use JSON;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
+ # we need the version of GnuPG::Interface that knows about pubkey_data, etc:
+ use GnuPG::Interface 0.42.02;
my $version = '0.1';
+ my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
my %dispatch = (
'/' => { handler => \&noop,
methods => { 'GET' => 1 },
+ sub keycomp {
+ my $rsakey = shift;
+ my $gpgkey = shift;
+ if ($gpgkey->algo_num != 1) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "Monkeysphere only does RSA keys. This key is algorithm #%d\n", $gpgkey->algo_num);
+ } else {
+ if ($rsakey->{exponent}->bcmp($gpgkey->pubkey_data->[1]) == 0 &&
+ $rsakey->{modulus}->bcmp($gpgkey->pubkey_data->[0]) == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
sub getuid {
my $data = shift;
} else {
$ret->{message} = sprintf('Failed to validate "%s" through the OpenPGP Web of Trust.', $uid);
- my $fh;
- # clean up the path for taint-check mode:
+ # needed because $gnupg spawns child processes
$ENV{PATH} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin';
- # FIXME: should test exit code of open() and do something intelligent with it.
- open($fh, '-|', 'monkeysphere', 'keys-for-userid', $uid);
- while(<$fh>) {
- my @keyinfo = parse_openssh_pubkey($_);
- if (scalar(@keyinfo) != 3 || $keyinfo[0] ne "ssh-rsa") {
- msvalog('info', "got unknown or non-RSA key from monkeysphere\n");
- next;
- }
- msvalog('verbose', "got good RSA key from monkeysphere: \nExponent: 0x%s\nModulus: 0x%s\n", unpack('H*', $keyinfo[1]), unpack('H*', $keyinfo[2]));
- if ($key->{exponent}->bcmp(Math::BigInt->new('0x'.unpack('H*', $keyinfo[1]))) == 0 &&
- $key->{modulus}->bcmp(Math::BigInt->new('0x'.unpack('H*', $keyinfo[2]))) == 0) {
- msvalog('verbose', "...and it matches!\n");
- $ret->{valid} = JSON::true;
- $ret->{message} = sprintf('Successfully validated "%s" through the OpenPGP Web of Trust.', $uid);
+ # FIXME: check keyservers?
+ foreach my $gpgkey ($gnupg->get_public_keys('='.$uid)) {
+ my $notvalid = 1;
+ if ($gpgkey->usage_flags =~ /A/) {
+ # we're only interested in keys that might have a valid
+ # authentication key/subkey:
+ foreach my $tryuid ($gpgkey->user_ids) {
+ if ($tryuid->as_string eq $uid) {
+ $notvalid = 0
+ if ($tryuid->validity eq 'f' ||
+ $tryuid->validity eq 'u');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($notvalid) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "got a key that was not fully-valid for UID %s\n", $uid);
+ } else {
+ if ($gpgkey->usage_flags =~ /a/) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "primary key 0x%s is authentication-capable\n", $gpgkey->hex_id);
+ if (keycomp($key, $gpgkey)) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "...and it matches!\n");
+ $ret->{valid} = JSON::true;
+ $ret->{message} = sprintf('Successfully validated "%s" through the OpenPGP Web of Trust.', $uid);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $subkey ($gpgkey->subkeys) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "subkey 0x%s is authentication-capable\n", $subkey->hex_id);
+ if (keycomp($key, $subkey)) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "...and it matches!\n");
+ $ret->{valid} = JSON::true;
+ $ret->{message} = sprintf('Successfully validated "%s" through the OpenPGP Web of Trust.', $uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- my $closeval = close($fh);
- my $subproc_retval = POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($?);
- if ((!$closeval) && ($! != 0)) {
- msvalog('error', "Got bad errno from closing monkeysphere subprocess: %d \n", $!);
- }
- if ($subproc_retval != 0) {
- msvalog('error', "Got bad return code from monkeysphere subprocess: %d \n", $subproc_retval);
- # FIXME: marginal UI here? do something with the return code?
- }
} else {