$self->{allowed_uids} = {};
- if (exists $ENV{MSVA_ALLOWED_USERS}) {
msvalog('verbose', "MSVA_ALLOWED_USERS environment variable is set.\nLimiting access to specified users.\n");
foreach my $user (split(/ +/, $ENV{MSVA_ALLOWED_USERS})) {
my ($name, $passwd, $uid);
return @out;
- # return the numeric ID of the peer on the other end of $socket,
- # returning undef if unknown.
- sub get_remote_peer_id {
+ # return an arrayref of processes which we can detect that have the
+ # given socket open (the socket is specified with its inode)
+ sub getpidswithsocketinode {
+ my $sockid = shift;
+ # this appears to be how Linux symlinks open sockets in /proc/*/fd,
+ # as of at least 2.6.26:
+ my $socktarget = sprintf('socket:[%d]', $sockid);
+ my @pids;
+ my $procfs;
+ if (opendir($procfs, '/proc')) {
+ foreach my $pid (grep { /^\d+$/ } readdir($procfs)) {
+ my $procdir = sprintf('/proc/%d', $pid);
+ if (-d $procdir) {
+ my $procfds;
+ if (opendir($procfds, sprintf('/proc/%d/fd', $pid))) {
+ foreach my $procfd (grep { /^\d+$/ } readdir($procfds)) {
+ my $fd = sprintf('/proc/%d/fd/%d', $pid, $procfd);
+ if (-l $fd) {
+ #my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($fd);
+ my $targ = readlink($fd);
+ push @pids, $pid
+ if ($targ eq $socktarget);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($procfds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($procfs);
+ }
+ # FIXME: this whole business is very linux-specific, i think. i
+ # wonder how to get this info in other OSes?
+ return \@pids;
+ }
+ # return {uid => X, inode => Y}, meaning the numeric ID of the peer
+ # on the other end of $socket, "socket inode" identifying the peer's
+ # open network socket. each value could be undef if unknown.
+ sub get_client_info {
my $socket = shift;
my $sock = IO::Socket->new_from_fd($socket, 'r');
# might not be able to support SO_PEERCRED (even on the loopback),
# though apparently some kernels (Solaris?) are able to.
- my $remotepeerid;
+ my $clientid;
+ my $remotesocketinode;
my $socktype = $sock->sockopt(SO_TYPE) or die "could not get SO_TYPE info";
if (defined $socktype) {
msvalog('debug', "sockopt(SO_TYPE) = %d\n", $socktype);
my $peercred = $sock->sockopt(SO_PEERCRED) or die "could not get SO_PEERCRED info";
- my $remotepeer = $sock->peername();
- my $family = sockaddr_family($remotepeer); # should be AF_UNIX (a.k.a. AF_LOCAL) or AF_INET
+ my $client = $sock->peername();
+ my $family = sockaddr_family($client); # should be AF_UNIX (a.k.a. AF_LOCAL) or AF_INET
msvalog('verbose', "socket family: %d\nsocket type: %d\n", $family, $socktype);
$pid, $uid, $gid,
if ($pid != 0 && $uid != 0) { # then we can accept it:
- $remotepeerid = $uid;
+ $clientid = $uid;
+ # FIXME: can we get the socket inode as well this way?
# another option in Linux would be to parse the contents of
# /proc/net/tcp to find the uid of the peer process based on that
# information.
- if (! defined $remotepeerid) {
+ if (! defined $clientid) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "SO_PEERCRED failed, digging around in /proc/net/tcp\n");
my $proto;
if ($family == AF_INET) {
$proto = '';
undef $proto;
if (defined $proto) {
- my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($remotepeer);
+ my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($client);
my $iaddrstring = unpack("H*", reverse($iaddr));
msvalog('verbose', "Port: %04x\nAddr: %s\n", $port, $iaddrstring);
my $remmatch = lc(sprintf("%s:%04x", $iaddrstring, $port));
my $f = new IO::File;
if ( $f->open('< '.$infofile)) {
my @header = split(/ +/, <$f>);
- my ($localaddrix, $uidix);
+ my ($localaddrix, $uidix, $inodeix);
my $ix = 0;
my $skipcount = 0;
while ($ix <= $#header) {
$localaddrix = $ix - $skipcount if (lc($header[$ix]) eq 'local_address');
$uidix = $ix - $skipcount if (lc($header[$ix]) eq 'uid');
+ $inodeix = $ix - $skipcount if (lc($header[$ix]) eq 'inode');
$skipcount++ if (lc($header[$ix]) eq 'tx_queue') or (lc($header[$ix]) eq 'tr'); # these headers don't actually result in a new column during the data rows
} elsif (!defined $uidix) {
msvalog('info', "Could not find uid field in %s; unable to determine peer UID\n",
+ } elsif (!defined $inodeix) {
+ msvalog('info', "Could not find inode field in %s; unable to determine peer network socket inode\n",
+ $infofile);
} else {
msvalog('debug', "local_address: %d; uid: %d\n", $localaddrix,$uidix);
while (my @line = split(/ +/,<$f>)) {
if (lc($line[$localaddrix]) eq $remmatch) {
- if (defined $remotepeerid) {
- msvalog('error', "Warning! found more than one remote uid! (%s and %s\n", $remotepeerid, $line[$uidix]);
+ if (defined $clientid) {
+ msvalog('error', "Warning! found more than one remote uid! (%s and %s\n", $clientid, $line[$uidix]);
} else {
- $remotepeerid = $line[$uidix];
- msvalog('info', "remote peer is uid %d\n",
- $remotepeerid);
+ $clientid = $line[$uidix];
+ $remotesocketinode = $line[$inodeix];
+ msvalog('info', "remote peer is uid %d (inode %d)\n",
+ $clientid, $remotesocketinode);
- msvalog('error', "Warning! could not find peer information in %s. Not verifying.\n", $infofile) unless defined $remotepeerid;
+ msvalog('error', "Warning! could not find peer information in %s. Not verifying.\n", $infofile) unless defined $clientid;
} else { # FIXME: we couldn't read the file. what should we
# do besides warning?
- return $remotepeerid;
+ return { 'uid' => $clientid,
+ 'inode' => $remotesocketinode };
sub handle_request {
my $self = shift;
my $cgi = shift;
- my $remotepeerid = get_remote_peer_id(select);
+ my $clientinfo = get_client_info(select);
+ my $clientuid = $clientinfo->{uid};
- if (defined $remotepeerid) {
+ if (defined $clientuid) {
# test that this is an allowed user:
- if (exists $self->{allowed_uids}->{$remotepeerid}) {
- msvalog('verbose', "Allowing access from uid %d (%s)\n", $remotepeerid, $self->{allowed_uids}->{$remotepeerid});
+ if (exists $self->{allowed_uids}->{$clientuid}) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "Allowing access from uid %d (%s)\n", $clientuid, $self->{allowed_uids}->{$clientuid});
} else {
- msvalog('error', "MSVA client connection from uid %d, forbidden.\n", $remotepeerid);
+ msvalog('error', "MSVA client connection from uid %d, forbidden.\n", $clientuid);
printf("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden -- peer does not match local user ID\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nDate: %s\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 403 Not Found -- peer does not match the local user ID. Are you sure the agent is running as the same user?\r\n",
strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime(time())),);
- my ($status, $object) = $handler->{handler}($data);
+ my ($status, $object) = $handler->{handler}($data, $clientinfo);
my $ret = to_json($object);
msvalog('info', "returning: %s\n", $ret);
printf("HTTP/1.0 %s\r\nDate: %s\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n%s",
msvalog('error', "Not a valid keyserver (from MSVA_KEYSERVER):\n %s\n", $ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER});
- # FIXME: some msva.conf file (system and user?)
+ # FIXME: some msva.conf or monkeysphere.conf file (system and user?)
# or else read from the relevant gnupg.conf:
my $gpghome;
sub reviewcert {
my $data = shift;
+ my $clientinfo = shift;
return if !ref $data;
my $status = '200 OK';
my $resp = Crypt::Monkeysphere::MSVA::MarginalUI->ask_the_user($gnupg,
- \@subvalid_key_fprs);
+ \@subvalid_key_fprs,
+ getpidswithsocketinode($clientinfo->{inode}));
msvalog('info', "response: %s\n", $resp);
if ($resp) {
$ret->{valid} = JSON::true;
use Gtk2;
use Crypt::Monkeysphere::MSVA qw( msvalog );
+ use IO::File;
sub ask_the_user {
my $self = shift;
my $gnupg = shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $fprs = shift;
+ my $clientpids = shift;
my @subvalid_key_fprs = @{$fprs};
msvalog('debug', "%d subvalid_key_fprs\n", $#subvalid_key_fprs+1);
Would you like to temporarily accept this certificate for this peer?",
- ('m' == $keyfpr->{val} ? 'fully ' : ''),
+ ('m' eq $keyfpr->{val} ? 'fully ' : ''),
my $tip = sprintf("Peer's User ID: %s
# FIXME: what about revoked certifications?
# FIXME: what about expired certifications?
# FIXME: what about certifications ostensibly made in the future?
+ my @clienttext;
+ foreach my $clientpid (@{$clientpids}) {
+ my $cmd = '<unknown>';
+ # FIXME: not very portable
+ my $procfh;
+ $procfh = new IO::File(sprintf('/proc/%d/cmdline', $clientpid));
+ if (defined $procfh) {
+ $cmd = <$procfh>;
+ $procfh->close;
+ # FIXME: maybe there's a better way to display this textually
+ # that doesn't conflate spaces with argument delimiters?
+ $cmd = join(' ', split(/\0/, $cmd));
+ }
+ push @clienttext, sprintf("Process %d (%s)", $clientpid, $cmd);
+ }
+ if ($#clienttext >= 0) {
+ $tip = sprintf("%s\n\nRequested by:\n%s\n", $tip, join("\n", @clienttext));
+ }
msvalog('info', "%s\n", $msg);
msvalog('verbose', "%s\n", $tip);
my $resp = prompt($uid, $msg, $tip);
if ($resp) {
return $resp;