-What is it?
+What it is
It is a software for the (semiautomatic) analysis and filtering of
force curves. Force curves are the output of an analytical technique
curves. Hooke aims to solve that.
-What it does?
+What it does
* View, annotate, measure force curves
* Worm-like chain and freely-jointed chain fit of force peaks
.. _Hooke's Google Code homepage: http://code.google.com/p/hooke/
-How do you make it work?
+How it works
-See the doc/tutorial.txt file distributed with hooke, or the `online
+See the doc/tutorial.txt file distributed with Hooke, or the `online
.. _online docs: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/rsrch/hooke/
-Is this published in some peer-reviewed journal?
+Where it's published
Sandal M, Benedetti F, Brucale M, Gomez-Casado A, Samorì B.
"Hooke: an open software platform for force spectroscopy."