# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/examples/Attic/x86-livecd-stage3-runscript.sh,v 1.1 2004/01/07 18:46:57 drobbins Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/examples/Attic/x86-livecd-stage3-runscript.sh,v 1.2 2004/01/09 01:12:25 drobbins Exp $
+die() {
+ echo "$1"
+ exit 1
case $1 in
- #probably don't need to run anything in the chroot, but we support it just in case.
- ;;
+ #for running anything inside the chroot before the cleaning begins. This would normally
+ #be done during the build of the livecd-stage2 target, but we support doing stuff here
+ #too (although it should be avoided when possible.)
+ $clst_CHROOT $clst_chroot_path /bin/bash << EOF
+ echo "CDBOOT=1" >> /etc/rc.conf
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
#preclean runs with bind mounts active -- for running any commands inside chroot
- ;;
+ $clst_CHROOT $clst_chroot_path /bin/bash << EOF
+ emerge -C gcc binutils
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
- #clean runs after the bind mounts have been deactivated, and "livecd-stage3/clean" directories have been wiped.
+ #clean runs after the bind mounts have been deactivated and and "livecd-stage3/clean"
+ #directories have been wiped. This is where you should run commands that wipe out
+ #things like static libraries, or other things that can't be cleaned up using the
+ #"livecd-stage3/clean" variable in the spec file (which is used to wipe out directory
+ #trees.)
+ find $clst_chroot_path/usr/lib -iname "*.a" -exec rm -f {} \;
- #use this to set up the cdroot ($clst_cdroot_path)
+ #use this to set up the cdroot ($clst_cdroot_path). This directory is meant to contain
+ #a filesystem tree of what will be burned to the CD. We extract the "cdtar" to this
+ #directory, which will normally contain a pre-built binary boot-loader and a filesystem
+ #skeleton for the ISO.
- if [ "$cdtar" != "" ]
- then
- tar xpvf $cdtar -C $clst_cdroot_path || die
- fi
- install -d $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux
+ [ "$cdtar" = "" ] && die "No livecd-stage3/cdtar specified (required)"
+ tar xpvf $cdtar -C $clst_cdroot_path || die "Couldn't extract cdtar $cdtar"
if [ "$clst_boot_kernel" = "" ]
echo "No boot/kernel setting defined, exiting."
exit 1
+ first=""
for x in $clst_boot_kernel
+ if [ "$first" = "" ]
+ then
+ #grab name of first kernel
+ first="$x"
+ fi
if [ ! -e "$clst_source_path/$x.tar.bz2" ]
echo "Can't find kernel tarball at $clst_source_path/$x.tar.bz2"
#change initrd name from "initrd" to "gentoo.igz", for example
mv $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/initrd $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/$x.igz
+ icfg=$clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
+ echo "default $first" > $icfg
+ for x in $clst_boot_kernel
+ do
+ echo >> $icfg
+ echo "label $x" >> $icfg
+ echo " kernel $x" >> $icfg
+ echo " append initrd=$x.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc" >> $icfg
+ done
+ #OK, now we need to prepare the loopback filesystem that we'll be booting. This is
+ #tricky.
+ echo "Calculating size of loopback filesystem..."
+ loopsize=`du -ks $clst_cdroot_path`
+ #increase the size by 1/4, then divide by 4 to get 4k blocks
+ loopsize=$(( ( $loopsize + ( $loopsize /4 ) ) / 4 ) ))
+ echo "Creating loopback file..."
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$clst_cdroot_path/livecd.loop bs=4k count=$loopsize || die "livecd.loop creation failure"
+ echo "Calculating number of inodes required for ext2 filesystem..."
+ numnodes=`find $clst_chroot_path | wc -l`
+ numnodes=$(( $numnodes + 200 ))
+ mke2fs -F -b 4096 -m 0 -N $numnodes -q $clst_cdroot_path/livecd.loop || die "Couldn't create ext2 filesystem"
+ #some error handling should probably be added here for handling the loopback mount cleanup
+ install -d $clst_cdroot_path/loopmount
+ mount -t ext2 -o loop $clst_cdroot_path/livecd.loop || die "Couldn't mount loopback ext2 filesystem"
+ cp -a $clst_chroot_path/* $clst_cdroot_path/loopmount
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && ( umount $clst_cdroot_path/loopmount; die "Couldn't copy files to loopback ext2 filesystem" )
+ umount $clst_cdroot_path/loopmount || die "Couldn't unmount loopback ext2 filesystem"
+ rm -rf $clst_cdroot_path/loopmount
+ #now, $clst_cdroot_path should contain a proper bootable image for our iso, including
+ #boot loader and loopback filesystem.
+ ;;
+ #this is for the livecd-final target, and calls the proper command to build the iso file
+ mkisofs -J -R -l -o ${clst_iso_path} -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat \
+ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table $clst_cdroot_path