* Mail document
* -------------
* A mail document is associated with a particular email message file
- * on disk. It is indexed with the following prefixed terms:
+ * on disk. It is indexed with the following prefixed terms which the
+ * database uses to construct threads, etc.:
* Single terms of given prefix:
* thread: The ID of the thread to which the mail belongs
+ * replyto: The ID from the In-Reply-To header of the mail (if any).
+ *
* Multiple terms of given prefix:
* reference: All message IDs from In-Reply-To and Re ferences
* MESSAGE_ID: The unique ID of the mail mess (see "id" above)
+ * In addition, terms from the content of the message are added with
+ * "from", "to", "attachment", and "subject" prefixes for use by the
+ * user in searching. But the database doesn't really care itself
+ * about any of these.
+ *
* Timestamp document
* ------------------
* A timestamp document is used by a client of the notmuch library to