# Testing - crib sheet
-Thanks to Gordon Webster, the [Digital Biologist](http://www.digitalbiologist.com), for allowing use of his [Python DNA function](http://www.digitalbiologist.com/2011/04/code-tutorial-getting-started-with-python.html).
## Detecting errors
What we know about software development - code reviews work. Fagan (1976) discovered that a rigorous inspection can remove 60-90% of errors before the first test is run. M.E., Fagan (1976). [Design and Code inspections to reduce errors in program development](http://www.mfagan.com/pdfs/ibmfagan.pdf). IBM Systems Journal 15 (3): pp. 182-211.
## Runtime tests
-Dictionary stores molecular weights of 4 standard DNA nucleotides, A, T, C and G
-Function takes DNA sequence as input and returns its molecular weight, which is the sum of the weights for each nucelotide in the sequence,
+ $ python morse.py
+ encode
+ 1 + 2 = 3
- $ nano dna.py
- weight = calculate_weight('GATGCTGTGGATAA')
- print weight
- print calculate_weight(123)
+`KeyError` is an exception.
-`TypeError` is an exception, raised, here, by `for...in`.
+Traceback shows us Python's exception stack trace.
Runtime tests can make code robust and behave gracefully.
- try:
- for ch in sequence:
- weight += NUCLEOTIDES[ch]
- return weight
- except TypeError:
- print 'The input is not a sequence e.g. a string or list'
+ try:
+ print "Encoded is '%s'" % translator.encode(message)
+ except KeyError:
+ print 'The input should be a string of a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or space'
Exception is caught by the `except` block.
-Pass error to another part of program e.g. UI
+Exception can be converted and passed e.g. if this was deep within a function we would not want to print but to keep UI separate so, can `raise` an exception e.g.
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError('The input should be a string of a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or space')
- except TypeError:
- raise ValueError('The input is not a sequence e.g. a string or list')
+## Exercise
+Add a runtime test for decoding.
## Correctness tests
-Test implementation is correct.
+Testing manually works but is time-consuming and error prone - might forget to run a test.
+Write down set of test steps so won't forget.
+Still time-consuming.
+ def test(self):
+ print "SOS is ", self.encode('SOS')
+ print "...---... is ", self.decode('... --- ...')
+Extend UI to invoke:
- print "A is ", calculate_weight('A')
- print "G is ", calculate_weight('G')
- print "GA is ", calculate_weight('GA')
+ while True:
+ elif line == "test":
+ print "Testing..."
+ translator.test()
+ break
Automate checking.
- assert calculate_weight('A') == 131.2
- assert calculate_weight('G') == 329.2
- assert calculate_weight('GA') == 460.4
+ def test(self):
+ assert '... --- ...' == self.encode('SOS')
+ assert 'sos' == self.decode('... --- ...')
+ print "OK"
`assert` checks whether condition is true and, if not, raises an exception.
-Define constants in one place only.
- assert calculate_weight('A') == NUCLEOTIDES['A']
- assert calculate_weight('G') == NUCLEOTIDES['G']
- assert calculate_weight('GA') == NUCLEOTIDES['G'] + NUCLEOTIDES['A']
+Put test functions in separate file for modularity.
-Define test functions for modularity.
+ $ cp morse.py test_morse.py
+ $ nano test_morse.py
- def test_a():
- assert calculate_weight('A') == NUCLEOTIDES['A']
- def test_g():
- assert calculate_weight('G') == NUCLEOTIDES['G']
- def test_ga():
- assert calculate_weight('GA') == NUCLEOTIDES['G'] + NUCLEOTIDES['A']
+ from morse import MorseTranslator
- test_a()
- test_g()
- test_ga()
+ class TestMorseTranslator:
-Put test functions in separate file for modularity.
+ def test(self):
+ translator = MorseTranslator()
+ assert '... --- ...' == translator.encode('SOS')
+ assert 'sos' == translator.decode('... --- ...')
- $ nano test_dna.py
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
-Import dictionary and function.
+ test_translator = TestMorseTranslator()
+ test_translator.test()
+ print "OK"
- from dna import calculate_weight
- from dna import NUCLEOTIDES
+Remove test code from `MorseTranslator`.
Run tests.
- $ python test_dna.py
+ $ python test_morse.py
+Modularise functions.
+ def test_encode_sos(self):
+ ...
+ def test_decode_sos(self):
+ ...
+ test_translator.test_encode_sos()
+ test_translator.test_decode_sos()
+Remove duplicated code:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.translator = MorseTranslator()
Test function,
* Runs function / component on inputs to get actual outputs.
* Checks actual outputs match expected outputs.
-Verbose, but equivalent, version of `test_a`.
+Verbose, but equivalent, version of `test_encode_sos`.
- def test_a():
- expected = NUCLEOTIDES['A']
- actual = calculate_weight('A')
+ def test_encode_sos(self):
+ expected = '... --- ...'
+ actual = self.translator.encode('SOS')
assert expected == actual
## `nose` - a Python test framework
`test_` file and function prefix.
- $ nosetests test_dna.py
+ $ nosetests test_morse.py
`.` denotes successful tests.
- # Remove `test_` function calls.
- $ nosetests test_dna.py
+Remove `__main__ code.
+ $ nosetests test_morse.py
xUnit test report, standard format, convert to HTML, present online.
$ nosetests --with-xunit test_dna.py
$ cat nosetests.xml
- $ python
- >>> from nose.tools import *
- >>> expected = 123
- >>> actual = 123
- >>> assert_equal(expected, actual)
- >>> actual = 456
- >>> assert_equal(expected, actual)
- >>> expected = "GATTACCA"
- >>> actual = ["GATC", "GATTACCA"]
- >>> assert_true(expected in actual)
- >>> assert_false(expected in actual)
- >>> assert_true("GTA" in actual, "Expected value was not in the output list")
## Propose some more tests.
* What haven't we tested for so far?
-* Have we covered all the nucleotides?
-* Have we covered all the types of string we can expect?
-* In addition to test functions, other types of runtime test could we add to `calculate_weight`?
+* Have we covered all possible strings?
+* Have we covered all possible arguments?
+Propose examples and add to Etherpad.
- calculate_weight('T')
- calculate_weight('C')
- calculate_weight('TC')
- calculate_weight(123)
+ encode('sos')
+ encode('')
+ decode('')
+ encode('1 + 2 = 3')
+ decode('...---...')
-Test for the latter,
+Implement examples.
- try:
- calculate_weight(123)
- assert False
- except ValueError:
- assert True
+Tests for illegal arguments:
+ def test_encode_illegal(self):
+ try:
+ self.translator.encode('1 + 2 = 3')
+ assert False
+ except KeyError:
+ assert True
from nose.tools import assert_raises
- def test_123():
- assert_raises(ValueError, calculate_weight, 123)
+ def test_encode_illegal(self):
+ assert_raises(KeyError, self.translator.encode, '1 + 2 = 3')
-Another run-time test, for `GATCX`,
+Testing components together:
- ...
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError('The input is not a sequence of G,T,C,A')
+ assert 'sos' == decode(encode('sos'))
+ assert '... --- ...' == encode(decode('... --- ...'))
## Testing in practice
# TODO - will complete this tomorrow!
-## Test-driven development
-Complement, cDNA, mapping,
-* A => T
-* C => G
-* T => A
-* G => C
-DNA strand GTCA, cDNA strand CAGT.
-Antiparallel DNA - calculate inverse of cDNA by reversing it.
-[Test driven development](http://www.amazon.com/Test-Driven-Development-By-Example/dp/0321146530) (TDD)
- * Red - write tests based on requirements. They fail as there is no code.
- * Green - write/modify code to get tests to pass.
- * Refactor code - clean it up.
-Think about what code should do and test what it should do rather than what it actually does.
-YAGNI principle (You Ain't Gonna Need It) avoid developing code for which there is no need.
- $ nano test_dnautils.py
- from dnautils import antiparallel
- $ nosetests test_dnautils.py
- $ nano dnautils.py
- def antiparallel(sequence):
- """
- Calculate the antiparallel of a DNA sequence.
- @param sequence: a DNA sequence expressed as an upper-case string.
- @return antiparallel as an upper-case string.
- """
- pass
- $ nosetests test_dnautils.py
-Propose a test and add it.
- $ nosetests test_dnautils.py
-Change function to make test pass.
-Propose some tests and implement these, but don't update the function.
-Update the function.
-TDD delivers tests and a function - no risk of us leaving the tests "till later" (never!).
-Refactor code with security of tests to flag any changes made introduce a bug.
## Summary
--- /dev/null
+import string
+import sys
+class MorseTranslator:
+ """This class can translate to and from morse code."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._letter_to_morse = {'a':'.-', 'b':'-...', 'c':'-.-.', 'd':'-..', 'e':'.', 'f':'..-.',
+ 'g':'--.', 'h':'....', 'i':'..', 'j':'.---', 'k':'-.-', 'l':'.-..', 'm':'--',
+ 'n':'-.', 'o':'---', 'p':'.--.', 'q':'--.-', 'r':'.-.', 's':'...', 't':'-',
+ 'u':'..-', 'v':'...-', 'w':'.--', 'x':'-..-', 'y':'-.--', 'z':'--..',
+ '0':'-----', '1':'.----', '2':'..---', '3':'...--', '4':'....-',
+ '5':'.....', '6':'-....', '7':'--...', '8':'---..', '9':'----.',
+ ' ':'/', '':'' }
+ self._morse_to_letter = {}
+ for letter in self._letter_to_morse:
+ morse = self._letter_to_morse[letter]
+ self._morse_to_letter[morse] = letter
+ def encode(self, message):
+ """This function encodes the passed message into morse,
+ and returns the morse code string"""
+ morse = []
+ for letter in message:
+ letter = letter.lower()
+ morse.append(self._letter_to_morse[letter])
+ return string.join(morse," ")
+ def decode(self, message):
+ """This function decodes the passed morse code message
+ and returns a string containing the decoded message"""
+ english = []
+ # Now we cannot read by letter. We know that morse letters are
+ # separated by a space, so we split the morse string by spaces
+ morse_letters = string.split(message, " ")
+ for letter in morse_letters:
+ english.append(self._morse_to_letter[letter])
+ # Rejoin, but now we don't need to add any spaces
+ return string.join(english,"")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ translator = MorseTranslator()
+ while True:
+ print "Instruction (encode, decode, quit) :-> ",
+ # Read a line from standard input
+ line = sys.stdin.readline()
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ # the first line should be either "encode", "decode"
+ # or "quit" to tell us what to do next...
+ if line == "encode":
+ # read the line to be encoded
+ message = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+ print "Message is '%s'" % message
+ print "Encoded is '%s'" % translator.encode(message)
+ elif line == "decode":
+ # read the morse to be decoded
+ message = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
+ print "Morse is '%s'" % message
+ print "Decoded is '%s'" % translator.decode(message)
+ elif line == "quit":
+ print "Exiting..."
+ break
+ else:
+ print "Cannot understand '%s'. Instruction should be 'encode', 'decode' or 'quit'." % line