autopeak = boolean(default = True)\r
+curvetools = boolean(default = True)\r
export = boolean(default = True)\r
fit = boolean(default = True)\r
flatfilts = boolean(default = True)\r
#this section defines which plugins have to be loaded by Hooke\r
autopeak = True\r
+curvetools = True\r
export = True\r
fit = True\r
flatfilts = True\r
generalvclamp = True\r
+multidistance = True\r
playlist = True\r
-plot = True\r
procplots = True\r
results = True\r
self.plotmanipulators = []\r
#self.plugins contains: {the name of the plugin: [caption, function]}\r
self.plugins = {}\r
+ #self.results_str contains the type of results we want to display\r
+ self.results_str = 'wlc'\r
#tell FrameManager to manage this frame\r
self._mgr = aui.AuiManager()\r
def AppliesPlotmanipulator(self, name):\r
- returns True if the plotmanipulator 'name' is applied, False otherwise\r
+ Returns True if the plotmanipulator 'name' is applied, False otherwise\r
name does not contain 'plotmanip_', just the name of the plotmanipulator (e.g. 'flatten')\r
return self.GetBoolFromConfig('core', 'plotmanipulators', name)\r
+ def ApplyPlotmanipulators(self, plot, plot_file):\r
+ '''\r
+ Apply all active plotmanipulators.\r
+ '''\r
+ if plot is not None and plot_file is not None:\r
+ manipulated_plot = copy.deepcopy(plot)\r
+ for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:\r
+ if self.GetBoolFromConfig('core', 'plotmanipulators', plotmanipulator.name):\r
+ manipulated_plot = plotmanipulator.method(manipulated_plot, plot_file)\r
+ return manipulated_plot\r
def CreateApplicationIcon(self):\r
iconFile = 'resources' + os.sep + 'microscope.ico'\r
icon = wx.Icon(iconFile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)\r
def GetDisplayedPlot(self):\r
plot = copy.deepcopy(self.displayed_plot)\r
- plot.curves = []\r
- plot.curves = copy.deepcopy(plot.curves)\r
+ #plot.curves = []\r
+ #plot.curves = copy.deepcopy(plot.curves)\r
return plot\r
def GetDisplayedPlotCorrected(self):\r
def OnResultsCheck(self, index, flag):\r
#TODO: fix for multiple results\r
results = self.GetActivePlot().results\r
- fit_function_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('results', 'show_results', 'fit_function')\r
- results[fit_function_str].results[index].visible = flag\r
- self.UpdatePlot()\r
+ if results.has_key(self.results_str):\r
+ results[self.results_str].results[index].visible = flag\r
+ results[self.results_str].update()\r
+ self.UpdatePlot()\r
def OnSavePerspective(self, event):\r
- def _measure_N_points(self, N, message='', whatset=lh.RETRACTION):\r
- '''\r
- General helper function for N-points measurements\r
- By default, measurements are done on the retraction\r
- '''\r
- if message != '':\r
- dialog = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, 'Info', wx.OK)\r
- dialog.ShowModal()\r
- figure = self.GetActiveFigure()\r
- xvector = self.displayed_plot.curves[whatset].x\r
- yvector = self.displayed_plot.curves[whatset].y\r
- clicked_points = figure.ginput(N, timeout=-1, show_clicks=True)\r
- points = []\r
- for clicked_point in clicked_points:\r
- point = lh.ClickedPoint()\r
- point.absolute_coords = clicked_point[0], clicked_point[1]\r
- point.dest = 0\r
- #TODO: make this optional?\r
- #so far, the clicked point is taken, not the corresponding data point\r
- point.find_graph_coords(xvector, yvector)\r
- point.is_line_edge = True\r
- point.is_marker = True\r
- points.append(point)\r
- return points\r
def _clickize(self, xvector, yvector, index):\r
returns a ClickedPoint() object from an index and vectors of x, y coordinates\r
point.find_graph_coords(xvector, yvector)\r
return point\r
- def _delta(self, color='black', message='Click 2 points', show=True, whatset=1):\r
+ def _delta(self, message='Click 2 points', plugin=None):\r
calculates the difference between two clicked points\r
+ if plugin is None:\r
+ color = 'black'\r
+ show_points = True\r
+ size = 20\r
+ whatset = lh.RETRACTION\r
+ else:\r
+ color = self.GetColorFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'color')\r
+ show_points = self.GetBoolFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'show_points')\r
+ size = self.GetIntFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'size')\r
+ whatset_str = self.GetStringFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'whatset')\r
+ if whatset_str == 'extension':\r
+ whatset = lh.EXTENSION\r
+ if whatset_str == 'retraction':\r
+ whatset = lh.RETRACTION\r
clicked_points = self._measure_N_points(N=2, message=message, whatset=whatset)\r
dx = abs(clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0] - clicked_points[1].graph_coords[0])\r
dy = abs(clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] - clicked_points[1].graph_coords[1])\r
unity = curve.units.y\r
#TODO: move this to clicked_points?\r
- if show:\r
+ if show_points:\r
for point in clicked_points:\r
points = copy.deepcopy(curve)\r
points.x = point.graph_coords[0]\r
points.y = point.graph_coords[1]\r
points.color = color\r
- points.size = 20\r
+ points.size = size\r
points.style = 'scatter'\r
return dx, unitx, dy, unity\r
+ def _measure_N_points(self, N, message='', whatset=lh.RETRACTION):\r
+ '''\r
+ General helper function for N-points measurements\r
+ By default, measurements are done on the retraction\r
+ '''\r
+ if message != '':\r
+ dialog = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, 'Info', wx.OK)\r
+ dialog.ShowModal()\r
+ figure = self.GetActiveFigure()\r
+ xvector = self.displayed_plot.curves[whatset].x\r
+ yvector = self.displayed_plot.curves[whatset].y\r
+ clicked_points = figure.ginput(N, timeout=-1, show_clicks=True)\r
+ points = []\r
+ for clicked_point in clicked_points:\r
+ point = lh.ClickedPoint()\r
+ point.absolute_coords = clicked_point[0], clicked_point[1]\r
+ point.dest = 0\r
+ #TODO: make this optional?\r
+ #so far, the clicked point is taken, not the corresponding data point\r
+ point.find_graph_coords(xvector, yvector)\r
+ point.is_line_edge = True\r
+ point.is_marker = True\r
+ points.append(point)\r
+ return points\r
def do_plotmanipulators(self):\r
Please select the plotmanipulators you would like to use\r
if curve.style == 'plot':\r
- axes_list[destination].plot(curve.x, curve.y, color=curve.color, label=curve.label, zorder=1)\r
+ axes_list[destination].plot(curve.x, curve.y, color=curve.color, label=curve.label, lw=curve.linewidth, zorder=1)\r
if curve.style == 'scatter':\r
axes_list[destination].scatter(curve.x, curve.y, color=curve.color, label=curve.label, s=curve.size, zorder=2)\r
self.displayed_plot = copy.deepcopy(active_file.plot)\r
#add raw curves to plot\r
self.displayed_plot.raw_curves = copy.deepcopy(self.displayed_plot.curves)\r
- #apply all active plotmanipulators and add the 'manipulated' data\r
- for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:\r
- if self.GetBoolFromConfig('core', 'plotmanipulators', plotmanipulator.name):\r
- self.displayed_plot = plotmanipulator.method(self.displayed_plot, active_file)\r
+ #apply all active plotmanipulators\r
+ self.displayed_plot = self.ApplyPlotmanipulators(self.displayed_plot, active_file)\r
#add corrected curves to plot\r
self.displayed_plot.corrected_curves = copy.deepcopy(self.displayed_plot.curves)\r
#TODO: add multiple results support to fit in curve.results:\r
- #get the fit_function results to display\r
- fit_function_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('results', 'show_results', 'fit_function')\r
+ #display results\r
- plot = self.GetActivePlot()\r
- if plot is not None:\r
- if plot.results.has_key(fit_function_str):\r
- for curve in plot.results[fit_function_str].results:\r
- add_to_plot(curve)\r
- self.panelResults.DisplayResults(plot.results[fit_function_str])\r
- else:\r
- self.panelResults.ClearResults()\r
+ if self.displayed_plot.results.has_key(self.results_str):\r
+ for curve in self.displayed_plot.results[self.results_str].results:\r
+ add_to_plot(curve)\r
+ self.panelResults.DisplayResults(self.displayed_plot.results[self.results_str])\r
+ else:\r
+ self.panelResults.ClearResults()\r
self.color = 'blue'\r
self.destination = Destination()\r
self.label = ''\r
+ self.linewidth = 1\r
self.size = 0.5\r
self.style = 'plot'\r
self.title = ''\r
self.graph_coords=(xvector[self.index], yvector[self.index])
def transposed2(lists, defval=0):
transposes a list of lists, i.e. from [[a,b,c],[x,y,z]] to [[a,x],[b,y],[c,z]] without losing
self.figure = None\r
self.files = []\r
self.generics_dict = {}\r
- self.hidden_attributes = ['curve', 'data', 'driver', 'fits', 'name', 'plots']\r
+ self.hidden_attributes = ['curve', 'data', 'driver', 'fits', 'name', 'plot', 'plots']\r
self.index = -1\r
self.name = None\r
self.path = None\r
def load(self, filename):\r
- loads a playlist file\r
+ Loads a playlist file\r
self.filename = filename\r
self.path, self.name = os.path.split(filename)\r
#rebuild a data structure from the xml attributes\r
#the next two lines are here for backwards compatibility, newer playlist files use 'filename' instead of 'path'\r
if element.hasAttribute('path'):\r
- filename = lib.libhooke.get_file_path(element.getAttribute('path'))\r
+ filename = element.getAttribute('path')\r
if element.hasAttribute('filename'):\r
- filename = lib.libhooke.get_file_path(element.getAttribute('filename'))\r
+ filename = element.getAttribute('filename')\r
if os.path.isfile(filename):\r
data_file = lib.file.File(filename)\r
class Plugin(object):\r
+ '''\r
+ Plugin is a class that is used to facilitate accessing\r
+ configuration parameters in a ConfigObj from different plugins.\r
+ '''\r
def __init__(self):\r
- self.key = ''\r
self.name = ''\r
+ #if the calling plugin uses a prefix, this can be added to the name\r
+ #e.g. autopeak.ini: [[peak_color]]\r
+ #flatfilts.ini [[color]]\r
+ #are both used to set the color of the peak plot (scatter plot)\r
+ #in order to access 'peak_color' rather than 'color', the prefix needs to\r
+ #be set to 'peak_'\r
+ #if the names are identical, set prefix to ''\r
self.prefix = ''\r
+ self.section = ''\r
from numpy import isnan\r
def pretty_format(fValue, sUnit='', iDecimals=-1, iMultiplier=1, bLeadingSpaces=False):\r
- if fValue != 0:\r
- iLeadingSpaces = 0\r
- if bLeadingSpaces:\r
- iLeadingSpaces = 5\r
- if iMultiplier == 1:\r
- iMultiplier=get_multiplier(fValue)\r
- sUnitString = ''\r
- if sUnit != '':\r
- sUnitString = ' ' + get_prefix(iMultiplier) + sUnit\r
- if iDecimals >= 0:\r
- formatString = '% ' + repr(iLeadingSpaces + iDecimals) + '.' + repr(iDecimals) + 'f'\r
- return formatString % (fValue / iMultiplier) + sUnitString\r
- else:\r
- return str(fValue / iMultiplier) + sUnitString\r
- else:\r
+ if fValue == 0:\r
return '0'\r
+ if isnan(fValue):\r
+ return 'NaN'\r
+ iLeadingSpaces = 0\r
+ if bLeadingSpaces:\r
+ iLeadingSpaces = 5\r
+ if iMultiplier == 1:\r
+ iMultiplier=get_multiplier(fValue)\r
+ sUnitString = ''\r
+ if sUnit != '':\r
+ sUnitString = ' ' + get_prefix(iMultiplier) + sUnit\r
+ if iDecimals >= 0:\r
+ formatString = '% ' + repr(iLeadingSpaces + iDecimals) + '.' + repr(iDecimals) + 'f'\r
+ return formatString % (fValue / iMultiplier) + sUnitString\r
+ else:\r
+ return str(fValue / iMultiplier) + sUnitString\r
return str(fValue / iMultiplier) + ' ' + get_prefix(fValue / iMultiplier) + sUnit\r
def get_multiplier(fValue):\r
This program is released under the GNU General Public License version 2.\r
+from numpy import nan\r
import prettyformat\r
import lib.curve\r
def set_multipliers(self, index=0):\r
if self.has_results():\r
- if index >= 0 and index < len(self.results):\r
- for column in self.columns:\r
- #result will contain the results dictionary at 'index'\r
- result = self.results[index][0]\r
- #in position 0 of the result we find the value\r
- self.multipliers[column] = prettyformat.get_multiplier(result[column][0])\r
- self.has_multipliers = True\r
+ for column in self.columns:\r
+ #result will contain the results dictionary at 'index'\r
+ result = self.results[index].result\r
+ #in position 0 of the result we find the value\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = prettyformat.get_multiplier(result[column])\r
+ self.has_multipliers = True\r
self.has_multipliers = False\r
+ def update(self):\r
+ pass\r
class ResultsFJC(Results):\r
def __init__(self):\r
def set_multipliers(self, index=0):\r
if self.has_results():\r
- if index >= 0 and index < len(self.results):\r
- for column in self.columns:\r
- #result will contain the results dictionary at 'index'\r
- result = self.results[index].result\r
- #in position 0 of the result we find the value\r
- if column == 'sigma contour length':\r
- self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Contour length']\r
- elif column == 'sigma Kuhn length':\r
- self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Kuhn length']\r
- else:\r
- self.multipliers[column] = prettyformat.get_multiplier(result[column])\r
- self.has_multipliers = True\r
+ for column in self.columns:\r
+ #result will contain the results dictionary at 'index'\r
+ result = self.results[index].result\r
+ #in position 0 of the result we find the value\r
+ if column == 'sigma contour length':\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Contour length']\r
+ elif column == 'sigma Kuhn length':\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Kuhn length']\r
+ else:\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = prettyformat.get_multiplier(result[column])\r
+ self.has_multipliers = True\r
self.has_multipliers = False\r
+class ResultsMultiDistance(Results):\r
+ def __init__(self):\r
+ Results.__init__(self)\r
+ self.columns = ['Distance']\r
+ self.units['Distance'] = 'm'\r
+ self.set_decimals(2)\r
+ def update(self):\r
+ if (self.results) > 0:\r
+ for result in self.results:\r
+ if result.visible:\r
+ reference_peak = result.x\r
+ break\r
+ for result in self.results:\r
+ if result.visible:\r
+ result.result['Distance'] = reference_peak - result.x\r
+ reference_peak = result.x\r
+ else:\r
+ result.result['Distance'] = nan\r
class ResultsWLC(Results):\r
def __init__(self):\r
def set_multipliers(self, index=0):\r
if self.has_results():\r
- if index >= 0 and index < len(self.results):\r
- for column in self.columns:\r
- #result will contain the results dictionary at 'index'\r
- result = self.results[index].result\r
- #in position 0 of the result we find the value\r
- if column == 'sigma contour length':\r
- self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Contour length']\r
- elif column == 'sigma persistence length':\r
- self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Persistence length']\r
- else:\r
- self.multipliers[column] = prettyformat.get_multiplier(result[column])\r
- self.has_multipliers = True\r
+ for column in self.columns:\r
+ #result will contain the results dictionary at 'index'\r
+ result = self.results[index].result\r
+ #in position 0 of the result we find the value\r
+ if column == 'sigma contour length':\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Contour length']\r
+ elif column == 'sigma persistence length':\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = self.multipliers['Persistence length']\r
+ else:\r
+ self.multipliers[column] = prettyformat.get_multiplier(result[column])\r
+ self.has_multipliers = True\r
self.has_multipliers = False\r
type = enum\r
value = contact point\r
+ [[color]]\r
+ default = black\r
+ type = color\r
+ value = "(255,0,128)"\r
+ \r
default = wlc\r
elements = wlc, fjc, fjcPEG\r
type = boolean\r
value = False\r
- [[peak_color]]\r
- default = black\r
- type = color\r
- value = "(255,128,0)"\r
- \r
- [[peak_show]]\r
- default = False\r
- type = boolean\r
- value = False\r
- \r
- [[peak_size]]\r
- default = 20\r
- maximum = 10000\r
- minimum = 1\r
- type = integer\r
- value = 50\r
- \r
default = 0.35e-9\r
minimum = 0\r
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RankWarning)
-#import config
import lib.plugin
import lib.results
usepoints : fit interval by number of points instead than by nanometers
- noflatten : does not use the "flatten" plot manipulator
- When you first issue the command, it will ask for the filename. If you are giving the filename
- of an existing file, autopeak will resume it and append measurements to it. If you are giving
- a new filename, it will create the file and append to it until you close Hooke.
- Useful variables (to set with SET command):
- ---
- fit_function = type of function to use for elasticity. If "wlc" worm-like chain is used, if "fjc" freely jointed
- chain is used
- temperature= temperature of the system for wlc/fjc fit (in K)
- auto_slope_span = number of points on which measure the slope, for slope
- auto_fit_nm = number of nm to fit before the peak maximum, for WLC/FJC (if usepoints false)
- auto_fit_points = number of points to fit before the peak maximum, for WLC/FJC (if usepoints true)
- baseline_clicks = contact point: no baseline, f=0 at the contact point (whether hand-picked or automatically found)
- automatic: automatic baseline
- 1 point: decide baseline with a single click and length defined in auto_left_baseline
- 2 points: let user click points of baseline
- auto_left_baseline = length in nm to use as baseline from the right point (if baseline_clicks = automatic , 1 point)
- auto_right_baseline = distance in nm of peak-most baseline point from last peak (if baseline_clicks = automatic)
- auto_min_p ; auto_max_p = Minimum and maximum persistence length (if using WLC) or Kuhn length (if using FJC)
- outside of which the peak is automatically discarded (in nm)
+ Configuration
+ -------------
+ apply_plotmanipulators:
+ - all (all selected plotmanipulators will be applied)
+ - flatten (only the flatten plotmanipulator will be applied)
+ - none (no plotmanipulators will be applied)
+ fit_function: type of function to use for elasticity. If "wlc" worm-like chain is used, if "fjc" freely jointed
+ chain is used
+ temperature: temperature of the system for WLC/FJC fit (in K)
+ auto_slope_span: number of points on which measure the slope, for slope
+ auto_fit_nm: number of nm to fit before the peak maximum, for WLC/FJC (if usepoints false)
+ auto_fit_points: number of points to fit before the peak maximum, for WLC/FJC (if usepoints true)
+ baseline_clicks:
+ contact point: no baseline, f=0 at the contact point (whether hand-picked or automatically found)
+ automatic: automatic baseline
+ 1 point: decide baseline with a single click and length defined in auto_left_baseline
+ 2 points: let user click points of baseline
+ auto_left_baseline: length in nm to use as baseline from the right point (if baseline_clicks = automatic , 1 point)
+ auto_right_baseline: distance in nm of peak-most baseline point from last peak (if baseline_clicks = automatic)
+ auto_max_p: Maximum persistence length (if using WLC) or Kuhn length (if using FJC)
+ outside of which the peak is automatically discarded (in nm)
+ auto_min_p: Minimum persistence length (if using WLC) or Kuhn length (if using FJC)
+ outside of which the peak is automatically discarded (in nm)
- #default fit etc. variables
+ #default variables
auto_fit_nm = self.GetFloatFromConfig('autopeak', 'auto_fit_nm')
auto_left_baseline = self.GetFloatFromConfig('autopeak', 'auto_left_baseline')
auto_max_p = self.GetFloatFromConfig('autopeak', 'auto_max_p')
auto_min_p = self.GetFloatFromConfig('autopeak', 'auto_min_p')
auto_right_baseline = self.GetFloatFromConfig('autopeak', 'auto_right_baseline')
baseline_clicks = self.GetStringFromConfig('autopeak', 'baseline_clicks')
+ color = self.GetColorFromConfig('autopeak', 'color')
fit_function = self.GetStringFromConfig('autopeak', 'fit_function')
fit_points = self.GetIntFromConfig('autopeak', 'auto_fit_points')
noauto = self.GetBoolFromConfig('autopeak', 'noauto')
- #noflatten: if true we do not flatten the curve
- noflatten = self.GetBoolFromConfig('autopeak', 'noflatten')
- peak_show = self.GetBoolFromConfig('autopeak', 'peak_show')
persistence_length = self.GetFloatFromConfig('autopeak', 'persistence_length')
#rebase: redefine the baseline
rebase = self.GetBoolFromConfig('autopeak', 'rebase')
forces = []
slopes = []
- #pick up plot
+ #pick up plot and filename
if plot is None:
- plot = copy.deepcopy(self.GetActivePlot())
+ plot = self.GetDisplayedPlotCorrected()
filename = self.GetActiveFile().name
- #apply all active plotmanipulators and add the 'manipulated' data
- for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:
- if self.GetBoolFromConfig('core', 'plotmanipulators', plotmanipulator.name):
- if plotmanipulator.name == 'flatten':
- if not noflatten:
- plot = plotmanipulator.method(plot, self.GetActiveFile())
- else:
- plot = plotmanipulator.method(plot, self.GetActiveFile())
+ TODO: add convfilt option?
#--Using points instead of nm interval
if not usepoints:
fit_points = None
+ extension = plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION]
+ retraction = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION]
#--Contact point arguments
if reclick:
contact_point, contact_point_index = self.pickup_contact_point(filename=filename)
#Automatically find contact point
cindex = self.find_contact_point(plot)
- contact_point = self._clickize(plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION].y, cindex)
+ contact_point = self._clickize(retraction.x, extension.y, cindex)
#peak_size comes from convolution curve
- peak_location, peak_size = self.find_current_peaks(plot=plot, noflatten=noflatten)
+ peak_location, peak_size = self.has_peaks(plot)
if len(peak_location) == 0:
self.AppendToOutput('No peaks to fit.')
#Pick up force baseline
if baseline_clicks == 'contact point':
- avg = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y[contact_point_index]
+ avg = retraction.y[contact_point_index]
- avg = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y[cindex]
+ avg = retraction.y[cindex]
if rebase or (self.basecurrent != filename) or self.basepoints is None:
if baseline_clicks == 'automatic':
self.basepoints = []
- base_index_0 = peak_location[-1] + self.fit_interval_nm(peak_location[-1], plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, auto_right_baseline, False)
- self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y, base_index_0))
- base_index_1 = self.basepoints[0].index + self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, auto_left_baseline, False)
- self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y, base_index_1))
+ base_index_0 = peak_location[-1] + self.fit_interval_nm(peak_location[-1], retraction.x, auto_right_baseline, False)
+ self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(retraction.x, retraction.y, base_index_0))
+ base_index_1 = self.basepoints[0].index + self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, retraction.x, auto_left_baseline, False)
+ self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(retraction.x, retraction.y, base_index_1))
if baseline_clicks == '1 point':
self.basepoints=self._measure_N_points(N=1, message='Click on 1 point to select the baseline.', whatset=whatset)
- base_index_1 = self.basepoints[0].index + self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, auto_left_baseline, False)
- self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y, base_index_1))
+ base_index_1 = self.basepoints[0].index + self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, retraction.x, auto_left_baseline, False)
+ self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(retraction.x, retraction.y, base_index_1))
if baseline_clicks == '2 points':
self.basepoints=self._measure_N_points(N=2, message='Click on 2 points to select the baseline.', whatset=whatset)
if baseline_clicks != 'contact point':
boundaries=[self.basepoints[0].index, self.basepoints[1].index]
- to_average = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y[boundaries[0]:boundaries[1]] #y points to average
+ to_average = retraction.y[boundaries[0]:boundaries[1]] #y points to average
avg = mean(to_average)
self.basecurrent = filename
- x_values = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x
- y_values = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y
for index, peak in enumerate(peak_location):
#define fit interval
if not usepoints:
- fit_points = self.fit_interval_nm(peak, plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x, auto_fit_nm, True)
- peak_point = self._clickize(x_values, y_values, peak)
- other_fit_point=self._clickize(x_values, y_values, peak - fit_points)
+ fit_points = self.fit_interval_nm(peak, retraction.x, auto_fit_nm, True)
+ peak_point = self._clickize(retraction.x, retraction.y, peak)
+ other_fit_point=self._clickize(retraction.x, retraction.y, peak - fit_points)
#points for the fit
points = [contact_point, peak_point, other_fit_point]
if fit_function == 'wlc':
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.wlc_fit(points, x_values, y_values, pl_value, T, return_errors=True)
+ params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.wlc_fit(points, retraction.x, retraction.y, pl_value, T, return_errors=True)
elif fit_function == 'fjc':
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.fjc_fit(points, x_values, y_values, pl_value, T, return_errors=True)
+ params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.fjc_fit(points, retraction.x, retraction.y, pl_value, T, return_errors=True)
elif fit_function == 'fjcPEG':
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.fjcPEG_fit(points, x_values, y_values, pl_value, T, return_errors=True)
+ params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.fjcPEG_fit(points, retraction.x, retraction.y, pl_value, T, return_errors=True)
+ self.results_str = fit_function
#Measure forces
- delta_to_measure = y_values[peak - delta_force:peak + delta_force]
+ delta_to_measure = retraction.y[peak - delta_force:peak + delta_force]
y = min(delta_to_measure)
#save force values (pN)
#Measure slopes
- slope = self.linefit_between(peak - slope_span, peak, whatset=lh.RETRACTION)[0]
+ slope = self.linefit_between(peak - slope_span, peak, whatset=whatset)[0]
#check fitted data and, if right, add peak to the measurement
fit_result = lib.results.Result()
fit_result.result = {}
if len(fit_result.result) > 0:
+ fit_result.color = color
fit_result.label = fit_function + '_' + str(index)
- fit_result.title = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].title
- fit_result.units.x = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].units.x
- fit_result.units.y = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].units.y
+ fit_result.title = retraction.title
+ fit_result.units.x = retraction.units.x
+ fit_result.units.y = retraction.units.y
fit_result.visible = True
fit_result.x = xfit
fit_result.y = yfit
plot = self.GetActivePlot()
plot.results[fit_function] = fit_results
- if peak_show:
- plugin = lib.plugin.Plugin()
- plugin.name = 'autopeak'
- plugin.section = 'autopeak'
- plugin.prefix = 'peak_'
- self.do_peaks(plugin=plugin, peak_location=peak_location, peak_size=peak_size)
- else:
- self.UpdatePlot()
+ self.UpdatePlot()
self.AppendToOutput('No peaks found.')
- def find_current_peaks(self, plot=None, noflatten=True):
- if not noflatten:
- plot_temp = self.plotmanip_flatten(plot, self.GetActiveFile(), customvalue=1)
- peak_location, peak_size = self.has_peaks(plot_temp)
- return peak_location, peak_size
- def fit_interval_nm(self, start_index, x_vect, nm, backwards):
- '''
- Calculates the number of points to fit, given a fit interval in nm
- start_index: index of point
- plot: plot to use
- backwards: if true, finds a point backwards.
- '''
- c = 0
- i = start_index
- maxlen=len(x_vect)
- while abs(x_vect[i] - x_vect[start_index]) * (10**9) < nm:
- if i == 0 or i == maxlen-1: #we reached boundaries of vector!
- return c
- if backwards:
- i -= 1
- else:
- i += 1
- c += 1
- return c
- def pickup_contact_point(self, filename=''):
- '''
- macro to pick up the contact point by clicking
- '''
- contact_point = self._measure_N_points(N=1, message='Please click on the contact point.')[0]
- contact_point_index = contact_point.index
- self.wlccontact_point = contact_point
- self.wlccontact_index = contact_point.index
- self.wlccurrent = filename
- return contact_point, contact_point_index
value = _\r
+ [[append]]\r
+ default = True\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = True\r
+ \r
default = fit export.txt\r
type = filename\r
default = ","\r
type = string\r
value = ", "\r
- \r
def _plug_init(self):
- def do_fits(self):#, ext='', folder='', prefix='', separator=''):
+ def do_fits(self):
- Exports all approach and retraction files in a playlist and
- all fitting results (if available) in a columnar ASCII format.
- Please make sure that the number of points in the fit is smaller
- or equal to the number of points in the approach/retraction.
- For the time being, exports only one set of results (e.g. WLC
- or FJC, not both).
+ Exports all fitting results (if available) in a columnar ASCII format.
ext = self.GetStringFromConfig('export', 'fits', 'ext')
active_file = self.GetActiveFile()
plot = self.GetDisplayedPlot()
- #TODO: fix for multiple results
#add empty columns before adding new results if necessary
if plot is not None:
for results_str, results in plot.results.items():
#add string for Other
active_file = self.GetActiveFile()
- plot = self.GetActivePlot()
- extension = plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION]
- retraction = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION]
+ #create the header from the raw plot (i.e. only the force curve)
+ plot = self.GetDisplayedPlotRaw()
output = []
header_str = ''
for index, curve in enumerate(plot.curves):
+ #TODO: only add labels for original curves (i.e. excluding anything added after the fact)
header_str += curve.label + '_x (' + curve.units.x + ')' + separator + curve.label + '_y (' + curve.units.y + ')'
if index < len(plot.curves) - 1:
header_str += separator
- #TODO: add units
+ #export the displayed plot
+ plot = self.GetDisplayedPlot()
+ extension = plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION]
+ retraction = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION]
for index, row in enumerate(extension.x):
output.append(separator.join([str(extension.x[index]), str(extension.y[index]), str(retraction.x[index]), str(retraction.y[index])]))
- def do_results(self, filename='', separator=''):
+ def do_results(self, append=None, filename='', separator=''):
Exports all visible fit results in a playlist into a delimited text file
+ append: set append to True if you want to append to an existing results file
+ filename: the filename and path of the results file
+ separator: the separator between columns
+ if not append:
+ append = self.GetStringFromConfig('export', 'results', 'append')
if filename == '':
filename = self.GetStringFromConfig('export', 'results', 'filename')
if separator == '':
output_str = ''.join([output_str, line_str, '\n'])
if output_str != '':
output_str = ''.join(['Analysis started ', time.asctime(), '\n', output_str])
- output_file = open(filename, 'w')
+ if append and os.path.isfile(filename):
+ output_file = open(filename,'a')
+ else:
+ output_file = open(filename, 'w')
+ [[apply_plotmanipulators]]\r
+ default = all\r
+ elements = all, flatten, none\r
+ type = enum\r
+ value = all\r
+ \r
default = 20\r
maximum = 10000\r
default = black\r
type = color\r
- value = "(255,0,128)"\r
+ value = "(128,128,128)"\r
default = 20\r
#-----Convolution-based peak recognition and filtering.
#Requires the peakspot.py library
- def has_peaks(self, plot=None):
+ def has_peaks(self, plot=None, plugin=None):
Finds peak position in a force curve.
FIXME: should be moved to peakspot.py
+ #TODO: should this really be moved? this is obviously tied into flatfilts/convfilt
+ #flatfilts.py is where 'has_peaks' belongs
- blindwindow = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'blindwindow')
- #need to convert the string that contains the list into a list
- convolution = eval(self.GetStringFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'convolution'))
- maxcut = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'maxcut')
- mindeviation = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'mindeviation')
- positive = self.GetBoolFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'positive')
- seedouble = self.GetIntFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'seedouble')
- stable = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'stable')
+ if plugin is None:
+ blindwindow = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'blindwindow')
+ #need to convert the string that contains the list into a list
+ convolution = eval(self.GetStringFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'convolution'))
+ maxcut = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'maxcut')
+ mindeviation = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'mindeviation')
+ positive = self.GetBoolFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'positive')
+ seedouble = self.GetIntFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'seedouble')
+ stable = self.GetFloatFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'stable')
+ else:
+ blindwindow = self.GetFloatFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'blindwindow')
+ #need to convert the string that contains the list into a list
+ convolution = eval(self.GetStringFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'convolution'))
+ maxcut = self.GetFloatFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'maxcut')
+ mindeviation = self.GetFloatFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'mindeviation')
+ positive = self.GetBoolFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'positive')
+ seedouble = self.GetIntFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'seedouble')
+ stable = self.GetFloatFromConfig(plugin.name, plugin.section, plugin.prefix + 'stable')
if plot is None:
- plot = self.GetActivePlot()
+ plot = self.GetDisplayedPlotCorrected()
- xret = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x
- yret = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y
+ retraction = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION]
#Calculate convolution
- convoluted = lps.conv_dx(yret, convolution)
+ convoluted = lps.conv_dx(retraction.y, convolution)
#surely cut everything before the contact point
cut_index = self.find_contact_point(plot)
#cut even more, before the blind window
- start_x = xret[cut_index]
+ start_x = retraction.x[cut_index]
blind_index = 0
- for value in xret[cut_index:]:
+ for value in retraction.x[cut_index:]:
if abs((value) - (start_x)) > blindwindow * (10 ** -9):
blind_index += 1
#take the maximum
for i in range(len(peak_location)):
peak = peak_location[i]
- maxpk = min(yret[peak - 10:peak + 10])
- index_maxpk = yret[peak - 10:peak + 10].index(maxpk) + (peak - 10)
+ maxpk = min(retraction.y[peak - 10:peak + 10])
+ index_maxpk = retraction.y[peak - 10:peak + 10].index(maxpk) + (peak - 10)
peak_location[i] = index_maxpk
return peak_location, peak_size
- def exec_has_peaks(self, item):
- '''
- encapsulates has_peaks for the purpose of correctly treating the curve objects in the convfilt loop,
- to avoid memory leaks
- '''
- #TODO: things have changed, check for the memory leak again
- if self.HasPlotmanipulator('plotmanip_flatten'):
- #If flatten is present, use it for better recognition of peaks...
- flat_plot = self.plotmanip_flatten(item.plot, item, customvalue=1)
- peak_location, peak_size = self.has_peaks(flat_plot)
- return peak_location, peak_size
def do_peaks(self, plugin=None, peak_location=None, peak_size=None):
- (flatfilts.py)
- Test command for convolution filter / test.
+ Test command for convolution filter.
Syntax: peaks [deviations]
absolute deviation = number of times the convolution signal is above the noise absolute deviation.
self.AppendToOutput('Found ' + str(len(peak_location)) + peak_str)
if peak_location:
- xplotted_ret = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].x
- yplotted_ret = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y
- xgood = [xplotted_ret[index] for index in peak_location]
- ygood = [yplotted_ret[index] for index in peak_location]
+ retraction = plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION]
peaks = lib.curve.Curve()
peaks.color = color
peaks.size = size
peaks.style = 'scatter'
- peaks.x = xgood
- peaks.y = ygood
+ peaks.title = 'Peaks'
+ peaks.x = [retraction.x[index] for index in peak_location]
+ peaks.y = [retraction.y[index] for index in peak_location]
def do_convfilt(self):
- (flatfilts.py)
Filters out flat (featureless) files of the current playlist,
creating a playlist containing only the files with potential
- Syntax:
- convfilt [min_npks min_deviation]
- min_npks = minmum number of peaks
- (to set the default, see convfilt.conf file; CONVCONF and SETCONF commands)
- min_deviation = minimum signal/noise ratio *in the convolution*
- (to set the default, see convfilt.conf file; CONVCONF and SETCONF commands)
- If called without arguments, it uses default values.
+ min_npks: minmum number of peaks
+ min_deviation: minimum signal/noise ratio *in the convolution*
self.AppendToOutput('Processing playlist...')
self.AppendToOutput('(Please wait)')
+ apply_plotmanipulators = self.GetStringFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'apply_plotmanipulators')
minpeaks = self.GetIntFromConfig('flatfilts', 'convfilt', 'minpeaks')
features = []
playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
file_index += 1
- peak_location, peak_size = self.exec_has_peaks(copy.deepcopy(current_file))
+ plot = self.ApplyPlotmanipulators(current_file.plot, current_file)
+ peak_location, peak_size = self.has_peaks(plot)
number_of_peaks = len(peak_location)
if number_of_peaks != 1:
if number_of_peaks > 0:
current_file.peak_size = peak_size
features.append(file_index - 1)
- #Warn that no flattening had been done.
- if not self.HasPlotmanipulator('plotmanip_flatten'):
- self.AppendToOutput('Flatten manipulator was not found. Processing was done without flattening.')
- self.AppendToOutput('Try to enable it in the configuration file for better results.')
+ #TODO: warn when flatten is not applied?
if not features:
self.AppendToOutput('Found nothing interesting. Check the playlist, could be a bug or criteria could be too stringent.')
- [[show_points]]\r
+ [[color]]\r
+ default = black\r
+ type = color\r
+ value = "(128,0,128)"\r
+ \r
+ [[show]]\r
default = True\r
type = boolean\r
value = True\r
+ [[size]]\r
+ default = 20\r
+ maximum = 10000\r
+ minimum = 1\r
+ type = integer\r
+ value = 100\r
+ \r
default = retraction\r
elements = extension, retraction\r
value = retraction\r
+ [[color]]\r
+ default = black\r
+ type = color\r
+ value = "(0,255,0)"\r
+ \r
+ [[show]]\r
+ default = True\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = False\r
+ \r
+ [[size]]\r
+ default = 20\r
+ maximum = 10000\r
+ minimum = 1\r
+ type = integer\r
+ value = 100\r
+ \r
default = retraction\r
elements = extension, retraction\r
value = retraction\r
+ [[baseline]]\r
+ type = none\r
+ value = 1\r
+ \r
+ [[color]]\r
+ default = black\r
+ type = color\r
+ value = "(255,0,128)"\r
+ \r
default = False\r
type = boolean\r
type = boolean\r
value = False\r
+ [[show]]\r
+ default = True\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = True\r
+ \r
+ [[size]]\r
+ default = 20\r
+ maximum = 10000\r
+ minimum = 1\r
+ type = integer\r
+ value = 50\r
+ \r
default = retraction\r
elements = extension, retraction\r
type = enum\r
value = retraction\r
- \r
- [[baseline]]\r
- type = none\r
- value = 1\r
minimum = 0\r
type = integer\r
value = 60\r
+ \r
+ [[point_color]]\r
+ default = black\r
+ type = color\r
+ value = "(0,255,0)"\r
+ \r
+ [[point_show]]\r
+ default = False\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = False\r
+ \r
+ [[point_size]]\r
+ default = 20\r
+ maximum = 10000\r
+ minimum = 1\r
+ type = integer\r
+ value = 10\r
+ \r
+ [[slope_color]]\r
+ default = black\r
+ type = color\r
+ value = "(255,0,128)"\r
+ \r
+ [[slope_linewidth]]\r
+ default = 1\r
+ maximum = 10000\r
+ minimum = 1\r
+ type = integer\r
+ value = 2\r
+ \r
+ [[slope_show]]\r
+ default = True\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = True\r
+ \r
+ [[whatset]]\r
+ default = retraction\r
+ elements = extension, retraction\r
+ type = enum\r
+ value = retraction\r
import wxversion
+from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
Syntax: distance
- show_points = self.GetBoolFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'distance', 'show_points')
- whatset_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'distance', 'whatset')
- whatset = 'retraction'
- if whatset_str == 'extension':
- whatset = lh.EXTENSION
- if whatset_str == 'retraction':
- whatset = lh.RETRACTION
active_file = self.GetActiveFile()
plot = self.GetActivePlot()
if active_file.driver.experiment == 'clamp':
self.AppendToOutput('You wanted to use zpiezo perhaps?')
- dx, unitx, dy, unity = self._delta(message='Click 2 points to measure the distance.', show=show_points, whatset=whatset)
+ plugin = lib.plugin.Plugin()
+ plugin.name = 'generalvclamp'
+ plugin.section = 'distance'
+ dx, unitx, dy, unity = self._delta(message='Click 2 points to measure the distance.', plugin=plugin)
#TODO: pretty format
self.AppendToOutput(str(dx * (10 ** 9)) + ' nm')
Syntax: force
- whatset_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'force', 'whatset')
- whatset = 'retraction'
- if whatset_str == 'extension':
- whatset = lh.EXTENSION
- if whatset_str == 'retraction':
- whatset = lh.RETRACTION
active_file = self.GetActiveFile()
plot = self.GetActivePlot()
if active_file.driver.experiment == 'clamp':
self.AppendToOutput('This command makes no sense for a force clamp experiment.')
- dx, unitx, dy, unity = self._delta(whatset=whatset, message='Click 2 points to measure the force.')
+ plugin = lib.plugin.Plugin()
+ plugin.name = 'generalvclamp'
+ plugin.section = 'force'
+ dx, unitx, dy, unity = self._delta(message='Click 2 points to measure the force.', plugin=plugin)
#TODO: pretty format
self.AppendToOutput(str(dy * (10 ** 12)) + ' pN')
max: Instead of asking for a point to measure, asks for two points and use
the maximum peak in between
+ color = self.GetColorFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'color')
maxpoint = self.GetBoolFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'max')
rebase = self.GetBoolFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'rebase')
+ show_points = self.GetBoolFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'show_points')
+ size = self.GetIntFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'size')
whatset_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'whatset')
whatset = 'retraction'
if whatset_str == 'extension':
whatset = lh.EXTENSION
if whatset_str == 'retraction':
whatset = lh.RETRACTION
plot = self.GetDisplayedPlotCorrected()
+ clicked_points = []
filename = self.GetActiveFile().name
if rebase or (self.basecurrent != filename):
self.basepoints = self._measure_N_points(N=2, message='Click on 2 points to select the baseline.', whatset=whatset)
self.basecurrent = filename
+ clicked_points = self.basepoints
+ #TODO: maxpoint does not seem to be picking up the 'real' minimum (at least not with test.hkp/default.000)
if maxpoint:
boundpoints = []
points = self._measure_N_points(N=2, message='Click 2 points to select the range for maximum detection.', whatset=whatset)
boundpoints = [points[0].index, points[1].index]
+ clicked_points += points
- y = min(plot.curves[whatset].y[boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]])
+ vector_x = plot.curves[whatset].x[boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]]
+ vector_y = plot.curves[whatset].y[boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]]
+ y = min(vector_y)
+ index = vector_y.index(y)
+ clicked_points += [self._clickize(vector_x, vector_y, index)]
except ValueError:
self.AppendToOutput('Chosen interval not valid. Try picking it again. Did you pick the same point as begin and end of the interval?')
+ return
points = self._measure_N_points(N=1, message='Click on the point to measure.', whatset=whatset)
y = points[0].graph_coords[1]
+ clicked_points += [points[0]]
boundaries = [self.basepoints[0].index, self.basepoints[1].index]
avg = np.mean(to_average)
forcebase = abs(y - avg)
+ if show_points:
+ curve = plot.curves[whatset]
+ for point in clicked_points:
+ points = deepcopy(curve)
+ points.x = point.graph_coords[0]
+ points.y = point.graph_coords[1]
+ points.color = color
+ points.size = size
+ points.style = 'scatter'
+ plot.curves.append(points)
+ self.UpdatePlot(plot)
#TODO: pretty format
self.AppendToOutput(str(forcebase * (10 ** 12)) + ' pN')
def plotmanip_multiplier(self, plot, current, customvalue=False):
- Multiplies all the Y values of an SMFS curve by a value stored in the 'force_multiplier'\r
+ Multiplies all the Y values of an SMFS curve by a value stored in the 'force_multiplier'
configuration variable. Useful for calibrations and other stuff.
force_multiplier = self.GetFloatFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'force_multiplier')
if force_multiplier == 1:
- return plot\r
+ return plot
plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION].y = [element * force_multiplier for element in plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION].y]
plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y = [element * force_multiplier for element in plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y]
- return plot\r
+ return plot
def plotmanip_flatten(self, plot, current, customvalue=0):
fitspan = self.GetIntFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'fitspan')
+ point_color = self.GetColorFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'point_color')
+ point_show = self.GetBoolFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'point_show')
+ point_size = self.GetIntFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'point_size')
+ slope_color = self.GetColorFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'slope_color')
+ slope_linewidth = self.GetIntFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'slope_linewidth')
+ slope_show = self.GetBoolFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'slope', 'slope_show')
+ whatset_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('generalvclamp', 'forcebase', 'whatset')
+ whatset = 'retraction'
+ if whatset_str == 'extension':
+ whatset = lh.EXTENSION
+ if whatset_str == 'retraction':
+ whatset = lh.RETRACTION
# Decides between the two forms of user input
#TODO: add an option 'mode' with options 'chunk' and 'point'
- #TODO: add 'whatset' as option, too
if fitspan == 0:
# Gets the Xs of two clicked points as indexes on the curve curve vector
clickedpoints = []
- points = self._measure_N_points(N=2, message='Click 2 points to select the chunk.', whatset=1)
+ points = self._measure_N_points(N=2, message='Click 2 points to select the chunk.', whatset=whatset)
clickedpoints = [points[0].index, points[1].index]
clickedpoints = []
- points = self._measure_N_points(N=1, message='Click on the leftmost point of the chunk (i.e.usually the peak).', whatset=1)
+ points = self._measure_N_points(N=1, message='Click on the leftmost point of the chunk (i.e.usually the peak).', whatset=whatset)
clickedpoints = [points[0].index - fitspan, points[0].index]
# Calls the function linefit_between
parameters = [0, 0, [], []]
- parameters = self.linefit_between(clickedpoints[0], clickedpoints[1])
+ parameters = self.linefit_between(clickedpoints[0], clickedpoints[1], whatset=whatset)
self.AppendToOutput('Cannot fit. Did you click the same point twice?')
- #add the slope to the plot
- slope = lib.curve.Curve()
- slope.color = 'red'
- slope.label = 'slope'
- slope.style = 'plot'
- slope.x = xtoplot
- slope.y = ytoplot
- #add the clicked points to the plot
- points = lib.curve.Curve()
- points.color = 'black'
- points.label = 'points'
- points.size = 10
- points.style = 'scatter'
- points.x = clickvector_x
- points.y = clickvector_y
- plot.curves.append(slope)
- plot.curves.append(points)
+ if slope_show:
+ #add the slope to the plot
+ slope = lib.curve.Curve()
+ slope.color = slope_color
+ slope.label = 'slope'
+ slope.linewidth = slope_linewidth
+ slope.style = 'plot'
+ slope.x = xtoplot
+ slope.y = ytoplot
+ plot.curves.append(slope)
+ if point_show:
+ #add the clicked points to the plot
+ points = lib.curve.Curve()
+ points.color = point_color
+ points.label = 'points'
+ points.size = point_size
+ points.style = 'scatter'
+ points.x = clickvector_x
+ points.y = clickvector_y
+ plot.curves.append(points)
value = both\r
+ [[centerzero]]\r
+ default = True\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = True\r
+ \r
+ [[correct]]\r
+ default = True\r
+ type = boolean\r
+ value = True\r
+ \r
default = 0\r
maximum = 100\r
minimum = 0\r
type = integer\r
value = 7\r
- \r
- [[correct]]\r
- default = True\r
- type = boolean\r
- value = True\r
def do_derivplot(self):
- (procplots.py plugin)
- Plots the discrete differentiation of the currently displayed force curve retraction
- ---------
- Syntax: derivplot
+ Plots the discrete differentiation of the currently displayed force curve.
column = self.GetIntFromConfig('procplots', 'derivplot', 'column')
row = self.GetIntFromConfig('procplots', 'derivplot', 'row')
+ def do_replot(self):
+ '''
+ Replots the current force curve from scratch eliminating any secondary plots.
+ '''
+ self.UpdatePlot()
def do_subtplot(self):
#use only for force spectroscopy experiments!
if current.driver.experiment != 'smfs':
return plot
if not customvalue:
customvalue = self.GetBoolFromConfig('procplots', 'centerzero')
if not customvalue:
levelapp = float(median(plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION].y))
levelret = float(median(plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y))
- level = (levelapp + levelret)/2
+ level = (levelapp + levelret)/2
plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION].y = [i-level for i in plot.curves[lh.EXTENSION].y]
plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y = [i-level for i in plot.curves[lh.RETRACTION].y]
-# plot.vectors[0][1]=approach
-# plot.vectors[1][1]=retract
return plot
def fft_plot(self, curve, boundaries=[0, -1]):
def do_show_results(self):
- Select which fitting results should be displayed on the plot.
+ Select which type of result should be displayed on the plot.
+ self.results_str = self.GetStringFromConfig('results', 'show_results', 'result_type')