--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# ebuild generated by hackport
+#hackport: flags: -mysql,-postgresql
+CABAL_FEATURES="lib profile haddock hoogle hscolour test-suite"
+inherit haskell-cabal
+DESCRIPTION="Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ >=dev-haskell/conduit-1.1:=[profile?]
+ dev-haskell/monad-logger:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/persistent-[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/resourcet-1.1:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/tagged-0.2:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/text-0.11:=[profile?] <dev-haskell/text-1.3:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/transformers-0.2:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/unordered-containers-0.2:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-lang/ghc-7.4.1:=
+ >=dev-haskell/cabal-1.8
+ test? ( >=dev-haskell/hspec-1.8
+ dev-haskell/hunit
+ dev-haskell/monad-control
+ >=dev-haskell/monad-logger-0.3
+ >=dev-haskell/persistent-sqlite-2.1
+ >=dev-haskell/persistent-template-2.1
+ dev-haskell/quickcheck )
+src_configure() {
+ haskell-cabal_src_configure \
+ --flag=-mysql \
+ --flag=-postgresql
--- /dev/null
+From 675018c54227ce5db4a91a153092d5f4d06f9af0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Rouse <pgr@doynton.org>
+Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 20:25:34 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Changes for persistent-2.5
+ esqueleto.cabal | 2 +-
+ src/Database/Esqueleto.hs | 8 ++++----
+ src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/Language.hs | 15 +++++----------
+ src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/PersistentImport.hs | 12 +++++++++++-
+ test/Test.hs | 8 ++++----
+ 5 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/esqueleto.cabal b/esqueleto.cabal
+index 65aa237..1768d2d 100644
+--- a/esqueleto.cabal
++++ b/esqueleto.cabal
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ library
+ base >= 4.5 && < 4.9
+ , bytestring
+ , text >= 0.11 && < 1.3
+- , persistent >= && < 2.3
++ , persistent >=
+ , transformers >= 0.2
+ , unordered-containers >= 0.2
+ , tagged >= 0.2
+diff --git a/src/Database/Esqueleto.hs b/src/Database/Esqueleto.hs
+index eb135c2..97e3211 100644
+--- a/src/Database/Esqueleto.hs
++++ b/src/Database/Esqueleto.hs
+@@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ valJ = val . unValue
+ -- | Synonym for 'Database.Persist.Store.delete' that does not
+ -- clash with @esqueleto@'s 'delete'.
+-deleteKey :: ( PersistStore (PersistEntityBackend val)
+- , MonadIO m
+- , PersistEntity val )
+- => Key val -> ReaderT (PersistEntityBackend val) m ()
++deleteKey :: ( PersistStore backend
++ , PersistRecordBackend val backend
++ , MonadIO m )
++ => Key val -> ReaderT backend m ()
+ deleteKey = Database.Persist.delete
+diff --git a/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/Language.hs b/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/Language.hs
+index fbe88e2..ab18999 100644
+--- a/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/Language.hs
++++ b/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/Language.hs
+@@ -74,13 +74,11 @@ class (Functor query, Applicative query, Monad query) =>
+ -- In the end, 'fromFinish' is called to materialize the
+ -- @JOIN@.
+ fromStart
+- :: ( PersistEntity a
+- , PersistEntityBackend a ~ backend )
++ :: PersistRecordBackend a backend
+ => query (expr (PreprocessedFrom (expr (Entity a))))
+ -- | (Internal) Same as 'fromStart', but entity may be missing.
+ fromStartMaybe
+- :: ( PersistEntity a
+- , PersistEntityBackend a ~ backend )
++ :: PersistRecordBackend a backend
+ => query (expr (PreprocessedFrom (expr (Maybe (Entity a)))))
+ -- | (Internal) Do a @JOIN@.
+ fromJoin
+@@ -926,8 +924,7 @@ class ToBaseId ent where
+ -- @
+ -- person
+ -- :: ( Esqueleto query expr backend
+--- , PersistEntity Person
+--- , PersistEntityBackend Person ~ backend
++-- , PersistRecordBackend Person backend
+ -- ) => expr (Entity Person)
+ -- (person, blogPost)
+ -- :: (...) => (expr (Entity Person), expr (Entity BlogPost))
+@@ -1054,14 +1051,12 @@ class Esqueleto query expr backend => FromPreprocess query expr backend a where
+ fromPreprocess :: query (expr (PreprocessedFrom a))
+ instance ( Esqueleto query expr backend
+- , PersistEntity val
+- , PersistEntityBackend val ~ backend
++ , PersistRecordBackend val backend
+ ) => FromPreprocess query expr backend (expr (Entity val)) where
+ fromPreprocess = fromStart
+ instance ( Esqueleto query expr backend
+- , PersistEntity val
+- , PersistEntityBackend val ~ backend
++ , PersistRecordBackend val backend
+ ) => FromPreprocess query expr backend (expr (Maybe (Entity val))) where
+ fromPreprocess = fromStartMaybe
+diff --git a/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/PersistentImport.hs b/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/PersistentImport.hs
+index ad193e0..02fbd20 100644
+--- a/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/PersistentImport.hs
++++ b/src/Database/Esqueleto/Internal/PersistentImport.hs
+@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
++{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
++{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
++{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+ -- | Re-export "Database.Persist.Sql" without any clashes with
+ -- @esqueleto@.
+ module Database.Esqueleto.Internal.PersistentImport
+ ( module Database.Persist.Sql
++#if ! MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,5,0)
++ , PersistRecordBackend
+ ) where
+ import Database.Persist.Sql hiding
+@@ -10,4 +16,8 @@ import Database.Persist.Sql hiding
+ , selectKeysList, deleteCascadeWhere, (=.), (+=.), (-=.), (*=.), (/=.)
+ , (==.), (!=.), (<.), (>.), (<=.), (>=.), (<-.), (/<-.), (||.)
+ , listToJSON, mapToJSON, getPersistMap, limitOffsetOrder, selectSource
+- , update )
++ , update, count )
++#if ! MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,5,0)
++type PersistRecordBackend record backend = (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ backend)
+diff --git a/test/Test.hs b/test/Test.hs
+index 80c6784..524bd7c 100644
+--- a/test/Test.hs
++++ b/test/Test.hs
+@@ -1396,10 +1396,10 @@ main = do
+ insert' :: ( Functor m
+- , PersistStore (PersistEntityBackend val)
+- , MonadIO m
+- , PersistEntity val )
+- => val -> ReaderT (PersistEntityBackend val) m (Entity val)
++ , PersistStore backend
++ , PersistRecordBackend val backend
++ , MonadIO m )
++ => val -> ReaderT backend m (Entity val)
+ insert' v = flip Entity v <$> insert v
+From 4c9ecd94f2748be52c50c85ca8ed7314e21b9e82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Rouse <pgr@doynton.org>
+Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 20:29:45 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Allow base-4.9 for GHC 8
+ esqueleto.cabal | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/esqueleto.cabal b/esqueleto.cabal
+index 1768d2d..3b9efb9 100644
+--- a/esqueleto.cabal
++++ b/esqueleto.cabal
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ library
+ other-modules:
+ Database.Esqueleto.Internal.PersistentImport
+ build-depends:
+- base >= 4.5 && < 4.9
++ base >= 4.5 && < 5
+ , bytestring
+ , text >= 0.11 && < 1.3
+ , persistent >= && < 2.6