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+\chapter{The effect of ions on unfolding force}
+With the tools in place, it's time to do some science! As a simple
+experiment to demonstrate the utility of the new stack, I ran a series
+of velocity clamp unfolding experiments on I27 octomers in PBS
+(\cref{sec:sample-preparation}). After a series of pulls in the
+standard buffer, a buffer with additional sodium (from
+\NaCl\citep{bdh-NaCl}) or calcium (from \CaCl\citep{fisher-CaCl})
+was flushed into the fluid cell. After the new buffer equilibrated,
+unfolding experiments were continued.
+Previous research on the effect of ions on unfolding forces is small,
+although earlier experimental work on Amyloid $\beta$ shows decreased
+fibrillation with even small
+\Ca\ concentrations\citep{chauhan97,itkin11}. The mechanism behind
+this weaker bonding is unclear\citep{chauhan97,zhang06}, although
+aspartic and glutamic acid groups tend to have a strong affinity for
+cations while argenine has a strong affinity for the
+\Cl\ anion\citep{friedman11}. Of these amino acids, only glutamic
+acid occurs in the key hydrogen bond regions responsible for I27
+unfolding\citep{lu00b}. \NaCl\ has also been shown to decrease
+hydrogen bonding\citep{zidar11}.
+We added $0.5\U{M}$ \CaCl\ to our standard PBS
+(\cref{sec:sample-preparation}), which is much larger than
+extracellular \Ca\ levels on the order of
+$2\U{mM}$\citep{isaacs06,itkin11}. After mixing, both buffers were
+adjusted with drops of \HCl\ and \NaOH\ as needed to reach a pH around
+7.5 (7.42 for the PBS, and 7.60 for the \Ca-enhanced PBS).
+Unfolding experiments carried out on 2013-03-04 using our usual
+procedure (\cref{sec:procedure}) yielded an unusual density of clean
+unfolding curves\footnote{
+ Experiments carried out using the same procedures throughout
+ February were much less successful.
+with 105 successful pulls concentrated in a two hour window. Of these
+pulls, 37 were in the standard PBS and 68 were in the enhanced
+\Ca\ buffer. Histograms of unfolding forces show decreased
+unfolding forces in the \Ca\ buffer (\cref{fig:calcium:histogram}),
+which is what we expect due to destabilized hydrogen bonding.
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{figures/salt/2013-03-04-CaCl2}
+ \caption{I27 runs from 2013-03-04 with (red) and without (blue) an
+ extra $0.5\U{m}$ \Ca. Clockwise from the upper left, we have
+ the distance (in nm) between peaks, the unfolding force (in pN),
+ and example force curve, and a scatter plot of unfolding force
+ (in pN) versus the distance between peaks. All of the pulls
+ were taken with the same Olympus TR400-PSA cantilever with a
+ pulling speed of $1\U{$\mu$m/s}$. The green histogram drawn
+ over the unfolding force histograms is I27 unfolding data in PBS
+ with $5\U{mM}$ DTT from \citet{carrion-vazquez99b}, rescaled by
+ a factor of $\frac{1}{2}$ because they had more unfolding
+ events.\label{fig:calcium:histogram}}
+ \end{center}
+ (C\textsubscript{4}H\textsubscript{10}O\textsubscript{2}S\textsubscript{2}),
+ also known as Cleland's reagent\citep{cleland64}. It can be used to
+ reduce disulfide bonding in proteins.}
+Modeling I27 as a Bell-model unfolder, we can use \sawsim\ to find the
+Bell parameters that best fit these experimental unfolding histograms
+(\cref{sec:sawsim:rate:bell,sec:sawsim:results:fitting}). The results
+in \cref{fig:calcium:valley} show that the best fit for standard PBS
+was with $\Delta x_u = TODO\U{nm}$ and $k_{u0}=TODO\U{s$^{-1}$}$. In
+the \Ca\ buffer, the best fit was with $\Delta x_u = TODO\U{nm}$ and
+ \begin{center}
+ \subfloat[][]{%
+ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{figures/salt/valley-PBS}%
+ \label{fig:calcium:valley:pbs}}
+ \subfloat[][]{%
+ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{figures/salt/valley-PBS-CaCl2}%
+ \label{fig:calcium:valley:pbs-calcium}}
+ \caption{\protect\subref{fig:calcium:valley:pbs} Model fit quality
+ for the standard PBS unfolding histogram data shown in
+ \cref{fig:calcium:histogram}.
+ \protect\subref{fig:calcium:valley:pbs-calcium} Model fit
+ quality for the \Ca-enhanced PBS unfolding histogram data. The
+ best fit parameters occur when the Jensen--Shannon divergence is
+ minimized (at the bottom of these valleys,
+ \cref{sec:sawsim:results:fitting}).\label{fig:calcium:valley}}
+ \end{center}