--- /dev/null
+"""Daemon base class
+Shane Hathaway
+Provides a framework for daemonizing a process. Features:
+ - reads the command line
+ - reads a configuration file
+ - configures logging
+ - calls root-level setup code
+ - drops privileges
+ - calls user-level setup code
+ - detaches from the controlling terminal
+ - checks and writes a pidfile
+Example daemon:
+import daemon
+import logging
+import time
+class HelloDaemon(daemon.Daemon):
+ default_conf = '/etc/hellodaemon.conf'
+ section = 'hello'
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ logging.info('The daemon says hello')
+ time.sleep(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ HelloDaemon().main()
+Example hellodaemon.conf:
+uid =
+gid =
+pidfile = ./hellodaemon.pid
+logfile = ./hellodaemon.log
+loglevel = info
+import ConfigParser
+import errno
+import grp
+import logging, logging.handlers
+import optparse
+import os
+import pwd
+import signal
+import sys
+import time
+class Daemon(object):
+ """Daemon base class"""
+ default_conf = '' # override this
+ section = 'daemon' # override this
+ def setup_root(self):
+ """Override to perform setup tasks with root privileges.
+ When this is called, logging has been initialized, but the
+ terminal has not been detached and the pid of the long-running
+ process is not yet known.
+ """
+ def setup_user(self):
+ """Override to perform setup tasks with user privileges.
+ Like setup_root, the terminal is still attached and the pid is
+ temporary. However, the process has dropped root privileges.
+ """
+ def run(self):
+ """Override.
+ The terminal has been detached at this point.
+ """
+ def main(self):
+ """Read the command line and either start or stop the daemon"""
+ self.parse_options()
+ action = self.options.action
+ self.read_basic_config()
+ if action == 'start':
+ self.start()
+ elif action == 'stop':
+ self.stop()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(action)
+ def parse_options(self):
+ """Parse the command line"""
+ p = optparse.OptionParser()
+ p.add_option('--start', dest='action',
+ action='store_const', const='start', default='start',
+ help='Start the daemon (the default action)')
+ p.add_option('-s', '--stop', dest='action',
+ action='store_const', const='stop', default='start',
+ help='Stop the daemon')
+ p.add_option('-c', dest='config_filename',
+ action='store', default=self.default_conf,
+ help='Specify alternate configuration file name')
+ p.add_option('-n', '--nodaemon', dest='daemonize',
+ action='store_false', default=True,
+ help='Run in the foreground')
+ self.options, self.args = p.parse_args()
+ if not os.path.exists(self.options.config_filename):
+ p.error('configuration file not found: %s'
+ % self.options.config_filename)
+ def read_basic_config(self):
+ """Read basic options from the daemon config file"""
+ self.config_filename = self.options.config_filename
+ cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ cp.read([self.config_filename])
+ self.config_parser = cp
+ try:
+ self.uid, self.gid = get_uid_gid(cp, self.section)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ sys.exit(str(e))
+ self.pidfile = cp.get(self.section, 'pidfile')
+ self.logfile = cp.get(self.section, 'logfile')
+ self.loglevel = cp.get(self.section, 'loglevel')
+ def on_sigterm(self, signalnum, frame):
+ """Handle segterm by treating as a keyboard interrupt"""
+ raise KeyboardInterrupt('SIGTERM')
+ def add_signal_handlers(self):
+ """Register the sigterm handler"""
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.on_sigterm)
+ def start(self):
+ """Initialize and run the daemon"""
+ # The order of the steps below is chosen carefully.
+ # - don't proceed if another instance is already running.
+ self.check_pid()
+ # - start handling signals
+ self.add_signal_handlers()
+ # - create log file and pid file directories if they don't exist
+ self.prepare_dirs()
+ # - start_logging must come after check_pid so that two
+ # processes don't write to the same log file, but before
+ # setup_root so that work done with root privileges can be
+ # logged.
+ self.start_logging()
+ try:
+ # - set up with root privileges
+ self.setup_root()
+ # - drop privileges
+ self.set_uid()
+ # - check_pid_writable must come after set_uid in order to
+ # detect whether the daemon user can write to the pidfile
+ self.check_pid_writable()
+ # - set up with user privileges before daemonizing, so that
+ # startup failures can appear on the console
+ self.setup_user()
+ # - daemonize
+ if self.options.daemonize:
+ daemonize()
+ except:
+ logging.exception("failed to start due to an exception")
+ raise
+ # - write_pid must come after daemonizing since the pid of the
+ # long running process is known only after daemonizing
+ self.write_pid()
+ try:
+ logging.info("started")
+ try:
+ self.run()
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ pass
+ except:
+ logging.exception("stopping with an exception")
+ raise
+ finally:
+ self.remove_pid()
+ logging.info("stopped")
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop the running process"""
+ if self.pidfile and os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
+ pid = int(open(self.pidfile).read())
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ # wait for a moment to see if the process dies
+ for n in range(10):
+ time.sleep(0.25)
+ try:
+ # poll the process state
+ os.kill(pid, 0)
+ except OSError, why:
+ if why[0] == errno.ESRCH:
+ # process has died
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ sys.exit("pid %d did not die" % pid)
+ else:
+ sys.exit("not running")
+ def prepare_dirs(self):
+ """Ensure the log and pid file directories exist and are writable"""
+ for fn in (self.pidfile, self.logfile):
+ if not fn:
+ continue
+ parent = os.path.dirname(fn)
+ if not os.path.exists(parent):
+ os.makedirs(parent)
+ self.chown(parent)
+ def set_uid(self):
+ """Drop root privileges"""
+ if self.gid:
+ try:
+ os.setgid(self.gid)
+ except OSError, (code, message):
+ sys.exit("can't setgid(%d): %s, %s" %
+ (self.gid, code, message))
+ if self.uid:
+ try:
+ os.setuid(self.uid)
+ except OSError, (code, message):
+ sys.exit("can't setuid(%d): %s, %s" %
+ (self.uid, code, message))
+ def chown(self, fn):
+ """Change the ownership of a file to match the daemon uid/gid"""
+ if self.uid or self.gid:
+ uid = self.uid
+ if not uid:
+ uid = os.stat(fn).st_uid
+ gid = self.gid
+ if not gid:
+ gid = os.stat(fn).st_gid
+ try:
+ os.chown(fn, uid, gid)
+ except OSError, (code, message):
+ sys.exit("can't chown(%s, %d, %d): %s, %s" %
+ (repr(fn), uid, gid, code, message))
+ def start_logging(self):
+ """Configure the logging module"""
+ try:
+ level = int(self.loglevel)
+ except ValueError:
+ level = int(logging.getLevelName(self.loglevel.upper()))
+ handlers = []
+ if self.logfile:
+ handlers.append(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( \
+ self.logfile, maxBytes=10000, backupCount=5))
+ self.chown(self.logfile)
+ if not self.options.daemonize:
+ # also log to stderr
+ handlers.append(logging.StreamHandler())
+ log = logging.getLogger()
+ log.setLevel(level)
+ for h in handlers:
+ h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+ "%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)s %(message)s"))
+ log.addHandler(h)
+ def check_pid(self):
+ """Check the pid file.
+ Stop using sys.exit() if another instance is already running.
+ If the pid file exists but no other instance is running,
+ delete the pid file.
+ """
+ if not self.pidfile:
+ return
+ # based on twisted/scripts/twistd.py
+ if os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
+ try:
+ pid = int(open(self.pidfile).read().strip())
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = 'pidfile %s contains a non-integer value' % self.pidfile
+ sys.exit(msg)
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, 0)
+ except OSError, (code, text):
+ if code == errno.ESRCH:
+ # The pid doesn't exist, so remove the stale pidfile.
+ os.remove(self.pidfile)
+ else:
+ msg = ("failed to check status of process %s "
+ "from pidfile %s: %s" % (pid, self.pidfile, text))
+ sys.exit(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = ('another instance seems to be running (pid %s), '
+ 'exiting' % pid)
+ sys.exit(msg)
+ def check_pid_writable(self):
+ """Verify the user has access to write to the pid file.
+ Note that the eventual process ID isn't known until after
+ daemonize(), so it's not possible to write the PID here.
+ """
+ if not self.pidfile:
+ return
+ if os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
+ check = self.pidfile
+ else:
+ check = os.path.dirname(self.pidfile)
+ if not os.access(check, os.W_OK):
+ msg = 'unable to write to pidfile %s' % self.pidfile
+ sys.exit(msg)
+ def write_pid(self):
+ """Write to the pid file"""
+ if self.pidfile:
+ open(self.pidfile, 'wb').write(str(os.getpid()))
+ def remove_pid(self):
+ """Delete the pid file"""
+ if self.pidfile and os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
+ os.remove(self.pidfile)
+def get_uid_gid(cp, section):
+ """Get a numeric uid/gid from a configuration file.
+ May return an empty uid and gid.
+ """
+ uid = cp.get(section, 'uid')
+ if uid:
+ try:
+ int(uid)
+ except ValueError:
+ # convert user name to uid
+ try:
+ uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid)[2]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError("user is not in password database: %s" % uid)
+ gid = cp.get(section, 'gid')
+ if gid:
+ try:
+ int(gid)
+ except ValueError:
+ # convert group name to gid
+ try:
+ gid = grp.getgrnam(gid)[2]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError("group is not in group database: %s" % gid)
+ return uid, gid
+class PrintLogger(object):
+ '''
+ This class by Peter Parente, for the Jambu project
+ http://www.oatsoft.org/trac/jambu/browser/trunk/JambuLog.py?rev=1
+ @author: Peter Parente
+ @organization: IBM Corporation
+ @copyright: Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation
+ @license: The BSD License
+ All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
+ available under the terms of the BSD license which accompanies
+ this distribution, and is available at
+ U{http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php}
+ Provides a dirt-simple interface compatible with stdout and stderr. When
+ assigned to sys.stdout or sys.stderr, an instance of this class redirects
+ print statements to the logging system. This means the result of the
+ print statements can be silenced, sent to a file, etc. using the command
+ line options to LSR. The log level used is defined by the L{LEVEL} constant
+ in this class.
+ @cvar LEVEL: Logging level for writes directed through this class, above
+ DEBUG and below INFO
+ @type LEVEL: integer
+ @ivar log: Reference to the Print log channel
+ @type log: logging.Logger
+ With minor adjustments by WTK
+ '''
+ LEVEL = 20
+ def __init__(self, logger=None):
+ '''
+ Create the logger.
+ '''
+ if logger == None:
+ self.log = logging.getLogger('print')
+ else:
+ self.log = logger
+ self.chunks = []
+ self.flush = None
+ def write(self, data):
+ '''
+ Write the given data at the debug level to the logger. Stores chunks of
+ text until a new line is encountered, then sends to the logger.
+ @param data: Any object that can be converted to a string
+ @type data: stringable
+ '''
+ s = data.encode('utf-8')
+ if s.endswith('\n'):
+ self.chunks.append(s[:-1])
+ s = ''.join(self.chunks)
+ self.log.log(self.LEVEL, s)
+ self.chunks = []
+ else:
+ self.chunks.append(s)
+def daemonize():
+ """Detach from the terminal and continue as a daemon.
+ Added support for redirecting stdout & stderr to logs.
+ See
+ http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66012
+ WTK 2008."""
+ # swiped from twisted/scripts/twistd.py
+ # See http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_toc.html#TOC16
+ if os.fork(): # launch child and...
+ os._exit(0) # kill off parent
+ os.setsid()
+ # some people os.chdir('/') here so they don't hog the start directory.
+ if os.fork(): # launch child and...
+ os._exit(0) # kill off parent again.
+ os.umask(077)
+ # flush any pending output
+ #sys.stdin.flush()?
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ # hook up to /dev/null
+ null=os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR)
+ for i in range(3):
+ try:
+ os.dup2(null, i)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EBADF:
+ raise
+ os.close(null)
+ # I'd like to hook up to the logfiles instead, but they don't have filenos...
+ #os.dup2(out_log.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
+ #os.dup2(err_log.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
+ #os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
+ # I can hook up sys.stdin and sys.stderr to the logfiles
+ log = logging.getLogger()
+ #sys.stdout = PrintLogger(log) # let web.py's stdout through...
+ sys.stderr = PrintLogger(log)