--- /dev/null
+ * comedi/drivers/adv_pci1710.c
+ *
+ * Author: Michal Dobes <majkl@tesnet.cz>
+ *
+ * Thanks to ZhenGang Shang <ZhenGang.Shang@Advantech.com.cn>
+ * for testing and informations.
+ *
+ * hardware driver for Advantech cards:
+ * card: PCI-1710, PCI-1710HG, PCI-1711, PCI-1713, PCI-1720, PCI-1731
+ * driver: pci1710, pci1710hg, pci1711, pci1713, pci1720, pci1731
+ *
+ * Options:
+ * [0] - PCI bus number - if bus number and slot number are 0,
+ * then driver search for first unused card
+ * [1] - PCI slot number
+ *
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/timex.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <linux/comedidev.h>
+#include <8253.h>
+#include <amcc_s5933.h>
+#define ADVANTECH_VENDOR 0x13fe /* Advantech PCI vendor ID */
+#define PCI171x_PARANOIDCHECK /* if defined, then is used code which control correct channel number on every 12 bit sample */
+#undef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+// hardware types of the cards
+#define TYPE_PCI171X 0
+#define TYPE_PCI1713 2
+#define TYPE_PCI1720 3
+#define IORANGE_171x 32
+#define IORANGE_1720 16
+#define PCI171x_AD_DATA 0 /* R: A/D data */
+#define PCI171x_SOFTTRG 0 /* W: soft trigger for A/D */
+#define PCI171x_RANGE 2 /* W: A/D gain/range register */
+#define PCI171x_MUX 4 /* W: A/D multiplexor control */
+#define PCI171x_STATUS 6 /* R: status register */
+#define PCI171x_CONTROL 6 /* W: control register */
+#define PCI171x_CLRINT 8 /* W: clear interrupts request */
+#define PCI171x_CLRFIFO 9 /* W: clear FIFO */
+#define PCI171x_DA1 10 /* W: D/A register */
+#define PCI171x_DA2 12 /* W: D/A register */
+#define PCI171x_DAREF 14 /* W: D/A reference control */
+#define PCI171x_DI 16 /* R: digi inputs */
+#define PCI171x_DO 16 /* R: digi inputs */
+#define PCI171x_CNT0 24 /* R/W: 8254 couter 0 */
+#define PCI171x_CNT1 26 /* R/W: 8254 couter 1 */
+#define PCI171x_CNT2 28 /* R/W: 8254 couter 2 */
+#define PCI171x_CNTCTRL 30 /* W: 8254 counter control */
+// upper bits from status register (PCI171x_STATUS) (lower is same woth control reg)
+#define Status_FE 0x0100 /* 1=FIFO is empty */
+#define Status_FH 0x0200 /* 1=FIFO is half full */
+#define Status_FF 0x0400 /* 1=FIFO is full, fatal error */
+#define Status_IRQ 0x0800 /* 1=IRQ occured */
+// bits from control register (PCI171x_CONTROL)
+#define Control_CNT0 0x0040 /* 1=CNT0 have external source, 0=have internal 100kHz source */
+#define Control_ONEFH 0x0020 /* 1=IRQ on FIFO is half full, 0=every sample */
+#define Control_IRQEN 0x0010 /* 1=enable IRQ */
+#define Control_GATE 0x0008 /* 1=enable external trigger GATE (8254?) */
+#define Control_EXT 0x0004 /* 1=external trigger source */
+#define Control_PACER 0x0002 /* 1=enable internal 8254 trigger source */
+#define Control_SW 0x0001 /* 1=enable software trigger source */
+#define PCI1720_DA0 0 /* W: D/A register 0 */
+#define PCI1720_DA1 2 /* W: D/A register 1 */
+#define PCI1720_DA2 4 /* W: D/A register 2 */
+#define PCI1720_DA3 6 /* W: D/A register 3 */
+#define PCI1720_RANGE 8 /* R/W: D/A range register */
+#define PCI1720_SYNCOUT 9 /* W: D/A synchronized output register */
+#define PCI1720_SYNCONT 15 /* R/W: D/A synchronized control */
+// D/A synchronized control (PCI1720_SYNCONT)
+#define Syncont_SC0 1 /* set synchronous output mode */
+comedi_lrange range_pci1710_3={ 9, {
+ BIP_RANGE(2.5),
+ BIP_RANGE(1.25),
+ BIP_RANGE(0.625),
+ BIP_RANGE(10),
+ UNI_RANGE(10),
+ UNI_RANGE(2.5),
+ UNI_RANGE(1.25)
+ }
+static char range_codes_pci1710_3[]={0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 };
+comedi_lrange range_pci1710hg={ 12, {
+ BIP_RANGE(0.5),
+ BIP_RANGE(0.05),
+ BIP_RANGE(0.005),
+ BIP_RANGE(10),
+ BIP_RANGE(0.1),
+ BIP_RANGE(0.01),
+ UNI_RANGE(10),
+ UNI_RANGE(0.1),
+ UNI_RANGE(0.01)
+ }
+static char range_codes_pci1710hg[]={0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 };
+comedi_lrange range_pci17x1={ 5, {
+ BIP_RANGE(10),
+ BIP_RANGE(2.5),
+ BIP_RANGE(1.25),
+ BIP_RANGE(0.625)
+ }
+static char range_codes_pci17x1[]={0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };
+comedi_lrange range_pci1720={ 4, {
+ UNI_RANGE(10),
+ }
+comedi_lrange range_pci171x_da={ 2, {
+ UNI_RANGE(10),
+ }
+static int pci1710_attach(comedi_device *dev,comedi_devconfig *it);
+static int pci1710_detach(comedi_device *dev);
+static unsigned short pci_list_builded=0; /*=1 list of card is know */
+typedef struct {
+ char *name; // driver name
+ int vendor_id; // PCI vendor a device ID of card
+ int device_id;
+ int iorange; // I/O range len
+ char have_irq; // 1=card support IRQ
+ char cardtype; // 0=1710& co. 2=1713, ...
+ int n_aichan; // num of A/D chans
+ int n_aichand; // num of A/D chans in diff mode
+ int n_aochan; // num of D/A chans
+ int n_dichan; // num of DI chans
+ int n_dochan; // num of DO chans
+ int ai_maxdata; // resolution of A/D
+ int ao_maxdata; // resolution of D/A
+ comedi_lrange *rangelist_ai; // rangelist for A/D
+ char *rangecode_ai; // range codes for programming
+ comedi_lrange *rangelist_ao; // rangelist for D/A
+ unsigned int ai_ns_min; // max sample speed of card v ns
+ unsigned int fifo_half_size; // size of FIFO/2
+} boardtype;
+static boardtype boardtypes[] =
+ {"pci1710", ADVANTECH_VENDOR, 0x1710,
+ IORANGE_171x, 1, TYPE_PCI171X,
+ 16, 8, 2, 16, 16, 0x0fff, 0x0fff,
+ &range_pci1710_3, range_codes_pci1710_3, &range_pci171x_da,
+ 10000, 2048 },
+ {"pci1710hg", ADVANTECH_VENDOR, 0x1710,
+ IORANGE_171x, 1, TYPE_PCI171X,
+ 16, 8, 2, 16, 16, 0x0fff, 0x0fff,
+ &range_pci1710hg, range_codes_pci1710hg, &range_pci171x_da,
+ 10000, 2048 },
+ {"pci1711", ADVANTECH_VENDOR, 0x1711,
+ IORANGE_171x, 1, TYPE_PCI171X,
+ 16, 0, 2, 16, 16, 0x0fff, 0x0fff,
+ &range_pci17x1, range_codes_pci17x1, &range_pci171x_da,
+ 10000, 512 },
+ {"pci1713", ADVANTECH_VENDOR, 0x1713,
+ IORANGE_171x, 1, TYPE_PCI1713,
+ 32,16, 0, 0, 0, 0x0fff, 0x0000,
+ &range_pci17x1, range_codes_pci1710_3, NULL,
+ 10000, 2048 },
+ {"pci1720", ADVANTECH_VENDOR, 0x1720,
+ IORANGE_1720, 0, TYPE_PCI1720,
+ 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0x0000, 0x0fff,
+ NULL, NULL, &range_pci1720,
+ 0, 0 },
+ {"pci1731", ADVANTECH_VENDOR, 0x1731,
+ IORANGE_171x, 1, TYPE_PCI171X,
+ 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, 0x0fff, 0x0000,
+ &range_pci17x1, range_codes_pci17x1, NULL,
+ 10000, 512 },
+#define n_boardtypes (sizeof(boardtypes)/sizeof(boardtype))
+comedi_driver driver_pci1710={
+ driver_name: "adv_pci1710",
+ module: THIS_MODULE,
+ attach: pci1710_attach,
+ detach: pci1710_detach,
+ num_names: n_boardtypes,
+ board_name: boardtypes,
+ offset: sizeof(boardtype),
+typedef struct{
+ char valid; // card is usable
+ char neverending_ai; // we do unlimited AI
+ unsigned int CntrlReg; // Control register
+ unsigned int i8254_osc_base; // frequence of onboard oscilator
+ unsigned int ai_do; // what do AI? 0=nothing, 1 to 4 mode
+ unsigned int ai_act_scan;// how many scans we finished
+ unsigned int ai_act_chan;// actual position in actual scan
+ unsigned int ai_buf_ptr; // data buffer ptr in samples
+ unsigned char ai_eos; // 1=EOS wake up
+ unsigned int act_chanlist[32];// list of scaned channel
+ unsigned char act_chanlist_len;// len of scanlist
+ unsigned char act_chanlist_pos;// actual position in MUX list
+ unsigned char da_ranges; // copy of D/A outpit range register
+ unsigned int ai_scans; // len of scanlist
+ unsigned int ai_n_chan; // how many channels is measured
+ unsigned int *ai_chanlist; // actaul chanlist
+ unsigned int ai_flags; // flaglist
+ unsigned int ai_data_len; // len of data buffer
+ sampl_t *ai_data; // data buffer
+ unsigned int ai_timer1; // timers
+ unsigned int ai_timer2;
+ sampl_t ao_data[4]; // data output buffer
+} pci1710_private;
+#define devpriv ((pci1710_private *)dev->private)
+#define this_board ((boardtype *)dev->board_ptr)
+int check_and_setup_channel_list(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, unsigned int *chanlist, unsigned int n_chan, char check);
+void start_pacer(comedi_device * dev, int mode, unsigned int divisor1, unsigned int divisor2);
+static int pci1710_reset(comedi_device *dev);
+int pci171x_ai_cancel(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s);
+static unsigned int muxonechan[] ={ 0x0000, 0x0101, 0x0202, 0x0303, 0x0404, 0x0505, 0x0606, 0x0707, // used for gain list programming
+ 0x0808, 0x0909, 0x0a0a, 0x0b0b, 0x0c0c, 0x0d0d, 0x0e0e, 0x0f0f,
+ 0x1010, 0x1111, 0x1212, 0x1313, 0x1414, 0x1515, 0x1616, 0x1717,
+ 0x1818, 0x1919, 0x1a1a, 0x1b1b, 0x1c1c, 0x1d1d, 0x1e1e, 0x1f1f};
+static int pci171x_ai_mode0(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+ int timeout,i;
+ unsigned int data;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_mode0(...)\n");
+ devpriv->CntrlReg&=Control_CNT0;
+ devpriv->CntrlReg|=Control_SW; // set software trigger
+ outw(devpriv->CntrlReg, dev->iobase+PCI171x_CONTROL);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+ if (!check_and_setup_channel_list(dev,s,it->chanlist,it->n_chan, 0)) return -EINVAL;
+ if (it->n==0) it->n=1;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 A ST=%4x IO=%x\n",inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS), dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS);
+ for (i=0; i<(it->n_chan*it->n); i++) {
+ outw(0, dev->iobase+PCI171x_SOFTTRG); /* start conversion */
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 B i=%d ST=%4x\n",i,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS));
+ udelay(1);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 C i=%d ST=%4x\n",i,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS));
+ timeout=100;
+ while (timeout--) {
+ if (!(inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS) & Status_FE)) goto conv_finish;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ if (!(timeout%10))
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 D i=%d tm=%d ST=%4x\n",i,timeout,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS));
+ udelay(1);
+ }
+ comedi_error(dev,"A/D mode0 timeout");
+ it->data[i]=0;
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 i=%d ST=%4x DT=%4x to=%d\n",i,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS),inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA),timeout);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END pci171x_ai_mode0(...)\n");
+ return -ETIME;
+ data=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA);
+ if (this_board->cardtype!=TYPE_PCI1713)
+ if ((data & 0xf000)!=devpriv->act_chanlist[i % devpriv->act_chanlist_len]) {
+ comedi_error(dev,"A/D mode0 data droput!");
+ return -ETIME;
+ }
+ it->data[i] = data & 0x0fff;
+ it->data[i] = inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA) & 0x0fff;
+ }
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END pci171x_ai_mode0(...) i=%d\n",i);
+ return i;
+static int pci171x_ao_mode0(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+ int chan,i,range;
+ sampl_t data;
+ for (i=0;i<it->n_chan;i++){
+ data=it->data[i];
+ chan=CR_CHAN(it->chanlist[i]);
+ range=CR_RANGE(it->chanlist[i]);
+ if (chan) {
+ devpriv->da_ranges&=0xfb;
+ devpriv->da_ranges|=(range<<2);
+ outw(devpriv->da_ranges, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DAREF);
+ outw(data, dev->iobase + PCI171x_DA2);
+ devpriv->ao_data[1]=data;
+ } else {
+ devpriv->da_ranges&=0xfe;
+ devpriv->da_ranges|=range;
+ outw(devpriv->da_ranges, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DAREF);
+ outw(data, dev->iobase + PCI171x_DA1);
+ devpriv->ao_data[0]=data;
+ }
+ }
+ return it->n_chan;
+static int pci171x_di_mode0(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+ unsigned int data;
+ int chan;
+ int i;
+ data = inw(dev->iobase + PCI171x_DI);
+ for(i=0;i<it->n_chan;i++) {
+ chan=CR_CHAN(it->chanlist[i]);
+ it->data[i]=(data>>chan)&1;
+ }
+ return it->n_chan;
+static int pci171x_do_mode0(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+ unsigned int mask, data;
+ int chan;
+ int i;
+ data=s->state;
+ for(i=0;i<it->n_chan;i++) {
+// rt_printk("chl=%x dt=%x\n",it->chanlist[i],it->data[i]);
+ chan=CR_CHAN(it->chanlist[i]);
+ mask=(1<<chan);
+ data &= ~mask;
+ if(it->data[i])
+ data |= mask;
+ }
+ outw(data, dev->iobase + PCI171x_DO);
+ s->state = data;
+// rt_printk("do=%x\n",data);
+ return it->n_chan;
+int pci171x_insn_read_ai(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_insn *insn, lsampl_t *data)
+ int n,timeout;
+ unsigned int idata;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_insn_read_ai(...)\n");
+ devpriv->CntrlReg&=Control_CNT0;
+ devpriv->CntrlReg|=Control_SW; // set software trigger
+ outw(devpriv->CntrlReg, dev->iobase+PCI171x_CONTROL);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+ if (!check_and_setup_channel_list(dev,s,&insn->chanspec, 1, 0)) return -EINVAL;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 A ST=%4x IO=%x\n",inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS), dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS);
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++) {
+ outw(0, dev->iobase+PCI171x_SOFTTRG); /* start conversion */
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 B n=%d ST=%4x\n",n,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS));
+ udelay(1);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 C n=%d ST=%4x\n",n,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS));
+ timeout=100;
+ while (timeout--) {
+ if (!(inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS) & Status_FE)) goto conv_finish;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ if (!(timeout%10))
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 D n=%d tm=%d ST=%4x\n",n,timeout,inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS));
+ udelay(1);
+ }
+ comedi_error(dev,"A/D insn timeout");
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+ data[n]=0;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci171x_insn_read_ai(...) n=%d\n",n);
+ return -ETIME;
+ idata=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA);
+ if (this_board->cardtype!=TYPE_PCI1713)
+ if ((idata & 0xf000)!=devpriv->act_chanlist[0]) {
+ comedi_error(dev,"A/D insn data droput!");
+ return -ETIME;
+ }
+ data[n] = idata & 0x0fff;
+ data[n] = inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA) & 0x0fff;
+ }
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci171x_insn_read_ai(...) n=%d\n",n);
+ return n;
+int pci171x_insn_write_ao(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_insn *insn, lsampl_t *data)
+ int n,chan,range,ofs;
+ chan=CR_CHAN(insn->chanspec);
+ range=CR_RANGE(insn->chanspec);
+ if (chan) {
+ devpriv->da_ranges&=0xfb;
+ devpriv->da_ranges|=(range<<2);
+ outw(devpriv->da_ranges, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DAREF);
+ ofs=PCI171x_DA2;
+ } else {
+ devpriv->da_ranges&=0xfe;
+ devpriv->da_ranges|=range;
+ outw(devpriv->da_ranges, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DAREF);
+ ofs=PCI171x_DA1;
+ }
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++)
+ outw(data[n], dev->iobase + ofs);
+ devpriv->ao_data[chan]=data[n];
+ return n;
+int pci171x_insn_read_ao(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_insn *insn, lsampl_t *data)
+ int n,chan;
+ chan=CR_CHAN(insn->chanspec);
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++)
+ data[n]=devpriv->ao_data[chan];
+ return n;
+int pci171x_insn_read_di(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s, comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++) {
+ data[n] = inw(dev->iobase + PCI171x_DI);
+ }
+ return n;
+int pci171x_insn_bits_di(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s, comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+ data[1] = inw(dev->iobase + PCI171x_DI);
+ return 2;
+int pci171x_insn_write_do(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s, comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++) {
+ s->state=data[n]& 0xff;
+ outw(s->state, dev->iobase + PCI171x_DO);
+ }
+ return n;
+int pci171x_insn_read_do(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s, comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++)
+ data[n]=s->state & 0xff;
+ return n;
+int pci171x_insn_bits_do(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s, comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+ if(data[0]){
+ s->state &= ~data[0];
+ s->state |= (data[0]&data[1]);
+ outw(s->state, dev->iobase + PCI171x_DO);
+ }
+ data[1] = inw(dev->iobase + PCI171x_DI);
+ return 2;
+static int pci1720_ao_mode0(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+ int i,rangereg,chan;
+ for (i=0;i<it->n_chan;i++) {
+ chan=CR_CHAN(it->chanlist[i]);
+ rangereg=devpriv->da_ranges & (~(0x03<<(chan<<1)));
+ rangereg|=(CR_RANGE(it->chanlist[i])<<(chan<<1));
+ if (rangereg!=devpriv->da_ranges) {
+ outb(rangereg, dev->iobase+PCI1720_RANGE);
+ devpriv->da_ranges=rangereg;
+ }
+ outw(it->data[i], dev->iobase + PCI1720_DA0+(chan<<1));
+ devpriv->ao_data[chan]=it->data[i];
+ }
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI1720_SYNCOUT); // update outputs
+ return it->n_chan;
+int pci1720_insn_write_ao(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_insn *insn, lsampl_t *data)
+ int n,rangereg,chan;
+ chan=CR_CHAN(insn->chanspec);
+ rangereg=devpriv->da_ranges & (~(0x03<<(chan<<1)));
+ rangereg|=(CR_RANGE(insn->chanspec)<<(chan<<1));
+ if (rangereg!=devpriv->da_ranges) {
+ outb(rangereg, dev->iobase+PCI1720_RANGE);
+ devpriv->da_ranges=rangereg;
+ }
+ for (n=0; n<insn->n; n++) {
+ outw(data[n], dev->iobase+PCI1720_DA0+(chan<<1));
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI1720_SYNCOUT); // update outputs
+ }
+ devpriv->ao_data[chan]=data[n];
+ return n;
+static void interrupt_pci1710_every_sample(void *d)
+ comedi_device *dev = d;
+ comedi_subdevice *s = dev->subdevices + 0;
+ int m;
+ sampl_t sampl;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: interrupt_pci1710_every_sample(...)\n");
+ m=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS);
+ if (m & Status_FE) {
+ rt_printk("comedi%d: A/D FIFO empty (%4x)\n", dev->minor, m);
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_error_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m & Status_FF) {
+ rt_printk("comedi%d: A/D FIFO Full status (Fatal Error!) (%4x)\n", dev->minor, m);
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_error_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT); // clear our INT request
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("FOR ");
+ for (;!(inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS)&Status_FE);) {
+ sampl=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("%04x:",sampl);
+ if (this_board->cardtype!=TYPE_PCI1713)
+ if ((sampl & 0xf000)!=devpriv->act_chanlist[s->async->cur_chan]) {
+ rt_printk("comedi: A/D data dropout: received data from channel %d, expected %d!\n",(sampl & 0xf000)>>12,(devpriv->act_chanlist[s->async->cur_chan] & 0xf000)>>12);
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_error_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ s->cur_trig.data[s->async->buf_int_ptr>>1]=sampl & 0x0fff;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("%8d %2d %8d~",s->async->buf_int_ptr,s->async->cur_chan,s->async->buf_int_count);
+ s->cur_trig.data[s->async->buf_int_ptr>>1]=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA) & 0x0fff;
+ s->async->buf_int_count+=sizeof(sampl_t);
+ s->async->buf_int_ptr+=sizeof(sampl_t);
+ s->async->cur_chan++;
+ if (s->async->buf_int_ptr>=devpriv->ai_data_len) { // buffer rollover
+ s->async->buf_int_ptr = 0;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: EOBUF1 bic %d bip %d buc %d bup %d\n",s->async->buf_int_count,s->async->buf_int_ptr, s->async->buf_user_count, s->async->buf_user_ptr);
+ comedi_eobuf(dev, s);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: EOBUF2\n");
+ }
+ if(s->async->cur_chan>=devpriv->ai_n_chan){ // one scan done
+ s->async->cur_chan=0;
+ devpriv->ai_act_scan++;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: EOS1 bic %d bip %d buc %d bup %d\n",s->async->buf_int_count,s->async->buf_int_ptr, s->async->buf_user_count, s->async->buf_user_ptr);
+ comedi_eos(dev, s);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: EOS2\n");
+ if ((!devpriv->neverending_ai)&&(devpriv->ai_act_scan>=devpriv->ai_scans)) { // all data sampled
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT); // clear our INT request
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: interrupt_pci1710_every_sample(...)\n");
+static int move_block_from_fifo(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,sampl_t *data,int n,int turn)
+ int i,j;
+ int sampl;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: move_block_from_fifo(...,%d,%d)\n",n,turn);
+ j=s->async->cur_chan;
+ for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
+ sampl=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA);
+ if (this_board->cardtype!=TYPE_PCI1713)
+ if ((sampl & 0xf000)!=devpriv->act_chanlist[j]) {
+ rt_printk("comedi%d: A/D FIFO data dropout: received data from channel %d, expected %d! (%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%4x)\n",
+ dev->minor, (sampl & 0xf000)>>12,(devpriv->act_chanlist[j] & 0xf000)>>12, i, j, devpriv->ai_act_scan, n, turn, sampl);
+ s->async->buf_int_count+=i*sizeof(sampl_t);
+ s->async->buf_int_ptr+=i*sizeof(sampl_t);
+ s->async->cur_chan=j;
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_error_done(dev,s);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ *data=sampl & 0x0fff;
+ *data=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_AD_DATA) & 0x0fff;
+ data++;
+ j++;
+ if(j>=devpriv->ai_n_chan){
+ j=0;
+ devpriv->ai_act_scan++;
+ }
+ }
+ s->async->cur_chan=j;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: move_block_from_fifo(...)\n");
+ return 0;
+static void interrupt_pci1710_half_fifo(void *d)
+ comedi_device *dev = d;
+ comedi_subdevice *s = dev->subdevices + 0;
+ int m,samplesinbuf;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: interrupt_pci1710_half_fifo(...)\n");
+ m=inw(dev->iobase+PCI171x_STATUS);
+ if (!(m & Status_FH)) {
+ rt_printk("comedi%d: A/D FIFO not half full! (%4x)\n", dev->minor, m);
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_error_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m & Status_FF) {
+ rt_printk("comedi%d: A/D FIFO Full status (Fatal Error!) (%4x)\n", dev->minor, m);
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_error_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ samplesinbuf=this_board->fifo_half_size;
+ if(s->async->buf_int_ptr+samplesinbuf*sizeof(sampl_t)>=devpriv->ai_data_len){
+ m=(devpriv->ai_data_len-s->async->buf_int_ptr)/sizeof(sampl_t);
+ if (move_block_from_fifo(dev,s,((void *)(s->cur_trig.data))+s->async->buf_int_ptr,m,0))
+ return;
+ s->async->buf_int_count+=m*sizeof(sampl_t);
+ samplesinbuf-=m;
+ s->async->buf_int_ptr=0;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: EOBUF1 bic %d bip %d buc %d bup %d\n",s->async->buf_int_count,s->async->buf_int_ptr, s->async->buf_user_count, s->async->buf_user_ptr);
+ comedi_eobuf(dev,s);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: EOBUF2\n");
+ }
+ if (samplesinbuf) {
+ if (move_block_from_fifo(dev,s,((void *)(s->cur_trig.data))+s->async->buf_int_ptr,samplesinbuf,1))
+ return;
+ s->async->buf_int_count+=samplesinbuf*sizeof(sampl_t);
+ s->async->buf_int_ptr+=samplesinbuf*sizeof(sampl_t);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BUFCHECK1 bic %d bip %d buc %d bup %d\n",s->async->buf_int_count,s->async->buf_int_ptr, s->async->buf_user_count, s->async->buf_user_ptr);
+ comedi_bufcheck(dev,s);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BUFCHECK2\n");
+ }
+ if (!devpriv->neverending_ai)
+ if ( devpriv->ai_act_scan>=devpriv->ai_scans ) { /* all data sampled */
+ pci171x_ai_cancel(dev,s);
+ comedi_done(dev,s);
+ return;
+ }
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT); // clear our INT request
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: interrupt_pci1710_half_fifo(...)\n");
+static void interrupt_service_pci1710(int irq, void *d, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ comedi_device *dev = d;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: interrupt_service_pci1710(%d,...)\n",irq);
+ if (!(inw(dev->iobase + PCI171x_STATUS) & Status_IRQ)) // is this interrupt from our board?
+ return; // no, exit
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: interrupt_service_pci1710() ST: %4x\n",inw(dev->iobase + PCI171x_STATUS));
+ if (devpriv->ai_eos) { // We use FIFO half full INT or not?
+ interrupt_pci1710_every_sample(d);
+ } else {
+ interrupt_pci1710_half_fifo(d);
+ }
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: interrupt_service_pci1710(...)\n");
+static int pci171x_ai_docmd_and_mode(int mode, comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s)
+ unsigned int divisor1, divisor2;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_docmd_and_mode(%d,...)\n",mode);
+ start_pacer(dev, -1, 0, 0); // stop pacer
+ if (!check_and_setup_channel_list(dev, s, devpriv->ai_chanlist, devpriv->ai_n_chan, 0)) return -EINVAL;
+ udelay(1);
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+ devpriv->ai_do=mode;
+ devpriv->ai_act_scan=0;
+ s->async->cur_chan=0;
+ devpriv->ai_buf_ptr=0;
+ devpriv->neverending_ai=0;
+ devpriv->CntrlReg&=Control_CNT0;
+ if ((devpriv->ai_flags & TRIG_WAKE_EOS)) { // don't we want wake up every scan? devpriv->ai_eos=1;
+ devpriv->ai_eos=1;
+ } else {
+ devpriv->CntrlReg|=Control_ONEFH;
+ devpriv->ai_eos=0;
+ }
+ if ((devpriv->ai_scans==0)||(devpriv->ai_scans==-1)) { devpriv->neverending_ai=1; } //well, user want neverending
+ else { devpriv->neverending_ai=0; }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 1:
+ if (devpriv->ai_timer1<this_board->ai_ns_min) devpriv->ai_timer1=this_board->ai_ns_min;
+ devpriv->CntrlReg|=Control_PACER|Control_IRQEN;
+ i8253_cascade_ns_to_timer(devpriv->i8254_osc_base,&divisor1,&divisor2,&devpriv->ai_timer1,devpriv->ai_flags&TRIG_ROUND_MASK);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: OSC base=%u div1=%u div2=%u timer=%u\n",devpriv->i8254_osc_base,divisor1,divisor2,devpriv->ai_timer1);
+ outw(devpriv->CntrlReg, dev->iobase+PCI171x_CONTROL);
+ start_pacer(dev, mode, divisor1, divisor2); // start pacer
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ devpriv->CntrlReg|=Control_EXT|Control_IRQEN;
+ outw(devpriv->CntrlReg, dev->iobase+PCI171x_CONTROL);
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci171x_ai_docmd_and_mode(...)\n");
+ return 0;
+static int pci171x_ai_mode13(int mode, comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+ int ret;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_mode13(%d,...)\n",mode);
+ devpriv->ai_n_chan=it->n_chan;
+ devpriv->ai_chanlist=it->chanlist;
+ devpriv->ai_scans=it->n;
+ devpriv->ai_flags=it->flags;
+ devpriv->ai_data_len=it->data_len;
+ devpriv->ai_data=it->data;
+ devpriv->ai_timer1=it->trigvar;
+ devpriv->ai_timer2=it->trigvar1;
+ ret=pci171x_ai_docmd_and_mode(mode, dev, s);
+ it->trigvar=devpriv->ai_timer1;
+ it->trigvar1=devpriv->ai_timer2;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci171x_ai_mode13(...)\n");
+ return ret;
+static int pci171x_ai_mode1(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: pci171x_ai_mode1(...)\n");
+ return pci171x_ai_mode13(1, dev, s, it);
+static int pci171x_ai_mode3(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, comedi_trig * it)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: pci171x_ai_mode3(...)\n");
+ return pci171x_ai_mode13(3, dev, s, it);
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+void pci171x_cmdtest_out(int e,comedi_cmd *cmd) {
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 e=%d startsrc=%x scansrc=%x convsrc=%x\n",e,cmd->start_src,cmd->scan_begin_src,cmd->convert_src);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 e=%d startarg=%d scanarg=%d convarg=%d\n",e,cmd->start_arg,cmd->scan_begin_arg,cmd->convert_arg);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 e=%d stopsrc=%x scanend=%x\n",e,cmd->stop_src,cmd->scan_end_src);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 e=%d stoparg=%d scanendarg=%d chanlistlen=%d\n",e,cmd->stop_arg,cmd->scan_end_arg,cmd->chanlist_len);
+static int pci171x_ai_cmdtest(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,comedi_cmd *cmd)
+ int err=0;
+ int tmp,divisor1,divisor2;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmdtest(...)\n");
+ pci171x_cmdtest_out(-1, cmd);
+ /* step 1: make sure trigger sources are trivially valid */
+ tmp=cmd->start_src;
+ cmd->start_src &= TRIG_NOW;
+ if(!cmd->start_src || tmp!=cmd->start_src)err++;
+ tmp=cmd->scan_begin_src;
+ cmd->scan_begin_src &= TRIG_FOLLOW;
+ if(!cmd->scan_begin_src || tmp!=cmd->scan_begin_src)err++;
+ tmp=cmd->convert_src;
+ cmd->convert_src &= TRIG_TIMER|TRIG_EXT;
+ if(!cmd->convert_src || tmp!=cmd->convert_src)err++;
+ tmp=cmd->scan_end_src;
+ cmd->scan_end_src &= TRIG_COUNT;
+ if(!cmd->scan_end_src || tmp!=cmd->scan_end_src)err++;
+ tmp=cmd->stop_src;
+ cmd->stop_src &= TRIG_COUNT|TRIG_NONE;
+ if(!cmd->stop_src || tmp!=cmd->stop_src)err++;
+ if(err) {
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ pci171x_cmdtest_out(1, cmd);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmdtest(...) err=%d ret=1\n",err);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* step 2: make sure trigger sources are unique and mutually compatible */
+ if(cmd->start_src!=TRIG_NOW) {
+ cmd->start_src=TRIG_NOW;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->scan_begin_src!=TRIG_FOLLOW) {
+ cmd->scan_begin_src=TRIG_FOLLOW;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->convert_src!=TRIG_TIMER &&
+ cmd->convert_src!=TRIG_EXT) err++;
+ if(cmd->scan_end_src!=TRIG_COUNT) {
+ cmd->scan_end_src=TRIG_COUNT;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->stop_src!=TRIG_NONE &&
+ cmd->stop_src!=TRIG_COUNT) err++;
+ if(err) {
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ pci171x_cmdtest_out(2, cmd);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmdtest(...) err=%d ret=2\n",err);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* step 3: make sure arguments are trivially compatible */
+ if(cmd->start_arg!=0){
+ cmd->start_arg=0;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->scan_begin_arg!=0){
+ cmd->scan_begin_arg=0;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->convert_src==TRIG_TIMER){
+ if(cmd->convert_arg<this_board->ai_ns_min){
+ cmd->convert_arg=this_board->ai_ns_min;
+ err++;
+ }
+ } else { /* TRIG_FOLLOW */
+ if(cmd->convert_arg!=0){
+ cmd->convert_arg=0;
+ err++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!cmd->chanlist_len){
+ cmd->chanlist_len=1;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->chanlist_len>this_board->n_aichan){
+ cmd->chanlist_len=this_board->n_aichan;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->scan_end_arg!=cmd->chanlist_len){
+ cmd->scan_end_arg=cmd->chanlist_len;
+ err++;
+ }
+ if(cmd->stop_src==TRIG_COUNT){
+ if(!cmd->stop_arg){
+ cmd->stop_arg=1;
+ err++;
+ }
+ } else { /* TRIG_NONE */
+ if(cmd->stop_arg!=0){
+ cmd->stop_arg=0;
+ err++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(err) {
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ pci171x_cmdtest_out(3, cmd);
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmdtest(...) err=%d ret=3\n",err);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ /* step 4: fix up any arguments */
+ if(cmd->convert_src==TRIG_TIMER){
+ tmp=cmd->convert_arg;
+ i8253_cascade_ns_to_timer(devpriv->i8254_osc_base,&divisor1,&divisor2,&cmd->convert_arg,cmd->flags&TRIG_ROUND_MASK);
+ if(cmd->convert_arg<this_board->ai_ns_min)
+ cmd->convert_arg=this_board->ai_ns_min;
+ if(tmp!=cmd->convert_arg)err++;
+ }
+ if (cmd->chanlist)
+ if (!check_and_setup_channel_list(dev, s, cmd->chanlist, cmd->chanlist_len, 1)) return 5; // incorrect channels list
+ if(err) {
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmdtest(...) err=%d ret=4\n",err);
+ return 4;
+ }
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmdtest(...) ret=0\n");
+ return 0;
+static int pci171x_ai_cmd(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s)
+ comedi_cmd *cmd=&s->async->cmd;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cmd(...)\n");
+ devpriv->ai_n_chan=cmd->chanlist_len;
+ devpriv->ai_chanlist=cmd->chanlist;
+ devpriv->ai_flags=cmd->flags;
+ devpriv->ai_data_len=cmd->data_len;
+ devpriv->ai_data=cmd->data;
+ devpriv->ai_timer1=0;
+ devpriv->ai_timer2=0;
+ if (cmd->stop_src==TRIG_COUNT) { devpriv->ai_scans=cmd->stop_arg; }
+ else { devpriv->ai_scans=0; }
+ if(cmd->scan_begin_src==TRIG_FOLLOW){ // mode 1 or 3
+ if (cmd->convert_src==TRIG_TIMER) { // mode 1
+ devpriv->ai_timer1=cmd->convert_arg;
+ return pci171x_ai_docmd_and_mode(1,dev,s);
+ }
+ if (cmd->convert_src==TRIG_EXT) { // mode 3
+ return pci171x_ai_docmd_and_mode(3,dev,s);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Check if channel list from user is builded correctly
+ If it's ok, then program scan/gain logic.
+ This works for all cards.
+int check_and_setup_channel_list(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s, unsigned int *chanlist, unsigned int n_chan, char check)
+ unsigned int chansegment[32];
+ unsigned int i, nowmustbechan, seglen, segpos,range,chanprog;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: check_and_setup_channel_list(...,%d)\n",n_chan);
+ /* correct channel and range number check itself comedi/range.c */
+ if (n_chan<1) {
+ if (!check) comedi_error(dev,"range/channel list is empty!");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (n_chan > 1) {
+ chansegment[0]=chanlist[0]; // first channel is everytime ok
+ for (i=1, seglen=1; i<n_chan; i++, seglen++) { // build part of chanlist
+ // rt_printk("%d. %d %d\n",i,CR_CHAN(chanlist[i]),CR_RANGE(chanlist[i]));
+ if (chanlist[0]==chanlist[i]) break; // we detect loop, this must by finish
+ if (CR_CHAN(chanlist[i]) & 1) // odd channel cann't by differencial
+ if (CR_AREF(chanlist[i])==AREF_DIFF) {
+ if (!check) rt_printk("comedi%d: adv_pci171x: Odd channel cann't be differencial input!\n", dev->minor);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ nowmustbechan=(CR_CHAN(chansegment[i-1])+1) % s->n_chan;
+ if (CR_AREF(chansegment[i-1])==AREF_DIFF)
+ nowmustbechan=(nowmustbechan+1) % s->n_chan;
+ if (nowmustbechan!=CR_CHAN(chanlist[i])) { // channel list isn't continous :-(
+ if (!check) rt_printk("comedi%d: adv_pci171x: channel list must be continous! chanlist[%i]=%d but must be %d or %d!\n",
+ dev->minor,i,CR_CHAN(chanlist[i]),nowmustbechan,CR_CHAN(chanlist[0]) );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ chansegment[i]=chanlist[i]; // well, this is next correct channel in list
+ }
+ for (i=0, segpos=0; i<n_chan; i++) { // check whole chanlist
+ //rt_printk("%d %d=%d %d\n",CR_CHAN(chansegment[i%seglen]),CR_RANGE(chansegment[i%seglen]),CR_CHAN(chanlist[i]),CR_RANGE(chanlist[i]));
+ if (chanlist[i]!=chansegment[i%seglen]) {
+ if (!check) rt_printk("comedi%d: adv_pci171x: bad channel, reference or range number! chanlist[%i]=%d,%d,%d and not %d,%d,%d!\n",
+ dev->minor,i,CR_CHAN(chansegment[i]),CR_RANGE(chansegment[i]),CR_AREF(chansegment[i]),CR_CHAN(chanlist[i%seglen]),CR_RANGE(chanlist[i%seglen]),CR_AREF(chansegment[i%seglen]));
+ return 0; // chan/gain list is strange
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ seglen=1;
+ }
+ if (check) return 1;
+ devpriv->act_chanlist_len=seglen;
+ devpriv->act_chanlist_pos=0;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("SegLen: %d\n", seglen);
+ for (i=0; i<seglen; i++) { // store range list to card
+ chanprog=muxonechan[CR_CHAN(chanlist[i])];
+ outw(chanprog, dev->iobase+PCI171x_MUX); /* select channel */
+ range=this_board->rangecode_ai[CR_RANGE(chanlist[i])];
+ if (CR_AREF(chanlist[i])==AREF_DIFF) range|=0x0020;
+ outw(range, dev->iobase+PCI171x_RANGE); /* select gain */
+ devpriv->act_chanlist[i]=(CR_CHAN(chanlist[i])<<12) & 0xf000;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("GS: %2d. [%4x]=%4x %4x\n", i, chanprog, range, devpriv->act_chanlist[i]);
+ }
+ udelay(1);
+ outw(CR_CHAN(chanlist[0]) | (CR_CHAN(chanlist[seglen-1]) << 8) , dev->iobase+PCI171x_MUX); /* select channel interval to scan */
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("MUX: %4x L%4x.H%4x\n", CR_CHAN(chanlist[0]) | (CR_CHAN(chanlist[seglen-1]) << 8), CR_CHAN(chanlist[0]), CR_CHAN(chanlist[seglen-1]));
+ return 1; // we can serve this with MUX logic
+void start_pacer(comedi_device * dev, int mode, unsigned int divisor1, unsigned int divisor2)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: start_pacer(%d,%u,%u)\n",mode,divisor1,divisor2);
+ outw(0xb4, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNTCTRL);
+ outw(0x74, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNTCTRL);
+ udelay(1);
+ if (mode==1) {
+ outw(divisor2 & 0xff, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNT2);
+ outw((divisor2 >> 8) & 0xff, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNT2);
+ outw(divisor1 & 0xff, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNT1);
+ outw((divisor1 >> 8) & 0xff, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNT1);
+ }
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: start_pacer(...)\n");
+int pci171x_ai_cancel(comedi_device * dev, comedi_subdevice * s)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_ai_cancel(...)\n");
+ switch (this_board->cardtype) {
+ default:
+ devpriv->CntrlReg&=Control_CNT0;
+ devpriv->CntrlReg|=Control_SW;
+ outw(devpriv->CntrlReg, dev->iobase+PCI171x_CONTROL); // reset any operations
+ start_pacer(dev,-1,0,0);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO);
+ outb(0,dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT);
+ break;
+ }
+ devpriv->ai_do=0;
+ devpriv->ai_act_scan=0;
+ s->async->cur_chan=0;
+ devpriv->ai_buf_ptr=0;
+ devpriv->neverending_ai=0;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci171x_ai_cancel(...)\n");
+ return 0;
+static int pci171x_reset(comedi_device *dev)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci171x_reset(...)\n");
+ outw(0x30, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CNTCTRL);
+ devpriv->CntrlReg=Control_SW; // Software trigger, CNT0=100kHz
+ outw(devpriv->CntrlReg, dev->iobase+PCI171x_CONTROL); // reset any operations
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO); // clear FIFO
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT); // clear INT request
+ start_pacer(dev,-1,0,0); // stop 8254
+ devpriv->da_ranges=0;
+ if (this_board->n_aochan) {
+ outb(devpriv->da_ranges, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DAREF); // set DACs to 0..5V
+ outw(0, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DA1); // set DA outputs to 0V
+ devpriv->ao_data[0]=0x0000;
+ if (this_board->n_aochan>1) {
+ outw(0, dev->iobase+PCI171x_DA2);
+ devpriv->ao_data[1]=0x0000;
+ }
+ }
+ outw(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_DO); // digital outputs to 0
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRFIFO); // clear FIFO
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI171x_CLRINT); // clear INT request
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci171x_reset(...)\n");
+ return 0;
+static int pci1720_reset(comedi_device *dev)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci1720_reset(...)\n");
+ outb(Syncont_SC0, dev->iobase + PCI1720_SYNCONT); // set synchronous output mode
+ devpriv->da_ranges=0xAA;
+ outb(devpriv->da_ranges, dev->iobase + PCI1720_RANGE); // set all ranges to +/-5V
+ outw(0x0800, dev->iobase + PCI1720_DA0); // set outputs to 0V
+ outw(0x0800, dev->iobase + PCI1720_DA1);
+ outw(0x0800, dev->iobase + PCI1720_DA2);
+ outw(0x0800, dev->iobase + PCI1720_DA3);
+ outb(0, dev->iobase + PCI1720_SYNCOUT); // update outputs
+ devpriv->ao_data[0]=0x0800; devpriv->ao_data[1]=0x0800;
+ devpriv->ao_data[2]=0x0800; devpriv->ao_data[3]=0x0800;
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci1720_reset(...)\n");
+ return 0;
+static int pci1710_reset(comedi_device *dev)
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: BGN: pci1710_reset(...)\n");
+ switch (this_board->cardtype) {
+ case TYPE_PCI1720:
+ return pci1720_reset(dev);
+ default:
+ return pci171x_reset(dev);
+ }
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ rt_printk("adv_pci1710 EDBG: END: pci1710_reset(...)\n");
+static int pci1710_attach(comedi_device *dev,comedi_devconfig *it)
+ comedi_subdevice *s;
+ int ret,subdev;
+ unsigned short io_addr[5],master,irq;
+ struct pcilst_struct *card=NULL;
+ unsigned int iobase;
+ unsigned char pci_bus,pci_slot,pci_func;
+ if (!pci_list_builded) {
+ pci_card_list_init(ADVANTECH_VENDOR,
+#ifdef PCI171X_EXTDEBUG
+ 1);
+ 0);
+ pci_list_builded=1;
+ }
+ rt_printk("comedi%d: adv_pci1710: board=%s",dev->minor,this_board->name);
+ if ((card=select_and_alloc_pci_card(ADVANTECH_VENDOR, this_board->device_id, it->options[0], it->options[1]))==NULL)
+ return -EIO;
+ if ((pci_card_data(card,&pci_bus,&pci_slot,&pci_func,
+ &io_addr[0],&irq,&master))<0) {
+ pci_card_free(card);
+ rt_printk(" - Can't get configuration data!\n");
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ iobase=io_addr[2];
+ rt_printk(", b:s:f=%d:%d:%d, io=0x%4x",pci_bus,pci_slot,pci_func,iobase);
+ if (check_region(iobase, this_board->iorange) < 0) {
+ pci_card_free(card);
+ rt_printk("I/O port conflict\n");
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ dev->iobase=iobase;
+ request_region(dev->iobase, this_board->iorange, "Advantech PCI-1710");
+ dev->board_name = this_board->name;
+ if((ret=alloc_private(dev,sizeof(pci1710_private)))<0) {
+ release_region(dev->iobase, this_board->iorange);
+ pci_card_free(card);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ dev->n_subdevices = 0;
+ if (this_board->n_aichan) dev->n_subdevices++;
+ if (this_board->n_aochan) dev->n_subdevices++;
+ if (this_board->n_dichan) dev->n_subdevices++;
+ if (this_board->n_dochan) dev->n_subdevices++;
+ if((ret=alloc_subdevices(dev))<0) {
+ release_region(dev->iobase, this_board->iorange);
+ pci_card_free(card);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (this_board->have_irq) {
+ if (irq) {
+ if (comedi_request_irq(irq, interrupt_service_pci1710, SA_SHIRQ, "Advantech PCI-1710", dev)) {
+ rt_printk(", unable to allocate IRQ %d, DISABLING IT", irq);
+ irq=0; /* Can't use IRQ */
+ } else {
+ rt_printk(", irq=%d", irq);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rt_printk(", IRQ disabled");
+ }
+ } else {
+ irq=0;
+ }
+ dev->irq = irq;
+ printk(".\n");
+ subdev=0;
+ if (this_board->n_aichan) {
+ s = dev->subdevices + subdev;
+ dev->read_subdev = s;
+ s->type = COMEDI_SUBD_AI;
+ if (this_board->n_aichand) s->subdev_flags |= SDF_DIFF;
+ s->n_chan = this_board->n_aichan;
+ s->maxdata = this_board->ai_maxdata;
+ s->len_chanlist = this_board->n_aichan;
+ s->range_table = this_board->rangelist_ai;
+ s->cancel=pci171x_ai_cancel;
+ s->trig[0] = pci171x_ai_mode0;
+ s->insn_read=pci171x_insn_read_ai;
+ if (irq) {
+ s->trig[1] = pci171x_ai_mode1;
+ s->trig[3] = pci171x_ai_mode3;
+ s->do_cmdtest=pci171x_ai_cmdtest;
+ s->do_cmd=pci171x_ai_cmd;
+ }
+ devpriv->i8254_osc_base=100; // 100ns=10MHz
+ subdev++;
+ }
+ if (this_board->n_aochan) {
+ s = dev->subdevices + subdev;
+ s->type = COMEDI_SUBD_AO;
+ s->n_chan = this_board->n_aochan;
+ s->maxdata = this_board->ao_maxdata;
+ s->len_chanlist = this_board->n_aochan;
+ s->range_table = this_board->rangelist_ao;
+ switch (this_board->cardtype) {
+ case TYPE_PCI1720:
+ s->trig[0] = pci1720_ao_mode0;
+ s->insn_write=pci1720_insn_write_ao;
+ break;
+ default:
+ s->trig[0] = pci171x_ao_mode0;
+ s->insn_write=pci171x_insn_write_ao;
+ break;
+ }
+ s->insn_read=pci171x_insn_read_ao;
+ subdev++;
+ }
+ if (this_board->n_dichan) {
+ s = dev->subdevices + subdev;
+ s->type = COMEDI_SUBD_DI;
+ s->n_chan = this_board->n_dichan;
+ s->maxdata = 1;
+ s->len_chanlist = this_board->n_dichan;
+ s->range_table = &range_digital;
+ s->trig[0] = pci171x_di_mode0;
+ s->io_bits=0; /* all bits input */
+ s->insn_read=pci171x_insn_read_di;
+ s->insn_bits=pci171x_insn_bits_di;
+ subdev++;
+ }
+ if (this_board->n_dochan) {
+ s = dev->subdevices + subdev;
+ s->type = COMEDI_SUBD_DO;
+ s->n_chan = this_board->n_dochan;
+ s->maxdata = 1;
+ s->len_chanlist = this_board->n_dochan;
+ s->range_table = &range_digital;
+ s->trig[0] = pci171x_do_mode0;
+ s->io_bits=(1 << this_board->n_dochan)-1; /* all bits output */
+ s->state=0;
+ s->insn_read=pci171x_insn_read_do;
+ s->insn_write=pci171x_insn_write_do;
+ s->insn_bits=pci171x_insn_bits_do;
+ subdev++;
+ }
+// XXX There is unused counter 0 from onboard 82C54. Well, one user counter/timer?
+ devpriv->valid=1;
+ pci1710_reset(dev);
+ return 0;
+static int pci1710_detach(comedi_device *dev)
+ if (dev->private)
+ if (devpriv->valid) pci1710_reset(dev);
+ if (dev->irq) free_irq(dev->irq,dev);
+ if (dev->iobase) release_region(dev->iobase,this_board->iorange);
+ if (pci_list_builded) {
+ pci_card_list_cleanup(ADVANTECH_VENDOR);
+ pci_list_builded=0;
+ }
+ return 0;