return long(self.aux_get(mycpv, ["COUNTER"])[0])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
- cdir = self.getpath(mycpv)
- cpath = self.getpath(mycpv, filename="COUNTER")
- # We write our new counter value to a new file that gets moved into
- # place to avoid filesystem corruption on XFS (unexpected reboot.)
- corrupted = 0
- if os.path.exists(cpath):
- cfile = open(cpath, "r")
- try:
- counter = long(cfile.readline())
- except ValueError:
- print "portage: COUNTER for", mycpv, "was corrupted; resetting to value of 0"
- counter = long(0)
- corrupted = 1
- cfile.close()
- elif os.path.exists(cdir):
- mys = pkgsplit(mycpv)
- myl = self.match(mys[0], use_cache=0)
- print mys, myl
- if len(myl) == 1:
- try:
- # Only one package... Counter doesn't matter.
- write_atomic(cpath, "1")
- counter = 1
- except SystemExit, e:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- writemsg("!!! COUNTER file is missing for "+str(mycpv)+" in /var/db.\n",
- noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! Please run %s/ or\n" % PORTAGE_BIN_PATH,
- noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! unmerge this exact version.\n", noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! %s\n" % e, noiselevel=-1)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- writemsg("!!! COUNTER file is missing for "+str(mycpv)+" in /var/db.\n",
- noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! Please run %s/ or\n" % PORTAGE_BIN_PATH,
- noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! remerge the package.\n", noiselevel=-1)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- counter = long(0)
- if corrupted:
- # update new global counter file
- write_atomic(cpath, str(counter))
- return counter
+ writemsg_level(("portage: COUNTER for %s was corrupted; " + \
+ "resetting to value of 0\n") % (mycpv,),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
def cpv_inject(self, mycpv):
"injects a real package into our on-disk database; assumes mycpv is valid and doesn't already exist"