+ @type juststrings: Boolean (integer)
+ @param empty: Ignore certain lines
+ @type empty: Boolean (integer)
+ @param recursive: Recursively grab ( support for /etc/portage/package.keywords/* and friends )
+ @type recursive: Boolean (integer)
+ @param incremental: Append to the return list, don't overwrite
+ @type incremental: Boolean (integer)
+ @rtype: Dictionary
+ @returns:
+ 1. Returns the lines in a file in a dictionary, for example:
+ 'sys-apps/portage x86 amd64 ppc'
+ would return
+ { "sys-apps/portage" : [ 'x86', 'amd64', 'ppc' ]
+ the line syntax is key : [list of values]
+ """
for x in grablines(myfilename, recursive):
#the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line