# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; 2008 Chris Gianelloni, Andrew Gaffney
# Distributed under the GPL v2
+ 12 Dec 2008; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org>
+ targets/netboot2/netboot2-controller.sh:
+ Disable copying of nb-busybox.cf since it isn't used anyway
07 Dec 2008; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org> arch/amd64.py,
arch/x86.py, catalyst:
A few typo and other minor fixes as reported by armin76
# Sets up the build environment before any kernels are compiled
- if [ -z "${clst_netboot2_busybox_config}" ]; then
- cp ${clst_sharedir}/targets/netboot2/nb-busybox.cf ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/busy-config
- else
- cp ${clst_netboot2_busybox_config} ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/busy-config
- fi
+# if [ -n "${clst_netboot2_busybox_config}" ]; then
+# cp ${clst_netboot2_busybox_config} ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/busy-config
+# fi
exec_in_chroot ${clst_sharedir}/targets/support/pre-kmerge.sh