$opt_version = 0;
my %vcs = (
+ bzr => {
+ diff => "bzr diff",
+ status => "bzr status -S .",
+ add => "bzr add",
+ skip => 3,
+ # The same as for hg.
+ regex => qr/^=== \S+ file '\S+\/\S+\/((\S+)\.ebuild)/
+ },
cvs => {
diff => "cvs -f diff -U0",
status => "cvs -fn up",
skip => 6,
regex => qr/^Index: (([^\/]*?)\.ebuild)\s*$/
- svn => {
- diff => "svn diff -N",
- status => "svn status",
- add => "svn add",
- skip => 4,
- regex => qr/^Index: (([^\/]*?)\.ebuild)\s*$/
- },
git => {
diff => "git diff",
status => "git diff-index HEAD --name-status",
# TODO: Write a proper regex :)
regex => qr/diff \-r \S+ \S+\/\S+\/((\S+)\.ebuild)/
+ svn => {
+ diff => "svn diff -N",
+ status => "svn status",
+ add => "svn add",
+ skip => 4,
+ regex => qr/^Index: (([^\/]*?)\.ebuild)\s*$/
+ },
sub usage {
version() if $opt_version;
# Figure out what kind of repo we are in.
+# TODO: we might also check svn/cvs more strict.
if ( -d "CVS" ) {
$vcs = "cvs";
} elsif ( -d '.svn' ) {
# Respect $PATH while looking for git
if (getenv("PATH")) {
foreach my $path ( split(":", getenv("PATH")) ) {
+ if ( -X "$path/bzr" ) {
+ open(BZR, '-|', "${path}/bzr root 2>/dev/null");
+ $vcs = "bzr" if defined(<BZR>);
+ close(BZR);
+ last if $vcs;
+ }
if ( -X "$path/git" ) {
- open(GIT, '-|', "git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null");
+ open(GIT, '-|', "${path}/git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null");
$vcs = "git" if defined(<GIT>);
last if $vcs;
if ( -X "$path/hg" ) {
- open(HG, '-|', "hg root 2>/dev/null");
+ open(HG, '-|', "${path}/hg root 2>/dev/null");
$vcs = "hg" if defined(<HG>);
last if $vcs;
# Figure out what has changed around here
open C, $vcs{$vcs}{status}.' 2>&1 |' or die "Can't run ".$vcs{$vcs}{status}.": $!\n";
while (<C>) {
- if (/^C\s+(\S+)/) {
- if($vcs eq "git") {
- my $filename = $2;
- $filename =~ /\S*\/(\S*)/;
- if( -d $1 ) {
- next;
+ # I don't want mess our existing stuff with the horrible bazaar stuff.
+ # TODO: add stuff for untracked/conflicting files.
+ if ($vcs eq "bzr") {
+ if (/^[\s\+\-]([NDM])\s+(.*)/) {
+ my ($status, $filename) = ($1, $2);
+ # strip category/package/ since everything is relative to the repo root.
+ $filename =~ s/^([^\/]+\/){2}//;
+ # skip empty $filename, e.g. if you add a new package, the first
+ # line would be the package directory app-foo/bar/ but thats stripped above.
+ next if !$filename;
+ # skip directories
+ next if -d $filename;
+ ($actions{$filename} = $status) =~ tr/NDM/+-/d;
+ push(@files, $filename);
+ next;
+ elsif (/^R\s+(\S+) => (\S+)/) {
+ my ($old, $new) = ($1, $2);
+ $old =~ s/^([^\/]+\/){2}//;
+ $new =~ s/^([^\/]+\/){2}//;
+ next if !$old or !$new;
+ next if -d $old or -d $new;
+ $actions{$old} = '-';
+ $actions{$new} = '+';
- push @conflicts, $1;
+ push(@files, $old, $new);
- push @conflicts, $1;
- next;
- } elsif (/^\?\s+(\S+)/) {
+ }
+ if (/^C\s+(\S+)/) {
+ # TODO: The git part here might be unused
if($vcs eq "git") {
- my $filename = $2;
+ my $filename = $1;
$filename =~ /\S*\/(\S*)/;
- if( -d $1 ) {
- next;
- }
+ next if -d $filename;
- push @unknown, $1;
+ push @conflicts, $filename;
- } else {
- push @unknown, $1;
- $actions{$1} = '+';
+ push @conflicts, $1;
- } elsif (/^([ARMD])\s+\+?\s*(\S+)/) {
+ }
+ elsif (/^\?\s+(\S+)/) {
+ push @unknown, $1;
+ $actions{$1} = '?';
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (/^([ARMD])\s+\+?\s*(\S+)/) {
my ($status, $filename) = ($1,$2);
if($vcs eq "git") {
# We assume GNU diff output format here.
# git format: diff --git a/app-doc/repodoc/metadata.xml b/app-doc/repodoc/metadata.xml
elsif (/$vcs{$vcs}{regex}/) {
- my $f = $1;
+ my ($file, $version) = ($1, $2);
if ($vcs eq "git") {
- my $version = $2;
while (<C>) {
last if /^deleted file mode|^index/;
if (/^new file mode/) {
- mypush(@files, $f);
+ mypush(@files, $file);
mypush(@new_versions, $version);
+ if ($vcs eq "bzr") {
+ if (/^=== added file/) {
+ mypush(@files, $file);
+ mypush(@new_versions, $version);
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif(/^=== renamed file '.+\/([^\/]+\.ebuild)' => '.+\/(([^\/]+)\.ebuild)'/) {
+ mypush(@files, $1, $2);
+ mypush(@new_versions, $3);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
# check if more than just copyright date changed.
# skip some lines (vcs dependent)
foreach(1..$vcs{$vcs}{skip}) {
while (<C>) {
last if /^[A-Za-z]/;
if (/^[-+](?!# Copyright)/) {
- mypush(@files, $f);
+ mypush(@files, $file);