DIST portage- 257823 RMD160 068a6fbc3e41f7357d1ee4d65894e7903c467cfe SHA1 16459ce2b19592c94ec580bcfade5a89750a62fb
DIST portage-2.0.54.tar.bz2 234784 RMD160 26c724df242a7d0c44d7fd06067bfcdbc4e3556b SHA1 0559bf8068976c124f0026ab65f3f4a62ae39d83
DIST portage-2.1_rc4-r3.patch.bz2 4343 RMD160 7fd46f9a36c004e14ed74e0ca6139146776e3ae4 SHA1 2814e7b0c9014c834095b6f5d5ac9e2fd30ecef2
+DIST portage-2.1_rc4-r4.patch.bz2 4889 RMD160 24ac9d5592b43414c927a3d1810d5c7a2b96cc77 SHA1 a65d592a4694d2be7f823ddac5f8d3a137ac9ed6
DIST portage-2.1_rc4.tar.bz2 275728 RMD160 9fdea87d80b961706399255ec994b75480e09cf7 SHA1 838aa969221680fc7bec4f2ceec3f714a390e735
DIST portage-man-pl-2.1_rc4.tar.bz2 52266 RMD160 e250a0c2e6da46f3c5c21ac6ac6df47f9976243a SHA1 0f6700555da057af5d9d447ca7f3ddb5955931f0
DIST portage-patches-2.0.54-1.tar.bz2 4398 RMD160 8b7520b99aec0cb53a117b46345a720f5c7a68c0 SHA1 43f27fb384c5dbca5cebd00951c1c89f15f5d10d
EBUILD portage-2.1_rc4-r3.ebuild 6753 RMD160 3a33a26f1921e1eee37054559fc180e67df8b2bf SHA1 c0c22841c02d24bbfc5c92043b4e15b5c31e6e18
MD5 f52a437afbe6ae184dc3b58442f0c8a3 portage-2.1_rc4-r3.ebuild 6753
RMD160 3a33a26f1921e1eee37054559fc180e67df8b2bf portage-2.1_rc4-r3.ebuild 6753
-MISC ChangeLog 11332 RMD160 607525a9feb69f92590538d930c7a915e994dc24 SHA1 14190f326f1c94745c9bfbd0b84c90205693c2c0
-MD5 646299f2da5f84e24de4046c63edef4e ChangeLog 11332
-RMD160 607525a9feb69f92590538d930c7a915e994dc24 ChangeLog 11332
+EBUILD portage-2.1_rc4-r4.ebuild 6753 RMD160 2410397eb8b7287842c8037472ff325c3745b607 SHA1 880f0ae1d0d29885bbdc866b0747c37abd3cd35e
+MD5 e313b6722966490db736c6e21f514bc4 portage-2.1_rc4-r4.ebuild 6753
+RMD160 2410397eb8b7287842c8037472ff325c3745b607 portage-2.1_rc4-r4.ebuild 6753
+MISC ChangeLog 11478 RMD160 1b666e915c5ffee1fc6fff34f8ec0caa7505d95b SHA1 0c98446d63930bbe669067586453fdc840b39942
+MD5 2258e883fa2a4689d58a9ebe3e484592 ChangeLog 11478
+RMD160 1b666e915c5ffee1fc6fff34f8ec0caa7505d95b ChangeLog 11478
MISC metadata.xml 276 RMD160 addc800a374a637032ce56d1a1928542d5c9ef74 SHA1 73bd9b0dacf481b876934c38010be20a91eaf591
MD5 dc02eeaf8060043bfa8d483a42696963 metadata.xml 276
RMD160 addc800a374a637032ce56d1a1928542d5c9ef74 metadata.xml 276
RMD160 8610a1ba4262db214f6d990bf6587f78ed5f4a5d files/digest-portage-2.0.54-r2 306
MD5 ffc1781bc34edf7b175c8c5adc25b4b0 files/digest-portage-2.1_rc4-r3 459
RMD160 426c8d31a9328b8b91458a7570dd0e749d0a93bb files/digest-portage-2.1_rc4-r3 459
+MD5 539ddf47d883b2633eb7bd51f0690531 files/digest-portage-2.1_rc4-r4 459
+RMD160 96a8b58f70f57814adef8074a3e6f11ce6b233c5 files/digest-portage-2.1_rc4-r4 459
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.1_rc4-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/06/07 17:21:13 zmedico Exp $
+inherit toolchain-funcs eutils
+DESCRIPTION="The Portage Package Management System. The primary package management and distribution system for Gentoo."
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc-macos ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+# USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN hides ELIBC and USERLAND expansions from emerge output (see make.conf.5).
+IUSE_ELIBC="elibc_glibc elibc_uclibc elibc_FreeBSD"
+IUSE_USERLAND="userland_Darwin userland_GNU"
+IUSE="build doc selinux linguas_pl ${IUSE_ELIBC} ${IUSE_USERLAND}"
+ !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 )"
+ !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
+ dev-python/python-fchksum
+ userland_GNU? ( sys-apps/debianutils )
+ !userland_Darwin? ( >=app-shells/bash-3.0 )
+ userland_Darwin? ( >=app-shells/bash-2.05a ) )
+ elibc_glibc? ( sys-apps/sandbox )
+ elibc_uclibc? ( sys-apps/sandbox )
+ !userland_Darwin? ( >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.10 )
+ selinux? ( >=dev-python/python-selinux-2.15 )
+ doc? ( app-portage/portage-manpages )
+ >=dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r5"
+ ${SRC_ARCHIVES}/${PN}-${PV}.tar.bz2
+ linguas_pl? ( mirror://gentoo/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}.tar.bz2
+ ${SRC_ARCHIVES}/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}.tar.bz2 )"
+if [ "${PR}" != "r0" ]; then
+ SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${PV}${PATCHVER}.patch.bz2"
+portage_docs() {
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "For help with using portage please consult the Gentoo Handbook"
+ einfo "at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=3"
+ einfo ""
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ if [ "${PR}" != "r0" ]; then
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV}${PATCHVER}.patch"
+ einfo "Setting portage.VERSION to ${PVR} ..."
+ sed -i "s/^VERSION=.*/VERSION=\"${PVR}\"/" pym/portage.py || \
+ die "Failed to patch portage.VERSION"
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ cd "${S}"/src
+ $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o tbz2tool tbz2tool.c || \
+ die "Failed to build tbz2tool"
+ if use elibc_FreeBSD; then
+ cd "${S}"/src/bsd-flags
+ chmod +x setup.py
+ ./setup.py build || die "Failed to install bsd-chflags module"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ local portage_base="/usr/lib/portage"
+ cd "${S}"/cnf
+ insinto /etc
+ doins etc-update.conf dispatch-conf.conf make.globals
+ if [ -f "make.conf.${ARCH}".diff ]; then
+ patch make.conf "make.conf.${ARCH}".diff || \
+ die "Failed to patch make.conf.example"
+ newins make.conf make.conf.example
+ else
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "Portage does not have an arch-specific configuration for this arch."
+ eerror "Please notify the arch maintainer about this issue. Using generic."
+ eerror ""
+ newins make.conf make.conf.example
+ fi
+ if use elibc_FreeBSD; then
+ cd "${S}"/src/bsd-flags
+ ./setup.py install --root "${D}" || \
+ die "Failed to install bsd-chflags module"
+ fi
+ dodir ${portage_base}/bin
+ exeinto ${portage_base}/bin
+ # BSD and OSX need a sed wrapper so that find/xargs work properly
+ if use userland_GNU; then
+ rm "${S}"/bin/sed || die "Failed to remove sed wrapper"
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"/bin
+ doexe *
+ doexe "${S}"/src/tbz2tool
+ dosym newins ${portage_base}/bin/donewins
+ for mydir in pym pym/cache pym/elog_modules; do
+ dodir ${portage_base}/${mydir}
+ insinto ${portage_base}/${mydir}
+ cd "${S}"/${mydir}
+ doins *.py
+ done
+ doman "${S}"/man/*.[0-9]
+ if use linguas_pl; then
+ doman -i18n=pl "${S_PL}"/man/pl/*.[0-9]
+ doman -i18n=pl_PL.UTF-8 "${S_PL}"/man/pl.UTF-8/*.[0-9]
+ fi
+ dodoc "${S}"/ChangeLog
+ dodoc "${S}"/NEWS
+ dodoc "${S}"/RELEASE-NOTES
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ for x in ebuild emerge portageq repoman tbz2tool xpak; do
+ dosym ../lib/portage/bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ dodir /usr/sbin
+ local my_syms="archive-conf
+ dispatch-conf
+ emaint
+ emerge-webrsync
+ env-update
+ etc-update
+ fixpackages
+ quickpkg
+ regenworld"
+ local x
+ for x in ${my_syms}; do
+ dosym ../lib/portage/bin/${x} /usr/sbin/${x}
+ done
+ dodir /etc/portage
+ keepdir /etc/portage
+ doenvd "${FILESDIR}"/05portage.envd
+pkg_preinst() {
+ local portage_base="/usr/lib/portage"
+ if has livecvsportage ${FEATURES} && [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]; then
+ rm -rf "${IMAGE}"/${portage_base}/pym/*
+ mv "${IMAGE}"/${portage_base}/bin/tbz2tool "${T}"
+ rm -rf "${IMAGE}"/${portage_base}/bin/*
+ mv "${T}"/tbz2tool "${IMAGE}"/${portage_base}/bin/
+ else
+ for mydir in pym pym/cache pym/elog_modules; do
+ rm "${ROOT}"/${portage_base}/${mydir}/*.pyc >& /dev/null
+ rm "${ROOT}"/${portage_base}/${mydir}/*.pyo >& /dev/null
+ done
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ local x
+ if [ ! -f "${ROOT}/var/lib/portage/world" ] &&
+ [ -f "${ROOT}"/var/cache/edb/world ] &&
+ [ ! -h "${ROOT}"/var/cache/edb/world ]; then
+ mv "${ROOT}"/var/cache/edb/world "${ROOT}"/var/lib/portage/world
+ ln -s ../../lib/portage/world /var/cache/edb/world
+ fi
+ for x in "${ROOT}"/etc/._cfg????_make.globals; do
+ # Overwrite the globals file automatically.
+ [ -e "${x}" ] && mv -f "${x}" "${ROOT}etc/make.globals"
+ done
+ ewarn "Portage 2.1 contains a completely rewritten caching framework."
+ ewarn "If you are using any cache modules from portage-2.0.x (such as"
+ ewarn "the CDB cache module), portage will not work until they have"
+ ewarn "been disabled via /etc/portage/modules."
+ echo
+ einfo "The default cache format has changed between 2.0.x and 2.1"
+ einfo "versions. If you have upgraded from 2.0.x, before using"
+ einfo "emerge, run \`emerge --metadata\` to restore portage's local"
+ einfo "cache."
+ echo
+ einfo "With the new metadata_overlay cache module, it is possible to"
+ einfo "disable FEATURES=\"metadata-transfer\" (see make.conf.5)."
+ einfo "When this module is used, eclasses in \${PORTDIR} must never"
+ einfo "be modified by the user because portage will not be able to"
+ einfo "detect that cache regeneration is necessary."
+ einfo "When metadata_overlay is initially enabled by setting"
+ einfo "portdbapi.auxdbmodule = cache.metadata_overlay.database"
+ einfo "in /etc/portage/modules, the user must completely remove"
+ einfo "/var/cache/edb/dep/\${PORTDIR} in order to avoid unecessary"
+ einfo "cache regeneration."
+ echo
+ einfo "Flag ordering has changed for \`emerge --pretend --verbose\`."
+ einfo "Add EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS=\"--alphabetical\" to /etc/make.conf"
+ einfo "to restore the previous ordering."
+ echo
+ einfo "See NEWS and RELEASE-NOTES for further changes."
+ portage_docs