-DIST yadm-1.12.0.tar.gz 47340 BLAKE2B ef710f56c96244c082bfcc887cae4aee00aaaadec5e7466500dde263c5e4f43df046e11742fd275e989bd9704b39a123f17248cd70d64f6ca552b28db6c44814 SHA512 402a67770154ce3ae7ab947ff4d4e26ca5040d343110fb749195ca5c3f4ee435aba1d8cdf02d4ecf4a81d3f331c1b891bed4fb3fcfcc893867e0fce45b9c8cd8
DIST yadm-2.4.0.tar.gz 96877 BLAKE2B 462a5816e106c4502007ff34ab338904e14a9851ebcfc7ff79a32a8b11fbbe3e0b7e6538ed6b489ab67e2205c84b2250749e3091c77fa663886dc9792078a576 SHA512 43e16a9502f9dd9f6c6dba3bb5403bb048244a406d44cb42a96a43e62bf7342efd5f302304dbedede61423546787fc929f378d68da9031207e70239ec4e265ce
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit bash-completion-r1
-DESCRIPTION="A dotfile manager for the config files in your home folder"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="zsh-completion test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- test? (
- dev-tcltk/expect
- dev-util/bats
- dev-vcs/git
- )"
- dev-vcs/git
- app-crypt/gnupg
- zsh-completion? ( app-shells/gentoo-zsh-completions )"
-src_compile() {
- emake "${PN}.md"
-src_test() {
- # 109_accept_encryption tests are interactive, thus fail. Skip them
- # 113_accept_jinja_alt.bats are depepending on the optional envtpl
- while IFS="" read -d $'\0' -r f ; do
- bats "${f}" || die "test ${f} failed"
- done < <(find test -name '*.bats' -and -not -name '109_accept_encryption.bats' -and -not -name '113_accept_jinja_alt.bats' -print0)
-src_install() {
- einstalldocs
- dobin "${PN}"
- doman "${PN}.1"
- dobashcomp completion/yadm.bash_completion
- if use zsh-completion; then
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- newins completion/yadm.zsh_completion _${PN}
- fi