app-mobilephone/obexpushd:xobex - Build libraries to handle x-obex/* mime types.
dev-java/hdf-java:hdfview - Build and install the HDFView GUI
-dev-python/pymodbus:serial - include serial port support (through twisted)
-dev-python/pypid:modbus - invlude modbus support (though pymodbus)
-dev-python/pypid:serial - include serial port support (through pymodbus)
+dev-python/pymodbus:serial - Include serial port support (through twisted)
+dev-python/pypid:modbus - Include modbus support (though pymodbus)
+dev-python/pypid:serial - Include serial port support (through pymodbus)
sci-physics/sawsim:pbs - Add support for the Portable Batch System (PBS)