** General info on the swig-generated wrappers for Comedilib **
-1) Regenerating the wrappers
- The wrapper were made using swig-1.3.19. Any of the swig-1.3.x seris should work
- N.B. the default swig on redhat systems is version 1.1. Upgrade to v-1.3.19. It's better!
- run $> swig -python comedi.i
-2) Building the module (section obsolete -Frank Hess)
- i) edit the setup.py file so that the include and lib paths are correct for your system
- ii) run $> python setup.py build
-3) Installing the module (section obsolete -Frank Hess)
- i) Manual installation I'm afraid. Copy comedi.py and _comedi.pyd files to somewhere in your PYTHONPATH
-4) Using the module
- All the comedilib functions are translated directly to python function. The various comedi structs
- are now available as python classes (e.g. comedi_cmd_struct). The members of each struct are now
- attributes of the class and can be set and retrieved in the usual way. Comedilib Functions which
- take a pointer to a comedilib struct as an argument (in C) now, in python, accept the appropriate
- struct python object.
- For a multichannel acquisition, a C-array containing the channel list, gains and referencing is
- required. This can be created using a swig-generated helper class: chanlist(n). This creates a C-array
- of length n and type Unsigned Int. Individual members of the array can be accessed/set using
- pythons indexing syntax:
- mylist = chanlist(3) #creates a chanlist array of length 3
- mylist[0] = 100 #set some values
- mylist[1] = 200
- mylist[2] = 300
- The chanlist object can then be passed to a comedi_cmd_struct object, for example. N.B. The
- chanlist object contains *no* length-checking or other error protection so use with care! Don't
- try to get/set indexes outside the array bounds.
- All the comedilib macros (e.g. CR_PACK) are now available as python functions.
- check out the example test_comedi.py to clarify the above.
+0) Installing required tools
+ The wrapper are made with SWIG. Any of the swig-1.3.x series should
+ work. Run
+ $ swig -version
+ to check the version you have installed, and upgrade if necessary.
+1) Building the wrappers
+ Note: the following applies when building wrappers separately from
+ the comedilib library, using Python's distutils procedures instead
+ of Comedilib's `make`. In this case, Comedilib should be configured
+ with the `--disable-python-binding` option to prevent it building
+ and installing its own copy of the wrappers.
+ After building the main comedilib library (running `make` in the
+ base directory), just follow standard distutils procedures
+ $ python setup.py build
+ $ python setup.py install
+2) Using the module
+ All the comedilib functions are translated directly to python
+ function. The various comedi structs are now available as python
+ classes (e.g. comedi_cmd_struct). The members of each struct are now
+ attributes of the class and can be set and retrieved in the usual
+ way. Comedilib functions which take a pointer to a comedilib struct
+ as an argument (in C) now, in python, accept the appropriate struct
+ python object.
+ For a multichannel acquisition, a C-array containing the channel
+ list, gains and referencing is required. This can be created using a
+ swig-generated helper class: chanlist(n). This creates a C-array of
+ length n and type Unsigned Int. Individual members of the array can
+ be accessed/set using pythons indexing syntax:
+ mylist = chanlist(3) #creates a chanlist array of length 3
+ mylist[0] = 100 #set some values
+ mylist[1] = 200
+ mylist[2] = 300
+ The chanlist object can then be passed to a comedi_cmd_struct
+ object, for example. N.B. The chanlist object contains *no*
+ length-checking or other error protection so use with care! Don't
+ try to get/set indexes outside the array bounds.
+ All the comedilib macros (e.g. CR_PACK) are now available as python
+ functions (e.g. `comedi.cr_pack`).
+ Look at the examples in demo/python to clarify the above.