def pending_changes():
"""Use `git diff`s output to detect change.
- p = Pipe([['git', 'diff', 'HEAD']])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
- if len(p.stdout) == 0:
+ status,stdout,stderr = invoke(['git', 'diff', 'HEAD'])
+ if len(stdout) == 0:
return False
return True
def set_release_version(tag):
print "set libbe.version._VERSION = '%s'" % tag
- p = Pipe([['sed', '-i', "s/^# *_VERSION *=.*/_VERSION = '%s'/" % tag,
- os.path.join('libbe', '')]])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['sed', '-i', "s/^# *_VERSION *=.*/_VERSION = '%s'/" % tag,
+ os.path.join('libbe', '')])
def remove_makefile_libbe_version_dependencies():
print "set Makefile LIBBE_VERSION :="
- p = Pipe([['sed', '-i', "s/^LIBBE_VERSION *:=.*/LIBBE_VERSION :=/",
- 'Makefile']])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['sed', '-i', "s/^LIBBE_VERSION *:=.*/LIBBE_VERSION :=/",
+ 'Makefile'])
def commit(commit_message):
print 'commit current status:', commit_message
- p = Pipe([['git', 'commit', '-m', commit_message]])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['git', 'commit', '-m', commit_message])
def tag(tag):
print 'tag current revision', tag
- p = Pipe([['git', 'tag', tag]])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['git', 'tag', tag])
def export(target_dir):
print 'export current revision to', target_dir
def make_version():
print 'generate libbe/'
- p = Pipe([['make', os.path.join('libbe', '')]])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['make', os.path.join('libbe', '')])
def make_changelog(filename, tag):
"""Generate a ChangeLog from the git history.
by hand is just too slow.
print 'generate ChangeLog file', filename, 'up to tag', tag
- p = invoke(['git', 'log', '--no-merges',
- '%s..%s' % (INITIAL_COMMIT, tag)],
- stdout=open(filename, 'w')),
+ invoke(['git', 'log', '--no-merges',
+ '%s..%s' % (INITIAL_COMMIT, tag)],
+ stdout=open(filename, 'w')),
def set_vcs_name(filename, vcs_name='None'):
"""Exported directory is not a git repository, so set vcs_name to
vcs_name: new_vcs_name
print 'set vcs_name in', filename, 'to', vcs_name
- p = Pipe([['sed', '-i', "s/^vcs_name:.*/vcs_name: %s/" % vcs_name,
- filename]])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['sed', '-i', "s/^vcs_name:.*/vcs_name: %s/" % vcs_name,
+ filename])
def create_tarball(tag):
release_name='be-%s' % tag
set_vcs_name(os.path.join(export_dir, '.be', 'settings'))
tarball_file = '%s.tar.gz' % release_name
print 'create tarball', tarball_file
- p = Pipe([['tar', '-czf', tarball_file, export_dir]])
- assert p.status == 0, p.statuses
+ invoke(['tar', '-czf', tarball_file, export_dir])
print 'remove', export_dir