DIST manual-en.3.1.14.zip 408414 BLAKE2B 03d4e7a386eb3bd5b19e5c555ec34b86812838a5b5fac8ec0ab9701fba89a5867714da57d950f68224a89bbe2267c18d638ee850681860de309c74bbfb3d0a0b SHA512 d384e3856b45ed3f992f3732a5465120abe9fb947cdf13ff67a9c4264f72987d24885ee61cd7309b728e64cdfe4f34c3e7f757096d35de56d962f3b78def9e58
-DIST smarty-3.1.30.tar.gz 255464 BLAKE2B 8378e6336f271e3c41e16b8fbb70356827ff4a9a61e3cf2a23fdbd0617155ec9dca6a5b6372327d4b35a5c6f7c3b58e807afe7403b7ed929ebacfb3c36e124d0 SHA512 6ad9a6cf10b81fecbdc4daa4acbd9724db5f1c2a014e35039b36b0bf00ba000946a2126f7da5899e587a79419f451aafcd1ee14597a32cf290bbd0bf13a877d0
-DIST smarty-3.1.31.tar.gz 244196 BLAKE2B 695bd40d337e8f2d4a44a7b30b743ab4e5b6a7b024a514de956cd513dd6639ac6f9ae464f0d3b4cfcaf7de17994837a866cdd4945780bd3a96ff32df300302a3 SHA512 807343e4229413ea0f5219a828d4e91603fb5454f4abe8aa2d41f0a6fe32fa476e791340e1e95178ded3774d1524e98489c104c6fa391e70a8225de28fdcca18
-DIST smarty-3.1.32.tar.gz 250680 BLAKE2B 92d4942f2d3d802b18082f5f6079c8b6945abadd8ef2c87ea217b106eeeedfbde7f1bd00c6fced67b73fc3cf328ec91fc1fb61c7f991b992167fa9d2fb1f2ad2 SHA512 07c95177172718158b9b562c6d8ff79566f4bd8e07ba394cc82c52dec7ec869935fd03ce523115c08472159adf68b902d1db5f8543201a35adf22027c5978080
DIST smarty-3.1.33.tar.gz 249999 BLAKE2B 1e174b190238c8b20d5dae9c0c9fdf264c4716ba850599a2a028fe6c307eb3d9d2611e3b928efb9471e051496e4e31502458cd7a71a9318e012d5af7eca2c50e SHA512 443473cf12c7e053744daef7a70d4172979d760278aa1593216d0b70f0c12ca2b48eb79486a1c10a1cf2264da671804b94ee9d538b9013ff0bdc42e28639ca5d
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-DESCRIPTION="A template engine for PHP"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/smarty-php/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- doc? ( https://www.smarty.net/files/docs/manual-en.${DOC_PV}.zip )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
-DEPEND="doc? ( app-arch/unzip )"
-# PHP unicode support is detected at runtime, and the cached templates
-# that smarty generates depend on it. If, later on, PHP is reinstalled
-# without unicode support, all of the previously-generated cached
-# templates will begin to throw 500 errrors for missing mb_foo
-# functions. See bug #532618.
-src_install() {
- insinto "/usr/share/php/${PN}"
- doins -r libs/*
- local DOCS=( *.txt README README.md )
- local HTML_DOCS
- use doc && HTML_DOCS="${WORKDIR}/manual-en/"*
- einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "${PN} has been installed in /usr/share/php/${PN}/."
- elog
- elog 'To use it in your scripts, include the Smarty.class.php file'
- elog "from the \"${PN}\" directory; for example,"
- elog
- elog " require('${PN}/Smarty.class.php');"
- elog
- elog 'After that, the Smarty class will be available to you.'
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-DESCRIPTION="A template engine for PHP"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/smarty-php/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- doc? ( https://www.smarty.net/files/docs/manual-en.${DOC_PV}.zip )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-DEPEND="doc? ( app-arch/unzip )"
-# PHP unicode support is detected at runtime, and the cached templates
-# that smarty generates depend on it. If, later on, PHP is reinstalled
-# without unicode support, all of the previously-generated cached
-# templates will begin to throw 500 errrors for missing mb_foo
-# functions. See bug #532618.
-src_install() {
- insinto "/usr/share/php/${PN}"
- doins -r libs/*
- local DOCS=( *.txt README README.md )
- local HTML_DOCS
- use doc && HTML_DOCS="${WORKDIR}/manual-en/"*
- einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "${PN} has been installed in /usr/share/php/${PN}/."
- elog
- elog 'To use it in your scripts, include the Smarty.class.php file'
- elog "from the \"${PN}\" directory; for example,"
- elog
- elog " require('${PN}/Smarty.class.php');"
- elog
- elog 'After that, the Smarty class will be available to you.'
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-DESCRIPTION="A template engine for PHP"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/smarty-php/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- doc? ( https://www.smarty.net/files/docs/manual-en.${DOC_PV}.zip )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-DEPEND="doc? ( app-arch/unzip )"
-# PHP unicode support is detected at runtime, and the cached templates
-# that smarty generates depend on it. If, later on, PHP is reinstalled
-# without unicode support, all of the previously-generated cached
-# templates will begin to throw 500 errrors for missing mb_foo
-# functions. See bug #532618.
-src_install() {
- insinto "/usr/share/php/${PN}"
- doins -r libs/*
- local DOCS=( *.txt README README.md )
- local HTML_DOCS
- use doc && HTML_DOCS="${WORKDIR}/manual-en/"*
- einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "${PN} has been installed in /usr/share/php/${PN}/."
- elog
- elog 'To use it in your scripts, include the Smarty.class.php file'
- elog "from the \"${PN}\" directory; for example,"
- elog
- elog " require('${PN}/Smarty.class.php');"
- elog
- elog 'After that, the Smarty class will be available to you.'