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+[Emacs][] is the text exitor that does everything. Take a look at the
+liki pages on [emacs in general][general], [unicode][], and
+Useful commands:
+* [Dynamic expansion][dabbrev], `dabbrev-expand` (`M-/`)
+* [[Spell checking|Emacs_and_aspell_spelling]], `ispell-word` (`M-$`)
+[Emacs]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
+[general]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/liki/index.php/Emacs
+[unicode]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/liki/index.php/Unicode
+[org-mode]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/liki/index.php/Emacs#Org_mode
+[dabbrev]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Dynamic-Abbrevs.html
+[[!tag tags/linux]]
+[[!tag tags/emacs]]
(setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")
-in your `~/.emacs` file (from the [aspell
-Then use the standard `emacs` spelling commands:
+in your `~/.emacs` file (from the [aspell manual][aspell]). Then use the
+standard `emacs` spelling commands:
* `M-x flyspell-mode` enables Flyspell mode, which highlights all misspelled words.
* `M-x ispell` spell-checks the active region or the current buffer.
* `M-x ispell-message` checks and corrects spelling of each word in a draft mail message, excluding cited material.
+* `M-$` (`ispell-word`) checks and corrects spelling of the active region or the word at point.
* `C-g` or `X` quits interactive spell checking. You can restart it again afterward with `C-u M-$`.
-With a bunch more commands in the [emacs manual](http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/emacs/emacs_109.html).
+With a bunch more commands in the [emacs manual][manual]
+[aspell]: http://aspell.net/man-html/Using-Aspell-with-other-Applications.html
+[manual]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Spelling.html
[[!tag tags/linux]]
-[[!tag tags/programming]]
+[[!tag tags/emacs]]
[[!meta title="Emacs and aspell/spelling II"]]
[[!meta date="2008-09-05 02:42:26"]]
-Update on [my earlier
-It seems that there are bugs running aspell on UTF-8 code via ispell.el.
+Update on [[my earlier post|Emacs_and_aspell_spelling]]. It seems
+that there are bugs running `aspell` on UTF-8 code via `ispell.el`.
For example, with the configuration I listed in my first post, running
`M-x ispell` on a buffer containing
when aspell caught on “aBx”.
-This seems to have been a problem for a while ([2003 bug
-report](http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=205516) and a
-[possible 2005
-against the
-[2003 ispell.el-3.7beta](http://www.kdstevens.com/stevens/ispell-page.html)),
-but I don't know enough about emacs to want to go that deep. For now
-I will just run `aspell -v <my-file>` from another terminal and
-revisit the file from emacs afterwards, or I will highlight non-UTF-8
-areas and `ispell` them seperately.
+This seems to have been a problem for a while ([2003 bug report][bug]
+and a [possible 2005 patch][patch] against the [2003
+ispell.el-3.7beta][beta]), but I don't know enough about emacs to want
+to go that deep. For now I will just run `aspell -v <my-file>` from
+another terminal and revisit the file from emacs afterwards, or I will
+highlight non-UTF-8 areas and `ispell` them seperately.
+[bug]: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=205516
+[patch]: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=945391&group_id=245&atid=300245
+[beta]: http://www.kdstevens.com/stevens/ispell-page.html
[[!tag tags/linux]]
+[[!tag tags/emacs]]
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+Pages related to [Emacs](http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/).
+[[!inline pages="link(tags/emacs)" show=10 actions=yes]]