Author names may contain commas (e.g. "Red Hat, Inc."), but are
unlikely to contain pipe symbols.
Sometimes files have authors or alterations not recorded in a
project's VCS history. You can use the ``author-hacks`` section to
add authors to a file, and the ``year-hacks`` section to adjust the
-files original year. Author names should be comma-separated. For
+files original year. Author names should be pipe-separated. For
- path/to/file: John Doe <>, Jane Smith <>
+ path/to/file: John Doe <> | Jane Smith <>
path/to/another/file: 2009
for path in parser.options('author-hacks'):
authors = parser.get('author-hacks', path)
author_hacks[tuple(path.split('/'))] = set(
- unicode(a.strip(), encoding) for a in authors.split(','))
+ unicode(a.strip(), encoding) for a in authors.split('|'))
self._author_hacks = author_hacks
if self._vcs is not None:
self._vcs._author_hacks = self._author_hacks