-Hash: SHA1
AUX 3.6.0-ppc-configure.patch 448 RMD160 10f1ed25bb5b40be81b80a7b213f609f5290a676 SHA1 be876d4fdd1db8d2c4abbefaa665723867add1e3 SHA256 a61820e4434f28703f15c1e5a9a8f0f3b52b91cd8680835ea14490d991b79dc7
MD5 71df76ba613f53fa7e454154b4e8553e files/3.6.0-ppc-configure.patch 448
RMD160 10f1ed25bb5b40be81b80a7b213f609f5290a676 files/3.6.0-ppc-configure.patch 448
DIST atlas3.6.0.tar.bz2 1687723 RMD160 e7d40a6677ce7c4442df7152150aecf812020713 SHA1 61dd7ace2f43e9a10864148a71fa443a6eae2c3d SHA256 1c2ad68fe3c66e261c012788fc1b6f74eada791f713848a3a6420c50fa35c8e8
DIST atlas3.7.11.tar.bz2 2032724 RMD160 f58b8a85c097bd1bff6a53ee42bcff97240fb8ec SHA1 7806c43147535f6422bdaacb4416aa06a5de0f07 SHA256 558b9f3f0dc8f63306f99f75d6e6fa762ea3d9d0dea88053e3e8b6f0e6364109
DIST atlas3.7.24.tar.bz2 1776317 RMD160 c7bcfb157aa83a8087a3131342cbd1347f76ce64 SHA1 4ca6ee261a3b3af891db0fee87b7238b95badd5b SHA256 10436b1aa642d0bd041170db683c119a9581ee5325fed2dc8113f34a2f11f8e4
+DIST atlas3.7.30.tar.bz2 2126223 RMD160 8e7daa87878f4e32c04fa7de8e2477be552127c3 SHA1 c0484fc91f4eb71f80e67c1141de4f74a7177d54 SHA256 f93f67cd0d87a0483f757e887a16332aacd4f8d62ba57db7b37bceb596dd9ce9
EBUILD blas-atlas-3.6.0-r1.ebuild 4316 RMD160 9779f48958890157fa05c141ede8e4a592803e56 SHA1 43fcaf5ae529f683cff015ea101c63fbc322f447 SHA256 6ab240572027b639a4de97588798a0ed6dc1f317239f66080fd8ca16176ed91f
MD5 ab85ec0cc1d1214e07b3e66c9e6a70fc blas-atlas-3.6.0-r1.ebuild 4316
RMD160 9779f48958890157fa05c141ede8e4a592803e56 blas-atlas-3.6.0-r1.ebuild 4316
MD5 c30508c24785e31bdba10b14a442401b blas-atlas-3.7.24.ebuild 5211
RMD160 c6973a763ee33f8fabd01972ab551b1aab9609ae blas-atlas-3.7.24.ebuild 5211
SHA256 9c5a3285f8be5ce4feaee1700838669f495ded9c56e90aec304d436d2f37c455 blas-atlas-3.7.24.ebuild 5211
-MISC ChangeLog 12371 RMD160 053e3b7312fea80fcadd46c5b047f2837f05d4a8 SHA1 d76c623b06cdff5845aa6f8fed8931dbbe21629e SHA256 334914c74940cf5dcb2267d44bf360000fd63e464e98860ca9508695c452deda
-MD5 01746ba83f7b78274a75b09777af6667 ChangeLog 12371
-RMD160 053e3b7312fea80fcadd46c5b047f2837f05d4a8 ChangeLog 12371
-SHA256 334914c74940cf5dcb2267d44bf360000fd63e464e98860ca9508695c452deda ChangeLog 12371
+EBUILD blas-atlas-3.7.30.ebuild 5319 RMD160 db0385855f39db182812ff24b38dbeb4977d25eb SHA1 c0a240ff1743feb881f6a9d053e9cedd89f4cba4 SHA256 b50bf4f3c82b0d746d69d6af11c669fc74a3019b2b2f3d3423dd1f02989808b8
+MD5 6521ee8f285d5c49003e03917f227334 blas-atlas-3.7.30.ebuild 5319
+RMD160 db0385855f39db182812ff24b38dbeb4977d25eb blas-atlas-3.7.30.ebuild 5319
+SHA256 b50bf4f3c82b0d746d69d6af11c669fc74a3019b2b2f3d3423dd1f02989808b8 blas-atlas-3.7.30.ebuild 5319
+MISC ChangeLog 12503 RMD160 2fa33d94ad67f3cd09b24c3137bdd4395181c9fc SHA1 545f335341904d6d44b18a0707910b17cad47ae7 SHA256 e8743fbc6f664f5e5e197f1a5331d188fff276fe6f7e5568afb5e242f2845583
+MD5 6c996d3d192e87d584f14eee735333c4 ChangeLog 12503
+RMD160 2fa33d94ad67f3cd09b24c3137bdd4395181c9fc ChangeLog 12503
+SHA256 e8743fbc6f664f5e5e197f1a5331d188fff276fe6f7e5568afb5e242f2845583 ChangeLog 12503
MISC metadata.xml 156 RMD160 dc078172bfebcb25d69bdf8731714f9cce9d3e36 SHA1 da2b240a255820145b7c83a5c48e45b96b7e9ee6 SHA256 5d22100902db7507a5b5493dd4a66cdb08025faf80a2c0b75e6392315c47f900
MD5 8c623e53daafa025137077c6b65815bd metadata.xml 156
RMD160 dc078172bfebcb25d69bdf8731714f9cce9d3e36 metadata.xml 156
MD5 6c1da4df17af50da3d6050016818c5c5 files/digest-blas-atlas-3.7.24 518
RMD160 9238d4140adf20453f0af2b98338b2329e714c52 files/digest-blas-atlas-3.7.24 518
SHA256 fc51a752ff6d6213be4ac56f385f15b225f3466b3a866c39c47320e0180289ed files/digest-blas-atlas-3.7.24 518
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 30b4b11f387ce032b54d08398ec25f6a files/digest-blas-atlas-3.7.30 518
+RMD160 d39b8f888aa3cfb22d284ac0a393eaf257071547 files/digest-blas-atlas-3.7.30 518
+SHA256 fbc41fc27e8be793cf65037aaef8385b0aa7c59343c82edda4bfcd9038554209 files/digest-blas-atlas-3.7.30 518
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/blas-atlas/blas-atlas-3.7.30.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/03/27 01:16:32 markusle Exp $
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs fortran
+DESCRIPTION="Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software BLAS implementation"
+ mirror://gentoo/${MY_PN}-3.7.23-shared-libs.patch.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+ app-admin/eselect-cblas"
+ >=sys-devel/libtool-1.5"
+FORTRAN="g77 gfortran"
+pkg_setup() {
+ fortran_pkg_setup
+ echo
+ ewarn "Please make sure to disable CPU throttling completely"
+ ewarn "during the compile of blas-atlas. Otherwise, all atlas"
+ ewarn "generated timings will be completely random and the"
+ ewarn "performance of the resulting libraries will be degraded"
+ ewarn "considerably."
+ echo
+ ewarn "For users of <=gcc-4.1.1 only:"
+ ewarn "If you experience failing SANITY tests during"
+ ewarn "atlas' compile please try passing -mfpmath=387; this"
+ ewarn "option might also result in much better performance"
+ ewarn "than using then sse instruction set depending on your"
+ ewarn "CPU."
+ echo
+ epause 10
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${MY_PN}-3.7.23-shared-libs.patch.bz2
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}-asm-gentoo.patch
+ # make sure shared libs link against proper libraries
+ if [[ ${FORTRANC} == "gfortran" ]]; then
+ libs="${LDFLAGS} -lpthread -lgfortran"
+ else
+ libs="${LDFLAGS} -lpthread -lg2c"
+ fi
+ sed -e "s:SHRD_LNK:${libs}:g" -i Make.top || \
+ die "Failed to add addtional libs to shared object build"
+ sed -e "s:= gcc:= $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS}:" \
+ -i CONFIG/src/SpewMakeInc.c || die "Failed to fix Spewmake"
+ mkdir ${BLD_DIR} || die "failed to generate build directory"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/war ${BLD_DIR} && chmod a+x ${BLD_DIR}/war || \
+ die "failed to install war"
+ # force proper 32/64bit libs
+ local archselect
+ if [[ "${ARCH}" == "amd64" || "${ARCH}" == "ppc64" ]]; then
+ archselect="-b 64"
+ elif [ "${ARCH}" == "alpha" ]; then
+ archselect=""
+ else
+ archselect="-b 32"
+ fi
+ # set up compiler/flags using atlas' native configure
+ local compdefs
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C xc '$(tc-getCC)' -F xc '${CFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C ic '$(tc-getCC)' -F ic '${CFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C sk '$(tc-getCC)' -F sk '${CFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C dk '$(tc-getCC)' -F dk '${CFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C sm '$(tc-getCC)' -F sm '${CFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C dm '$(tc-getCC)' -F dm '${CFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -C if '${FORTRANC}' -F if '${FFLAGS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -Ss pmake '\$(MAKE) ${MAKEOPTS}'"
+ compdefs="${compdefs} -Si cputhrchk 0 ${archselect}"
+ cd ${BLD_DIR} && ../configure ${compdefs} \
+ || die "configure failed"
+src_compile() {
+ cd ${BLD_DIR}
+ emake -j1 || die "make failed"
+ make shared-strip RPATH=${RPATH}/atlas || \
+ die "failed to build shared libraries"
+ # build shared libraries of threaded libraries if applicable
+ if [ -d gentoo/libptf77blas.a ]; then
+ make ptshared-strip RPATH=${RPATH}/threaded-atlas || \
+ die "failed to build threaded shared libraries"
+ fi
+src_install () {
+ dodir "${RPATH}"/atlas
+ cd ${BLD_DIR}/gentoo/libs
+ cp -P libatlas* "${D}/${DESTTREE}/$(get_libdir)" || \
+ die "Failed to install libatlas"
+ cp -P *blas* "${D}/${RPATH}"/atlas || \
+ die "Failed to install blas/cblas"
+ eselect blas add $(get_libdir) ${FILESDIR}/eselect.blas atlas
+ eselect cblas add $(get_libdir) ${FILESDIR}/eselect.cblas atlas
+ if [ -d ${BLD_DIR}/gentoo/threaded-libs ]
+ then
+ dodir "${RPATH}"/threaded-atlas
+ cd ${BLD_DIR}/gentoo/threaded-libs
+ cp -P * "${D}/${RPATH}"/threaded-atlas || \
+ die "Failed to install threaded atlas"
+ eselect blas add $(get_libdir) ${FILESDIR}/eselect.blas-threaded threaded-atlas
+ eselect cblas add $(get_libdir) ${FILESDIR}/eselect.cblas-threaded threaded-atlas
+ fi
+ insinto "${DESTTREE}"/include/atlas
+ doins "${S}"/include/cblas.h "${S}"/include/atlas_misc.h \
+ "${S}"/include/atlas_enum.h || \
+ die "failed to install headers"
+ # These headers contain the architecture-specific
+ # optimizations determined by ATLAS. The atlas-lapack build
+ # is much shorter if they are available, so save them:
+ doins ${BLD_DIR}/include/*.h || \
+ die "failed to install timing headers"
+ #some docs
+ cd "${S}"
+ dodoc README doc/{AtlasCredits.txt,ChangeLog}
+ use doc && dodoc doc/*.ps
+pkg_postinst() {
+ local THREADED
+ if [ -d "${RPATH}"/threaded-atlas ]
+ then
+ THREADED="threaded-"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$(eselect blas show)" ]]; then
+ eselect blas set ${THREADED}atlas
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$(eselect cblas show)" ]]; then
+ eselect cblas set ${THREADED}atlas
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Fortran users link using -lblas"
+ elog
+ elog "C users compile against the header ${ROOT}usr/include/atlas/cblas.h and"
+ elog "link using -lcblas"
+ elog
+ elog "If using threaded ATLAS, you may also need to link with -lpthread."
+ elog
+ elog "Configuration now uses eselect rather than blas-config."