-DIST pscan.tar.gz 14555 BLAKE2B 8e1a8ea91bc2a1b323dc607f703565579e596a3001151609e46a09160766b3b913610a15b64859dc88031a3acf2e3c147dcbd7b033517d3786976ab3cb1bc9f4 SHA512 83196cc9c450217fc2287d38fd1a0b9d1d9951b8f6328b6b9f7f50b680f653b099af04d4c448f3cb2b2a96871eec8772557851e887faa2f41dc259f01c031e78
+DIST pscan-20000721.tar.gz 14555 BLAKE2B 8e1a8ea91bc2a1b323dc607f703565579e596a3001151609e46a09160766b3b913610a15b64859dc88031a3acf2e3c147dcbd7b033517d3786976ab3cb1bc9f4 SHA512 83196cc9c450217fc2287d38fd1a0b9d1d9951b8f6328b6b9f7f50b680f653b099af04d4c448f3cb2b2a96871eec8772557851e887faa2f41dc259f01c031e78
--- /dev/null
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -13,16 +13,10 @@
+ #CC=gcc -Wall -g
+ #LEX=flex
+-pscan: scanner.yy.o pscan.o
+- $(CC) scanner.yy.o pscan.o -o pscan
+-scanner.yy.o: scanner.yy.c
+- $(CC) -c scanner.yy.c -o scanner.yy.o
++pscan: scanner.yy.o
+ scanner.yy.c: scanner.l
+ $(LEX) -t scanner.l > scanner.yy.c
+-pscan.o: pscan.c pscan.h
+ clean:
+ rm -f *.o *~ pscan scanner.yy.c core
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit toolchain-funcs
DESCRIPTION="A limited problem scanner for C source files"
-# I wish upstream would version their files, even if it's only with a date
+SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/pscan.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x86-macos"
# Does NOT contain a testsuite, but does contain a test.c that confuses src_test
- sys-devel/flex"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-build-system.patch )
-src_compile() {
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS}" || die
+src_configure() {
+ tc-export CC
src_install() {
- newbin pscan printf-scan || die
- dodoc README find_formats.sh test.c wu-ftpd.pscan || die
+ newbin pscan printf-scan
+ dodoc README find_formats.sh test.c wu-ftpd.pscan