My wife was recently reviewing some [pulse oxymeter][pox] notes while
working a round of anesthesia. It took us a while to trace the logic
through all the symbol changes and notation shifts, and my wife's
-math-discomfort and my bio-discomfort made us more cautios than it
+math-discomfort and my bio-discomfort made us more cautious than it
turns out we needed to be. There are a number of nice [review
articles][art] out there that I turned up while looking for explicit
derivations, but by the time I'd found them, my working notes had
gotten fairly well polished themselves. So here's
-[[my_contribution|pdf]] to the pulse-ox noise ;). Highlights include:
+[[my_contribution|main.pdf]] to the pulse-ox noise ;). Highlights
* Short and sweet (with pictures)
* Symbols table