@string{JCompP = "Journal of Computational Physics"}
@string{JEChem = "Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry"}
@string{JMathBiol = "J Math Biol"}
-@string{JMicro = "Journal of microscopy"}
-@string{JPhysio = "Journal of physiology"}
-@string{JStructBiol = "Journal of structural biology"}
+@string{JMicro = "Journal of Microscopy"}
+@string{JPhysio = "Journal of Physiology"}
+@string{JStructBiol = "Journal of Structural Biology"}
@string{JTB = "J Theor Biol"}
@string{JMB = "Journal of Molecular Biology"}
@string{JP:CM = "Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter"}
@string{PA = "Pfl{\"u}gers Archiv: European journal of physiology"}
@string{PTRSL = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London"}
@string{PR:E = "Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys"}
-@string{PRL = "Physical review letters"}
+@string{PRL = "Physical Review Letters"}
%string{PRL = "Phys Rev Lett"}
@string{Physica = "Physica"}
@string{GPing = "Ping, Guanghui"}