for x in listdir(inforoot):
+ # do we have a origin repository name for the current package
+ repopath = os.sep.join(self.settings["O"].split(os.sep)[:-2])
+ # bindbapi has no getRepositories() method
+ if mydbapi and hasattr(mydbapi, "getRepositories"):
+ foundname = False
+ for reponame in mydbapi.getRepositories():
+ if mydbapi.getRepositoryPath(reponame) == repopath:
+ fd = open(os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, "repository"), "w")
+ fd.write(reponame+"\n")
+ fd.close()
+ foundname = True
+ break
# get current counter value (counter_tick also takes care of incrementing it)
# XXX Need to make this destroot, but it needs to be initialized first. XXX
# XXX bis: leads to some invalidentry() call through cp_all().