-Dev Notes
+Building a Library of Code you Trust
-Things we want to demonstrate:
+Suppose we're going to be dealing a lot with these animal count files,
+and doing many different kinds of analysis with them. In the introduction
+to Python lesson we wrote a function that reads these files but it's stuck
+off in an IPython notebook. We could copy and paste it into a new notebook
+every time we want to use it but that gets tedious and makes it difficult to
+add features to the function. The ideal solution would be to keep the
+function in one spot and use it over and over again from many different places.
+Python modules to the rescue!
-- write lots of small tools (functions)
-- document your code
-- test your code
-- debugging
- - build in a crash somewhere and explain tracebacks
- - do an import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-Create a few utilities to work with the `*animal.txt` files from
-introductory Python.
-Put all the functionality in one file and make small scripts that import
-from that file, parse command line arguments, and do stuff.
-- average number of an animal seen per sighting
-- total number of an animal seen over the season
-- all the sightings on a given day
-Students may want an IPython notebook open as a scratch pad.
--- /dev/null
+Dev Notes
+Things we want to demonstrate:
+- write lots of small tools (functions)
+- document your code
+- test your code, including TDD
+- debugging
+ - build in a crash somewhere and explain tracebacks
+ - do an import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+Create a few utilities to work with the `*animal.txt` files from
+introductory Python.
+Put all the functionality in one file and make small scripts that import
+from that file, parse command line arguments, and do stuff.
+- average number of an animal seen per sighting
+- total number of an animal seen over the season
+- all the sightings on a given day
+Students may want an IPython notebook open as a scratch pad.
+Lesson Plan
+1. Demonstrate putting code in a `.py` file and running it.
+2. Demonstrate importing a module (maybe `math` or `glob`)