"LIVEVCS.unmasked": "This ebuild is a live checkout from a VCS but has keywords and is not masked in the global package.mask.",
"IUSE.invalid": "This ebuild has a variable in IUSE that is not in the use.desc or its metadata.xml file",
"IUSE.missing": "This ebuild has a USE conditional which references a flag that is not listed in IUSE",
+ "IUSE.rubydeprecated": "The ebuild has set a ruby interpreter in USE_RUBY, that is not available as a ruby target anymore",
"LICENSE.invalid": "This ebuild is listing a license that doesnt exist in portages license/ dir.",
"LICENSE.deprecated": "This ebuild is listing a deprecated license.",
"KEYWORDS.invalid": "This ebuild contains KEYWORDS that are not listed in profiles/arch.list or for which no valid profile was found",
if portage.const._ENABLE_INHERIT_CHECK:
+ruby_deprecated = {
+ "ruby_targets_rbx",
+ "ruby_targets_ree18",
metadata_xml_encoding = 'UTF-8'
metadata_xml_declaration = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>' % \
for mypos in range(len(myuse)):
stats["IUSE.invalid"] += 1
fails["IUSE.invalid"].append(x + "/" + y + ".ebuild: %s" % myuse[mypos])
+ # Check for outdated RUBY targets
+ if "ruby-ng" in inherited or "ruby-fakegem" in inherited or "ruby" in inherited:
+ ruby_intersection = pkg.iuse.all.intersection(ruby_deprecated)
+ if ruby_intersection:
+ for myruby in ruby_intersection:
+ stats["IUSE.rubydeprecated"] += 1
+ fails["IUSE.rubydeprecated"].append(
+ (relative_path + ": Deprecated ruby target: %s") % myruby)
# license checks
if not badlicsyntax:
The ebuild uses an EAPI which is deprecated by the repository's
metadata/layout.conf settings.
+.B IUSE.rubydeprecated
+The ebuild has set a ruby interpreter in USE_RUBY, that is not available as a ruby target anymore
.B portage.internal
The ebuild uses an internal Portage function or variable