Syntax: setconv variable value
- try:
- self.convfilt_config[args[0]]=eval(args[1])
- except NameError:
- self.convfilt_config[args[0]]=args[1]
+ #FIXME: a general "set dictionary" function has to be built
+ if len(args)==0:
+ print self.convfilt_config
+ else:
+ if not (args[0] in self.convfilt_config.keys()):
+ print 'This is not an internal convfilt variable!'
+ print 'Run "setconv" without arguments to see a list of defined variables.'
+ return
+ if len(args)==1:
+ print self.convfilt_config[args[0]]
+ elif len(args)>1:
+ try:
+ self.convfilt_config[args[0]]=eval(args[1])
+ except NameError: #we have a string argument
+ self.convfilt_config[args[0]]=args[1]