--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+import sys
+import select
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, mswindows
+from threading import Thread
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA."""
+COPYRIGHT_TAG='-xyz-COPYRIGHT-zyx-' # unlikely to occur in the wild :p
+ ['Ben Finney <benf@cybersource.com.au>',
+ 'Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au>',
+ 'John Doe <jdoe@example.com>'],
+ ['Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>',
+ 'Chris Ball <cjb@thunk.printf.net>'],
+ ['Gianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>',
+ 'gian <gian@li82-39>',
+ 'gianluca <gian@galactica>'],
+ ['W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>',
+ 'wking <wking@mjolnir>'],
+ [None,
+ 'j^ <j@oil21.org>'],
+ ]
+ ['Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.',
+ 'Aaron Bentley <abentley@panoramicfeedback.com>'],
+ ]
+ ['Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.',
+ 'Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley@utoronto.ca>',]
+ ]
+IGNORED_PATHS = ['./.be/', './.bzr/', './build/']
+IGNORED_FILES = ['COPYING', 'update_copyright.py', 'catmutt']
+class Pipe (object):
+ """
+ Simple interface for executing POSIX-style pipes based on the
+ subprocess module. The only complication is the adaptation of
+ subprocess.Popen._comminucate to listen to the stderrs of all
+ processes involved in the pipe, as well as the terminal process'
+ stdout. There are two implementations of Pipe._communicate, one
+ for MS Windows, and one for POSIX systems. The MS Windows
+ implementation is currently untested.
+ >>> p = Pipe([['find', '/etc/'], ['grep', '^/etc/ssh$']])
+ >>> p.stdout
+ '/etc/ssh\\n'
+ >>> p.status
+ 1
+ >>> p.statuses
+ [1, 0]
+ >>> p.stderrs # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ["find: `...': Permission denied\\n...", '']
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cmds, stdin=None):
+ # spawn processes
+ self._procs = []
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ if len(self._procs) != 0:
+ stdin = self._procs[-1].stdout
+ self._procs.append(Popen(cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE))
+ self.stdout,self.stderrs = self._communicate(input=None)
+ # collect process statuses
+ self.statuses = []
+ self.status = 0
+ for proc in self._procs:
+ self.statuses.append(proc.wait())
+ if self.statuses[-1] != 0:
+ self.status = self.statuses[-1]
+ # Code excerpted from subprocess.Popen._communicate()
+ if mswindows == True:
+ def _communicate(self, input=None):
+ assert input == None, "stdin != None not yet supported"
+ # listen to each process' stderr
+ threads = []
+ std_X_arrays = []
+ for proc in self._procs:
+ stderr_array = []
+ thread = Thread(target=proc._readerthread,
+ args=(proc.stderr, stderr_array))
+ thread.setDaemon(True)
+ thread.start()
+ threads.append(thread)
+ std_X_arrays.append(stderr_array)
+ # also listen to the last processes stdout
+ stdout_array = []
+ thread = Thread(target=proc._readerthread,
+ args=(proc.stdout, stdout_array))
+ thread.setDaemon(True)
+ thread.start()
+ threads.append(thread)
+ std_X_arrays.append(stdout_array)
+ # join threads as they die
+ for thread in threads:
+ thread.join()
+ # read output from reader threads
+ std_X_strings = []
+ for std_X_array in std_X_arrays:
+ std_X_strings.append(std_X_array[0])
+ stdout = std_X_strings.pop(-1)
+ stderrs = std_X_strings
+ return (stdout, stderrs)
+ else: # POSIX
+ def _communicate(self, input=None):
+ read_set = []
+ write_set = []
+ read_arrays = []
+ stdout = None # Return
+ stderr = None # Return
+ if self._procs[0].stdin:
+ # Flush stdio buffer. This might block, if the user has
+ # been writing to .stdin in an uncontrolled fashion.
+ self._procs[0].stdin.flush()
+ if input:
+ write_set.append(self._procs[0].stdin)
+ else:
+ self._procs[0].stdin.close()
+ for proc in self._procs:
+ read_set.append(proc.stderr)
+ read_arrays.append([])
+ read_set.append(self._procs[-1].stdout)
+ read_arrays.append([])
+ input_offset = 0
+ while read_set or write_set:
+ try:
+ rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select(read_set, write_set, [])
+ except select.error, e:
+ if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR:
+ continue
+ raise
+ if self._procs[0].stdin in wlist:
+ # When select has indicated that the file is writable,
+ # we can write up to PIPE_BUF bytes without risk
+ # blocking. POSIX defines PIPE_BUF >= 512
+ chunk = input[input_offset : input_offset + 512]
+ bytes_written = os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), chunk)
+ input_offset += bytes_written
+ if input_offset >= len(input):
+ self._procs[0].stdin.close()
+ write_set.remove(self._procs[0].stdin)
+ if self._procs[-1].stdout in rlist:
+ data = os.read(self._procs[-1].stdout.fileno(), 1024)
+ if data == "":
+ self._procs[-1].stdout.close()
+ read_set.remove(self._procs[-1].stdout)
+ read_arrays[-1].append(data)
+ for i,proc in enumerate(self._procs):
+ if proc.stderr in rlist:
+ data = os.read(proc.stderr.fileno(), 1024)
+ if data == "":
+ proc.stderr.close()
+ read_set.remove(proc.stderr)
+ read_arrays[i].append(data)
+ # All data exchanged. Translate lists into strings.
+ read_strings = []
+ for read_array in read_arrays:
+ read_strings.append(''.join(read_array))
+ stdout = read_strings.pop(-1)
+ stderrs = read_strings
+ return (stdout, stderrs)
+def _strip_email(*args):
+ """
+ >>> _strip_email('J Doe <jdoe@a.com>')
+ ['J Doe']
+ >>> _strip_email('J Doe <jdoe@a.com>', 'JJJ Smith <jjjs@a.com>')
+ ['J Doe', 'JJJ Smith']
+ """
+ args = list(args)
+ for i,arg in enumerate(args):
+ if arg == None:
+ continue
+ index = arg.find('<')
+ if index > 0:
+ args[i] = arg[:index].rstrip()
+ return args
+def _replace_aliases(authors, with_email=True, aliases=None,
+ excludes=None):
+ """
+ >>> aliases = [['J Doe and C, Inc.', 'J Doe <jdoe@c.com>'],
+ ... ['J Doe <jdoe@a.com>', 'Johnny <jdoe@b.edu>'],
+ ... ['JJJ Smith <jjjs@a.com>', 'Jingly <jjjs@b.edu>'],
+ ... [None, 'Anonymous <a@a.com>']]
+ >>> excludes = [['J Doe and C, Inc.', 'J Doe <jdoe@a.com>']]
+ >>> _replace_aliases(['JJJ Smith <jjjs@a.com>', 'Johnny <jdoe@b.edu>',
+ ... 'Jingly <jjjs@b.edu>', 'Anonymous <a@a.com>'],
+ ... with_email=True, aliases=aliases, excludes=excludes)
+ ['J Doe <jdoe@a.com>', 'JJJ Smith <jjjs@a.com>']
+ >>> _replace_aliases(['JJJ Smith', 'Johnny', 'Jingly', 'Anonymous'],
+ ... with_email=False, aliases=aliases, excludes=excludes)
+ ['J Doe', 'JJJ Smith']
+ >>> _replace_aliases(['JJJ Smith <jjjs@a.com>', 'Johnny <jdoe@b.edu>',
+ ... 'Jingly <jjjs@b.edu>', 'J Doe <jdoe@c.com>'],
+ ... with_email=True, aliases=aliases, excludes=excludes)
+ ['J Doe and C, Inc.', 'JJJ Smith <jjjs@a.com>']
+ """
+ if aliases == None:
+ aliases = ALIASES
+ if excludes == None:
+ excludes = EXCLUDES
+ if with_email == False:
+ aliases = [_strip_email(*alias) for alias in aliases]
+ exclude = [_strip_email(*exclude) for exclude in excludes]
+ for i,author in enumerate(authors):
+ for alias in aliases:
+ if author in alias[1:]:
+ authors[i] = alias[0]
+ break
+ for i,author in enumerate(authors):
+ for exclude in excludes:
+ if author in exclude[1:] and exclude[0] in authors:
+ authors[i] = None
+ authors = sorted(set(authors))
+ if None in authors:
+ authors.remove(None)
+ return authors
+def authors_list():
+ p = Pipe([['bzr', 'log', '-n0'],
+ ['grep', '^ *committer\|^ *author'],
+ ['cut', '-d:', '-f2'],
+ ['sed', 's/ <.*//;s/^ *//'],
+ ['sort'],
+ ['uniq']])
+ assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ authors = p.stdout.rstrip().split('\n')
+ return _replace_aliases(authors, with_email=False)
+def update_authors(verbose=True):
+ print "updating AUTHORS"
+ f = file('AUTHORS', 'w')
+ authors_text = 'Bugs Everywhere was written by:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(authors_list())
+ f.write(authors_text)
+ f.close()
+def ignored_file(filename, ignored_paths=None, ignored_files=None):
+ """
+ >>> ignored_paths = ['./a/', './b/']
+ >>> ignored_files = ['x', 'y']
+ >>> ignored_file('./a/z', ignored_paths, ignored_files)
+ True
+ >>> ignored_file('./ab/z', ignored_paths, ignored_files)
+ False
+ >>> ignored_file('./ab/x', ignored_paths, ignored_files)
+ True
+ >>> ignored_file('./ab/xy', ignored_paths, ignored_files)
+ False
+ >>> ignored_file('./z', ignored_paths, ignored_files)
+ False
+ """
+ if ignored_paths == None:
+ ignored_paths = IGNORED_PATHS
+ if ignored_files == None:
+ ignored_files = IGNORED_FILES
+ for path in ignored_paths:
+ if filename.startswith(path):
+ return True
+ if os.path.basename(filename) in ignored_files:
+ return True
+ if os.path.abspath(filename) != os.path.realpath(filename):
+ return True # symink somewhere in path...
+ return False
+def _copyright_string(orig_year, final_year, authors):
+ """
+ >>> print _copyright_string(orig_year=2005,
+ ... final_year=2005,
+ ... authors=['A <a@a.com>', 'B <b@b.edu>']
+ ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ # Copyright (C) 2005 A <a@a.com>
+ # B <b@b.edu>
+ #
+ # This program...
+ >>> print _copyright_string(orig_year=2005,
+ ... final_year=2009,
+ ... authors=['A <a@a.com>', 'B <b@b.edu>']
+ ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 A <a@a.com>
+ # B <b@b.edu>
+ #
+ # This program...
+ """
+ if orig_year == final_year:
+ date_range = '%s' % orig_year
+ else:
+ date_range = '%s-%s' % (orig_year, final_year)
+ lines = ['# Copyright (C) %s %s' % (date_range, authors[0])]
+ for author in authors[1:]:
+ lines.append('#' +
+ ' '*(len(' Copyright (C) ')+len(date_range)+1) +
+ author)
+ return '%s\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines), COPYRIGHT_TEXT)
+def _tag_copyright(contents):
+ """
+ >>> contents = '''Some file
+ ... bla bla
+ ... # Copyright (copyright begins)
+ ... # (copyright continues)
+ ... # bla bla bla
+ ... (copyright ends)
+ ... bla bla bla
+ ... '''
+ >>> print _tag_copyright(contents),
+ Some file
+ bla bla
+ -xyz-COPYRIGHT-zyx-
+ (copyright ends)
+ bla bla bla
+ """
+ lines = []
+ incopy = False
+ for line in contents.splitlines():
+ if incopy == False and line.startswith('# Copyright'):
+ incopy = True
+ lines.append(COPYRIGHT_TAG)
+ elif incopy == True and not line.startswith('#'):
+ incopy = False
+ if incopy == False:
+ lines.append(line.rstrip('\n'))
+ return '\n'.join(lines)+'\n'
+def _update_copyright(contents, orig_year, authors):
+ current_year = time.gmtime()[0]
+ copyright_string = _copyright_string(orig_year, current_year, authors)
+ contents = _tag_copyright(contents)
+ return contents.replace(COPYRIGHT_TAG, copyright_string)
+def update_file(filename, verbose=True):
+ if verbose == True:
+ print "updating", filename
+ contents = file(filename, 'r').read()
+ p = Pipe([['bzr', 'log', '-n0', filename],
+ ['grep', '^ *timestamp: '],
+ ['tail', '-n1'],
+ ['sed', 's/^ *//;'],
+ ['cut', '-b', '16-19']])
+ if p.status != 0:
+ assert p.statuses[0] == 3, p.statuses
+ return # bzr doesn't version that file
+ assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ orig_year = int(p.stdout.strip())
+ p = Pipe([['bzr', 'log', '-n0', filename],
+ ['grep', '^ *author: \|^ *committer: '],
+ ['cut', '-d:', '-f2'],
+ ['sed', 's/^ *//;s/ *$//'],
+ ['sort'],
+ ['uniq']])
+ assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ authors = p.stdout.rstrip().split('\n')
+ authors = _replace_aliases(authors, with_email=True,
+ contents = _update_copyright(contents, orig_year, authors)
+ f = file(filename, 'w')
+ f.write(contents)
+ f.close()
+def test():
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import optparse
+ usage = """%prog [options] [file ...]
+Update copyright information in source code with information from
+the bzr repository. Run from the BE repository root.
+Replaces every line starting with '^# Copyright' and continuing with
+'^#' with an auto-generated copyright blurb. If you want to add
+#-commented material after a copyright blurb, please insert a blank
+line between the blurb and your comment (as in this file), so the
+next run of update_copyright.py doesn't clobber your comment.
+If no files are given, a list of files to update is generated
+ p = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+ p.add_option('--test', dest='test', default=False,
+ action='store_true', help='Run internal tests and exit')
+ options,args = p.parse_args()
+ if options.test == True:
+ test()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ update_authors()
+ files = args
+ if len(files) == 0:
+ p = Pipe([['grep', '-rc', '# Copyright', '.'],
+ ['grep', '-v', ':0$'],
+ ['cut', '-d:', '-f1']])
+ assert p.status == 0
+ files = p.stdout.rstrip().split('\n')
+ for filename in files:
+ if ignored_file(filename) == True:
+ continue
+ update_file(filename)
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Update copyright information in source code with information from
-# the bzr repository. Run from the BE repository root.
-# Replaces everything starting with '^# Copyright' and continuing with
-# '^#' with an auto-generated copyright blurb. If you want to add
-# #-commented material after a copyright blurb, please insert a blank
-# line between the blurb and your comment (as in this file), so the
-# next run of update_copyright.sh doesn't clobber your comment.
-# usage: update_copyright.sh [files ...]
-# If no files are given, a list of files to update is generated
-# automatically.
-set -o pipefail
-if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
- FILES="$*"
- FILES=`grep -rc "# Copyright" . | grep -v ':0$' | cut -d: -f1`
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA."
-# escape newlines and special characters
-SED_RM_TRAIL_END='s/[\]n$//' # strip trailing newline escape
-SED_ESC_SPECIAL='s/\([()/]\)/\\\1/g' # escape special characters
-ESCAPED_TEXT=`echo "$COPYRIGHT_TEXT" | awk '{printf("%s\\\\n", $0)}' | sed "$SED_RM_TRAIL_END" | sed "$SED_ESC_SPECIAL"`
-# adjust the AUTHORS file
-AUTHORS=`bzr log | grep '^ *committer\|^ *author' | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ <.*//;s/^ *//' | sort | uniq`
-AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep -v 'j\^\|wking\|John Doe\|gianluca'` # remove non-names
-echo "Bugs Everywhere was written by:" > AUTHORS
-CURRENT_YEAR=`date +"%Y"`
-TMP=`mktemp BE_update_copyright.XXXXXXX`
-for file in $FILES
- # Ignore some files
- if [ "${file:0:5}" == "./.be" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ "${file:0:6}" == "./.bzr" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ "${file:0:7}" == "./build" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ "$file" == "./COPYING" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ "$file" == "./update_copyright.sh" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ "$file" == "./xml/catmutt" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- echo "Processing $file"
- # Get author history from bzr
- AUTHORS=`bzr log "$file" | grep "^ *author: \|^ *committer: " | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//' | sort | uniq`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- continue # bzr doesn't version that file
- fi
- ORIG_YEAR=`bzr log "$file" | grep "^ *timestamp: " | tail -n1 | sed 's/^ *//;' | cut -b 16-19`
- # Tweak the author list to make up for problems in the bzr
- # history, change of email address, etc.
- # Consolidate Chris Ball
- GREP_OUT=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep 'Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>'`
- if [ -n "$GREP_OUT" ]; then
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep -v '^Chris Ball <cjb@thunk.printf.net>$'`
- fi
- # Consolidate Aaron Bentley
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | sed 's/<abentley@panoramicfeedback.com>/and Panometrics, Inc./'`
- GREP_OUT=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep 'Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.'`
- if [ -n "$GREP_OUT" ]; then
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep -v '^Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley@utoronto.ca>$'`
- fi
- # Consolidate Ben Finney
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | sed 's/John Doe <jdoe@example.com>/Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au>/'`
- GREP_OUt=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep 'Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au>'`
- if [ -n "$GREP_OUT" ]; then
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep -v '^Ben Finney <benf@cybersource.com.au>$'`
- fi
- # Consolidate Trevor King
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep -v "wking <wking@mjolnir>"`
- # Consolidate Gianluca Montecchi
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | grep -v "gianluca"`
- # Sort again...
- AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | sort | uniq`
- # Generate new Copyright string
- if [ "$ORIG_YEAR" == "$CURRENT_YEAR" ]; then
- else
- fi
- NUM_AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | wc -l`
- FIRST_AUTHOR=`echo "$AUTHORS" | head -n 1`
- if [ $NUM_AUTHORS -gt 1 ]; then
- OTHER_AUTHORS=`echo "$AUTHORS" | tail -n +2`
- while read AUTHOR; do
- done < <(echo "$OTHER_AUTHORS")
- fi
- # Strip old copyright info and replace with tag
- awk 'BEGIN{incopy==0}{if(match($0, "^# Copyright")>0){incopy=1; print "-xyz-COPYRIGHT-zyx-"}else{if(incopy==0){print $0}else{if(match($0, "^#")==0){incopy=0; print $0}}}}' "$file" > "$TMP"
- # Replace tag in with new string
- sed -i "s/^-xyz-COPYRIGHT-zyx-$/$COPYRIGHT/" "$TMP"
- cp "$TMP" "$file"
-rm -f "$TMP"