# ChangeLog for media-gfx/splashutils
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-gfx/splashutils/ChangeLog,v 1.73 2007/02/17 11:36:41 spock Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-gfx/splashutils/ChangeLog,v 1.74 2007/03/13 16:39:23 spock Exp $
+*splashutils-1.3.1 (13 Mar 2007)
+ 13 Mar 2007; Michał Januszewski <spock@gentoo.org>
+ +files/splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-old-baselayout.patch,
+ +splashutils-1.3.1.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
17 Feb 2007; Michał Januszewski <spock@gentoo.org>
splashutils-1.3-r2.ebuild, splashutils-1.3-r3.ebuild:
MD5 d78ee27cab85b59044d8ef3e7e5be4af files/splashutils-depscan.patch 2197
RMD160 044f771f4d971abc177a1da9563cba76bc101d71 files/splashutils-depscan.patch 2197
SHA256 ea06dec56d412a30abe7da31ab3485ab9748cf58740aa1f08b128b0b5e1e6df9 files/splashutils-depscan.patch 2197
+AUX splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-old-baselayout.patch 7139 RMD160 d82215a21b7fb8b723fe1511656e33a605d85d0f SHA1 781254eb66aca9458e21414675cec004e6b6043e SHA256 90a5d6ba57cfc696d07e22546ebaf3ba7e568dd03ab650bbe1744ec9e77ca337
+MD5 e873a94f512f1248b331b2cbb91bbb1b files/splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-old-baselayout.patch 7139
+RMD160 d82215a21b7fb8b723fe1511656e33a605d85d0f files/splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-old-baselayout.patch 7139
+SHA256 90a5d6ba57cfc696d07e22546ebaf3ba7e568dd03ab650bbe1744ec9e77ca337 files/splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-old-baselayout.patch 7139
DIST freetype-2.1.9.tar.bz2 992394 RMD160 1dd8fb6fda8b159ef0d2ebedeca99a67ed65dc72 SHA1 a3c3a0c0d5f8f6e62c774e24817748a941016990 SHA256 4dabc3b38405f5c5f03b8f14d8902a9d506713182baf2baec9dea509515d4b6f
DIST jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz 613261 RMD160 18892206014fbb8cae2a44e281f4ed53feaf7882 SHA1 7079f0d6c42fad0cfba382cf6ad322add1ace8f9 SHA256 75c3ec241e9996504fe02a9ed4d12f16b74ade713972f3db9e65ce95cd27e35d
DIST klibc-1.0.8.tar.bz2 446138 RMD160 006511b5178fc32cebd801ee399cc792b545418c SHA1 74d51df90912e5997adb17e7169222d358dbc837 SHA256 3d39bb503e2fc0ac9782edd235e06015bd4f14fe8bd4318042b208f3a9ce529a
DIST splashutils-gentoo-0.1.14.tar.bz2 7750 RMD160 680efa24119dcf699f37a9f295e3f81faebbdc18 SHA1 55285679ca778c82a5e8363526901689dc7b6cba SHA256 2515416c98bcf8e4e0d217cafc74b507295cb03d915d78b224683577159ae9dc
DIST splashutils-gentoo- 7522 RMD160 5e0b94448dafd156e60bf92225945e2e508036a1 SHA1 51be358941801e8874d479f4671ae2b2b558e841 SHA256 06cbe08b0b10a95d4eb3829294934bebffe2db63291bd4ec11a62c5ffe813560
DIST splashutils-gentoo-0.5.3.tar.bz2 6796 RMD160 19952bd63cf6a4e512d3c604e4e015e79d0c2187 SHA1 5097d92cc9b8047072d46f99b898ba1678b6f494 SHA256 f784704b11c8d6e884a652cc0084117ccb4e28392ba3acfabd060fc7358aa100
+DIST splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4.tar.bz2 6631 RMD160 dde17340439121f6d2da021c2f8ac84d35411645 SHA1 9e24af43ac491ea8c1f715d447950a455c031f70 SHA256 401cbc912d26be430b827203d6a94c2bab5aa0b6eead2010c0397f52643e6f74
DIST splashutils-lite- 55094 RMD160 274cfc9a79b69091b0feba8f6d64e3eb965dfb9a SHA1 c4bc383f40bd4f3cf45bd251fa133b59c6bd1d49 SHA256 de38e284103ed569360caf5d555d784309afea7625bad7acd689399d26c3955c
DIST splashutils-lite- 55013 RMD160 377396b94562f4cde5e298170f762bb6518545ef SHA1 7d90c9b56d4d54083d21b618811eb225d456df0c SHA256 4f7ce63a2ec11884b4d624c334a93ddd5806f8b0acd5f80fc1e9edf369384f54
+DIST splashutils-lite-1.3.1.tar.bz2 61506 RMD160 14f47119523c5eca24482429c37d393e32562c3c SHA1 5a98b452009a0366ac006a1fcd1662855a181af7 SHA256 45ab13d25ff941e9920ec2f941bc450794b869658fdcee13d72595708d569e39
DIST splashutils-lite-1.3.tar.bz2 61079 RMD160 4d5296ed0b2a7a7783cfe5f9f25b53fa56307bc7 SHA1 22349164fc0512a698ae2f387bfd7845d3f8063e SHA256 4f94e91ee81acea4d6ef8d481b32cf15cd7987030e048e0e249eec995ef8a5d0
DIST zlib-1.2.1.tar.bz2 284152 RMD160 aca88eb02d90b91c732f351e1b7efd4ce409ee25 SHA1 13bd164df955911c25342adfad805c1cad5e398e SHA256 9ea4bd04487e05254d05cebde539b3855af2899658e2da84487e86f7f400e0e1
DIST zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 425209 RMD160 cfba9984b354dcc38da49331457e6bfc861c6f51 SHA1 967e280f284d02284b0cd8872a8e2e04bfdc7283 SHA256 e3b9950851a19904d642c4dec518623382cf4d2ac24f70a76510c944330d28ca
MD5 d67227ec2dc3875326716e83d57ee513 splashutils-1.3-r3.ebuild 7153
RMD160 57e8f24564ec6bf98e635111c7354ee7ec24c270 splashutils-1.3-r3.ebuild 7153
SHA256 5af03ce2260a32161d71868233f706dec96a8b99c58ba9159f9fa773d48623c1 splashutils-1.3-r3.ebuild 7153
-MISC ChangeLog 15235 RMD160 22426c5d8a5ccd712969dac1cb8fc5ed4854ab7f SHA1 97e1e53b9c9bf09198ffc91022e5a0e1e6364cb2 SHA256 271d6efcffe81c9c6cb4a5f3f6d294d8348334791cb1763d4df1578b1059f0d2
-MD5 93e64827490cd8b525fe223d92d2340a ChangeLog 15235
-RMD160 22426c5d8a5ccd712969dac1cb8fc5ed4854ab7f ChangeLog 15235
-SHA256 271d6efcffe81c9c6cb4a5f3f6d294d8348334791cb1763d4df1578b1059f0d2 ChangeLog 15235
+EBUILD splashutils-1.3.1.ebuild 6939 RMD160 6c34890d9e7ae8372c2ec37c8350798642f61b3b SHA1 18548d2432e6440dff48c62b6dbb43ef48683a00 SHA256 50eaf6094d579eddbc73da2c49d21a335a930416445cfc70bee900cf26500f54
+MD5 57e8bae9fb4bf36888348de2b238b7f4 splashutils-1.3.1.ebuild 6939
+RMD160 6c34890d9e7ae8372c2ec37c8350798642f61b3b splashutils-1.3.1.ebuild 6939
+SHA256 50eaf6094d579eddbc73da2c49d21a335a930416445cfc70bee900cf26500f54 splashutils-1.3.1.ebuild 6939
+MISC ChangeLog 15425 RMD160 1f1c37ad538e15b7790beeb334c1dae7de609a18 SHA1 564d4b93f792499df37c2b2d9a63b43cb289f06c SHA256 ab28b9db75dfff1502385cab22ec17e14e24e6a5c5e1209486b2fb39b0d9448f
+MD5 4fd9b16513e3de8332623f0c3ea62e8f ChangeLog 15425
+RMD160 1f1c37ad538e15b7790beeb334c1dae7de609a18 ChangeLog 15425
+SHA256 ab28b9db75dfff1502385cab22ec17e14e24e6a5c5e1209486b2fb39b0d9448f ChangeLog 15425
MISC metadata.xml 220 RMD160 6bb03cb6947aadf2672a58c61c1fb7aa405eaf86 SHA1 7810907f03c5a3ee23eeaa4b42699ce17bc5c3a7 SHA256 969b4125e7620e2fe0d616cb3cabbe52bd79e6c4bdd725ce807d5f4c7c1ad75d
MD5 87131e5c56922624f8a0c7fe61cd28da metadata.xml 220
RMD160 6bb03cb6947aadf2672a58c61c1fb7aa405eaf86 metadata.xml 220
MD5 4d847b245ed019bdbc5e49db00f16411 files/digest-splashutils-1.3-r3 1756
RMD160 6cf154f3a835edc1b7c14afbc1880a1debeebd98 files/digest-splashutils-1.3-r3 1756
SHA256 033b154e5cba7f58d9cce3d213a3b1f229e3750c78526e26cd04d9a5fac383a4 files/digest-splashutils-1.3-r3 1756
+MD5 ce69ea1709bd9f722cf0823d82ca3230 files/digest-splashutils-1.3.1 1762
+RMD160 cee3d8129e8200b93554c4da621a325c5d834bf2 files/digest-splashutils-1.3.1 1762
+SHA256 20dc274189e8c25ee3bf459573da4a263e9ada3eedbe816283c53c28f200e0c7 files/digest-splashutils-1.3.1 1762
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.3 (GNU/Linux)
--- /dev/null
+MD5 ec1b903e4be5f073caa72458ea58c29c freetype-2.1.9.tar.bz2 992394
+RMD160 1dd8fb6fda8b159ef0d2ebedeca99a67ed65dc72 freetype-2.1.9.tar.bz2 992394
+SHA256 4dabc3b38405f5c5f03b8f14d8902a9d506713182baf2baec9dea509515d4b6f freetype-2.1.9.tar.bz2 992394
+MD5 dbd5f3b47ed13132f04c685d608a7547 jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz 613261
+RMD160 18892206014fbb8cae2a44e281f4ed53feaf7882 jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz 613261
+SHA256 75c3ec241e9996504fe02a9ed4d12f16b74ade713972f3db9e65ce95cd27e35d jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz 613261
+MD5 00cea4539bea4bd34cbf8b82ff9589cd libpng-1.2.8.tar.bz2 384970
+RMD160 7de7456faaa4e4361b6b7ed74c87f0702f9cc88c libpng-1.2.8.tar.bz2 384970
+SHA256 9bec729a1e77d8bbc5800b14aa81f09290aa18daa40f344103f2c0d1d681531b libpng-1.2.8.tar.bz2 384970
+MD5 20fc3ed2407edc8cd97623bf7f1c5c7b miscsplashutils-0.1.5.tar.bz2 91898
+RMD160 1930081408fd6bad6f60db883127f22ff727f83e miscsplashutils-0.1.5.tar.bz2 91898
+SHA256 906163c75d487a00ba7d6b287e20e4ce195febcd4fdb8592d53827c2f8a28142 miscsplashutils-0.1.5.tar.bz2 91898
+MD5 f29193cf6492f2b2700a7359fbab767b splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4.tar.bz2 6631
+RMD160 dde17340439121f6d2da021c2f8ac84d35411645 splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4.tar.bz2 6631
+SHA256 401cbc912d26be430b827203d6a94c2bab5aa0b6eead2010c0397f52643e6f74 splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4.tar.bz2 6631
+MD5 08f338d01cb18c11b5a465ef98df84ea splashutils-lite-1.3.1.tar.bz2 61506
+RMD160 14f47119523c5eca24482429c37d393e32562c3c splashutils-lite-1.3.1.tar.bz2 61506
+SHA256 45ab13d25ff941e9920ec2f941bc450794b869658fdcee13d72595708d569e39 splashutils-lite-1.3.1.tar.bz2 61506
+MD5 dee233bf288ee795ac96a98cc2e369b6 zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 425209
+RMD160 cfba9984b354dcc38da49331457e6bfc861c6f51 zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 425209
+SHA256 e3b9950851a19904d642c4dec518623382cf4d2ac24f70a76510c944330d28ca zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 425209
--- /dev/null
+diff -Naurp splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-orig/splash-functions.sh splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4/splash-functions.sh
+--- splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4-orig/splash-functions.sh 2007-03-13 14:24:42.000000000 +0100
++++ splashutils-gentoo-0.5.4/splash-functions.sh 2007-03-13 14:30:14.000000000 +0100
+@@ -489,10 +489,39 @@ splash_cache_prep() {
+ return "${retval}"
+ fi
++ # Copy the dependency cache and services lists to our new cache dir.
++ # With some luck, we won't have to update it.
++ cp -a ${svcdir}/{depcache,deptree} "${spl_tmpdir}" 2>/dev/null
++ cp -a ${spl_cachedir}/{svcs_start,svcs_stop,levels} "${spl_tmpdir}" 2>/dev/null
++ # Now that the data from the old cache is copied, move tmpdir to cachedir.
+ mount -n --move "${spl_tmpdir}" "${spl_cachedir}"
++ h=$(stat -c '%y' ${spl_cachedir}/deptree 2>/dev/null)
++ # Point depscan.sh to our cachedir
++ /sbin/depscan.sh --svcdir "${spl_cachedir}"
+ if [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then
+- echo $(splash_svclist_update "start") > ${spl_cachedir}/svcs_start
++ # Check whether the list of services that will be started during boot
++ # needs updating. This is generally the case if:
++ # - one of the caches doesn't exist
++ # - our deptree was out of date
++ # - we're booting with a different boot/default level than the last time
++ # - one of the runlevel dirs has been modified since the last boot
++ if [[ ! -e ${spl_cachedir}/levels || \
++ ! -e ${spl_cachedir}/svcs_start ]]; then
++ echo $(splash_svclist_update "start") > ${spl_cachedir}/svcs_start
++ else
++ local lastlev timestamp
++ { read lastlev; read timestamp; } < ${spl_cachedir}/levels
++ if [[ "${lastlev}" != "${BOOTLEVEL}/${DEFAULTLEVEL}" || \
++ "${timestamp}" != "$(stat -c '%y' /etc/runlevels/${BOOTLEVEL})/$(stat -c '%y' /etc/runlevels/${DEFAULTLEVEL})" || \
++ "$(stat -c '%y' ${spl_cachedir}/deptree)" != "${h}" ]]; then
++ echo $(splash_svclist_update "start") > ${spl_cachedir}/svcs_start
++ fi
++ fi
+ echo -n > ${spl_cachedir}/profile
+ fi
+@@ -524,7 +553,17 @@ splash_cache_cleanup() {
+ # writable, update it to avoid stale mtab entries (bug #121827).
+ local mntopt=""
+ [[ -w /etc/mtab ]] || mntopt="-n"
+- umount ${mntopt} -l "${spl_tmpdir}" 2>/dev/null
++ mount ${mntopt} --move "${spl_cachedir}" "${spl_tmpdir}" 2>/dev/null
++ # Don't try to copy anything if the cachedir is not writable.
++ [[ -w "${spl_cachedir}" ]] || return;
++ cp -a "${spl_tmpdir}"/{envcache,depcache,deptree,svcs_start,svcs_stop,profile} "${spl_cachedir}" 2>/dev/null
++ echo "${BOOTLEVEL}/${DEFAULTLEVEL}" > "${spl_cachedir}/levels"
++ echo "$(stat -c '%y' /etc/runlevels/${BOOTLEVEL})/$(stat -c '%y' /etc/runlevels/${DEFAULTLEVEL})" \
++ >> "${spl_cachedir}/levels"
++ umount -l "${spl_tmpdir}" 2>/dev/null
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+@@ -557,32 +596,133 @@ splash_svclist_get() {
+ }
+ splash_svclist_update() {
+- local svcs= order= x= dlvl="${SOFTLEVEL}"
++ (
++ # Source our own deptree and required functions
++ source ${spl_cachedir}/deptree
++ [[ ${RC_GOT_SERVICES} != "yes" ]] && source "${svclib}/sh/rc-services.sh"
++ svcs_started=" "
++ svcs_order=""
++ # We're sure our depcache is up-to-date, no need to waste
++ # time checking mtimes.
++ check_mtime() {
++ return 0
++ }
++ is_net_up() {
++ local netcount=0
++ case "${RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING}" in
++ lo)
++ netcount="$(echo ${svcs_started} | tr ' ' '\n' | \
++ egrep -c "\/net\..*$")"
++ ;;
++ *)
++ netcount="$(echo ${svcs_started} | tr ' ' '\n' | \
++ grep -v 'net\.lo' | egrep -c "\/net\..*$")"
++ ;;
++ esac
++ # Only worry about net.* services if this is the last one running,
++ # or if RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING is set ...
++ if [[ ${netcount} -lt 1 || ${RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING} == "yes" ]]; then
++ return 1
++ fi
++ return 0
++ }
+- for x in $(dolisting /etc/runlevels/${BOOTLEVEL}) \
+- $(dolisting ${svcdir}/coldplugged) ; do
+- svcs="${svcs} ${x##*/}"
+- if [[ ${x##*/} == "autoconfig" ]] ; then
+- svcs="${svcs} $(. /etc/init.d/autoconfig; list_services)"
++ service_started() {
++ if [[ -z "${svcs_started/* ${1} */}" ]]; then
++ return 0
++ else
++ return 1
+ fi
+- done
+- order=$(rc-depend -ineed -iuse -iafter ${svcs})
++ }
++ # This simulates the service startup and has to mimic the behaviour of
++ # svc_start() from /sbin/runscript.sh and start_service() from rc-functions.sh
++ # as closely as possible.
++ start_service() {
++ local svc="$1"
+- # We call rc-depend twice so we get the ordering exactly right
+- svcs=
+- if [[ ${SOFTLEVEL} == "${BOOTLEVEL}" ]] ; then
+- dlvl="${DEFAULTLEVEL}"
+- fi
+- for x in $(dolisting /etc/runlevels/"${dlvl}") ; do
+- svcs="${svcs} ${x##*/}"
+- if [[ ${x##*/} == "autoconfig" ]] ; then
+- svcs="${svcs} $(. /etc/init.d/autoconfig; list_services)"
++ if service_started ${svc}; then
++ return
+ fi
+- done
+- order="${order} $(SOFTLEVEL="$dlvl" rc-depend -ineed -iuse -iafter ${svcs})"
+- # Only list each service once
+- uniqify ${order}
++ # Prevent recursion..
++ svcs_started="${svcs_started}$1 "
++ if is_fake_service "${svc}" "${mylevel}"; then
++ svcs_order="${svcs_order} ${svc}"
++ return
++ fi
++ svcs_startup="$(ineed "${svc}") \
++ $(valid_iuse "${svc}") \
++ $(valid_iafter "${svc}")"
++ for x in ${svcs_startup} ; do
++ if [[ ${x} == "net" ]] && [[ ${svc%%.*} != "net" || ${svc##*.} == ${svc} ]] && ! is_net_up ; then
++ local netservices="$(dolisting "/etc/runlevels/${BOOTLEVEL}/net.*") \
++ $(dolisting "/etc/runlevels/${mylevel}/net.*")"
++ for y in ${netservices} ; do
++ mynetservice="${y##*/}"
++ if ! service_started ${mynetservice} ; then
++ start_service "${mynetservice}"
++ fi
++ done
++ else
++ if ! service_started ${x} ; then
++ start_service "${x}"
++ fi
++ fi
++ done
++ svcs_order="${svcs_order} ${svc}"
++ return
++ }
++ # This function should return a list of services that will be started
++ # from /etc/init.d/autoconfig. In order to do that, we source
++ # /etc/init.d/autoconfig and use its list_services() function.
++ autoconfig_svcs() {
++ [[ -r /etc/init.d/autoconfig ]] || return
++ . /etc/init.d/autoconfig
++ echo "$(list_services)"
++ }
++ as="$(autoconfig_svcs)"
++ [[ -n "${SOFTLEVEL}" ]] && ss="$(dolisting "/etc/runlevels/${SOFTLEVEL}/") "
++ sb="$(dolisting "/etc/runlevels/${BOOTLEVEL}/") "
++ sd="$(dolisting "/etc/runlevels/${DEFAULTLEVEL}/") "
++ # If autoconfig is one of the services that will be started,
++ # insert an updated list of services into our list.
++ if [[ -z "${ss/*\/autoconfig */}" ]]; then
++ ss="${ss/\/autoconfig /\/autoconfig $as }"
++ fi
++ if [[ -z "${sb/*\/autoconfig */}" ]]; then
++ sb="${sb/\/autoconfig /\/autoconfig $as }"
++ fi
++ if [[ -z "${sd/*\/autoconfig */}" ]]; then
++ sd="${sd/\/autoconfig /\/autoconfig $as }"
++ fi
++ mylevel="${BOOTLEVEL}"
++ for i in ${CRITICAL_SERVICES} ${sb}; do
++ start_service "${i##*/}"
++ done
++ mylevel="${DEFAULTLEVEL}"
++ for i in ${LOGGER_SERVICE} ${sd} ${ss}; do
++ start_service "${i##*/}"
++ done
++ echo "${svcs_order}"
++ )
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-gfx/splashutils/splashutils-1.3.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/03/13 16:39:23 spock Exp $
+inherit eutils multilib toolchain-funcs
+IUSE="hardened png truetype mng"
+DESCRIPTION="Framebuffer splash utilities."
+ mirror://gentoo/${GENTOOSPLASH}.tar.bz2
+ mirror://gentoo/${MISCSPLASH}.tar.bz2
+ mirror://sourceforge/libpng/libpng-${V_PNG}.tar.bz2
+ ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg/jpegsrc.v${V_JPEG}.tar.gz
+ mirror://sourceforge/freetype/freetype-${V_FT}.tar.bz2
+ http://www.gzip.org/zlib/zlib-${V_ZLIB}.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64 ~ppc"
+RDEPEND="truetype? ( >=media-libs/freetype-2 )
+ png? ( >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.7 )
+ mng? ( media-libs/lcms media-libs/libmng )
+ >=media-libs/jpeg-6b
+ >=sys-apps/baselayout-1.9.4-r5
+ app-arch/cpio
+ !media-gfx/bootsplash
+ media-gfx/fbgrab"
+ >=dev-libs/klibc-1.4.13"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use hardened; then
+ ewarn "Due to problems with klibc, it is currently impossible to compile splashutils"
+ ewarn "with 'hardened' GCC flags. As a workaround, the package will be compiled with"
+ ewarn "-fno-stack-protector. Hardened GCC features will not be used while building"
+ ewarn "the splash kernel helper."
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ mv ${WORKDIR}/{libpng-${V_PNG},jpeg-${V_JPEG},zlib-${V_ZLIB},freetype-${V_FT}} ${S}/libs
+ # We need to delete the Makefile and let it be rebuilt when splashutils
+ # is being configured. Either that, or we end up with a segfaulting kernel
+ # helper.
+ rm ${S}/libs/zlib-${V_ZLIB}/Makefile
+ cd ${SG}
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${GENTOOSPLASH}-old-baselayout.patch
+ cd ${S}
+ # Make sure the static version of splash_util is linked against the nptl
+ # libraries and not the linuxthreads ones.
+ sed -i -e 's#$(LDLIBS) -static#$(LDLIBS) -L/usr/lib/nptl -static#' Makefile
+ # Check whether the kernel tree has been patched with fbsplash.
+ if [[ ! -e /usr/$(get_libdir)/klibc/include/linux/console_splash.h ]]; then
+ ewarn "The kernel tree against which dev-libs/klibc was built was not patched"
+ ewarn "with a compatible version of fbsplash. Splashutils will be compiled"
+ ewarn "without fbsplash support (ie. verbose mode will not work)."
+ fi
+ if has_version sys-libs/glibc && ! built_with_use sys-libs/glibc nptl ; then
+ eerror "Your sys-libs/glibc has been built with support for linuxthreads only."
+ eerror "This package requires nptl to work correctly. Please recompile glibc"
+ eerror "with the 'nptl' USE flag enabled."
+ die "nptl not available"
+ fi
+ if built_with_use sys-devel/gcc vanilla ; then
+ ewarn "Your GCC was built with the 'vanilla' flag set. If you can't compile"
+ ewarn "splashutils, you're on your own, as this configuration is not supported."
+ else
+ # This should make splashutils compile on systems with hardened GCC.
+ sed -e 's@K_CFLAGS =@K_CFLAGS = -fno-stack-protector@' -i ${S}/Makefile
+ fi
+ # Use tty16 as the default silent tty.
+ sed -i -e 's/#define TTY_SILENT.*/#define TTY_SILENT 16/' ${S}/splash.h
+ if ! use truetype ; then
+ sed -i -e 's/fbtruetype kbd/kbd/' ${SM}/Makefile
+ fi
+ # Fix path to klibc headers on multilib systems
+ sed -i -e "s:/lib/klibc:/$(get_libdir)/klibc:" ${S}/Makefile
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf=""
+ if [[ ! -e /usr/$(get_libdir)/klibc/include/linux/console_splash.h ]]; then
+ myconf="--without-fbsplash"
+ else
+ myconf="--with-fbsplash"
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "s/^CFLAGS[ \t]*=.*/CFLAGS = ${CFLAGS}/" Makefile
+ cd ${SM}
+ emake LIB=$(get_libdir) || die "failed to build miscsplashutils"
+ cd ${S}
+ ./configure \
+ $(use_with png) \
+ $(use_with mng) \
+ $(use_with truetype ttf) \
+ $(use_with truetype ttfkern) \
+ ${myconf} || die "failed to configure splashutils"
+ emake -j1 LIB=$(get_libdir) ARCH=$(tc-arch-kernel) || die "failed to build splashutils"
+src_install() {
+ cd ${SM}
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
+ cd ${S}
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
+ keepdir /lib/splash/{tmp,cache,bin}
+ dosym /lib/splash/bin/fbres /sbin/fbres
+ dodir /etc/env.d
+ echo 'CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/splash"' > ${D}/etc/env.d/99splash
+ exeinto /etc/init.d
+ newexe ${SG}/init-splash splash
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}
+ doins ${SG}/initrd.splash
+ insinto /sbin
+ doins ${SG}/splash-functions.sh
+ insinto /etc/conf.d
+ newins ${SG}/splash.conf splash
+ insinto /etc/splash
+ doins ${SM}/fbtruetype/luxisri.ttf
+ dodoc docs/* README AUTHORS
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ebegin "Checking whether /dev/tty1 is in place"
+ mount --bind / ${T}
+ if [[ ! -c ${T}/dev/tty1 ]]; then
+ eend 1
+ ewarn "It appears that the /dev/tty1 character device doesn't exist on"
+ ewarn "the root filesystem. This will prevent the silent mode from working"
+ ewarn "properly. You can fix the problem by doing:"
+ ewarn " mount --bind / /lib/splash/tmp"
+ ewarn " mknod /lib/splash/tmp/dev/tty1 c 4 1"
+ ewarn " umount /lib/splash/tmp"
+ echo ""
+ else
+ eend 0
+ fi
+ umount ${T}
+ if has_version sys-fs/devfsd || ! has_version sys-fs/udev ; then
+ ewarn "This package has been designed with udev in mind. Other solutions, such as"
+ ewarn "devfs or a static /dev tree might work, but are generally discouraged and"
+ ewarn "not supported. If you decide to switch to udev, you might want to have a"
+ ewarn "look at 'The Gentoo udev Guide', which can be found at"
+ ewarn " http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/udev-guide.xml"
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ if has_version '<media-gfx/splashutils-1.0' ; then
+ ewarn "Since you are upgrading from a pre-1.0 version, please make sure that you"
+ ewarn "rebuild your initrds. You can use the splash_geninitramfs script to do that."
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ if ! test -f /proc/cmdline ||
+ ! egrep -q '(console|CONSOLE)=(tty1|/dev/tty1)' /proc/cmdline ; then
+ ewarn "It is required that you add 'console=tty1' to your kernel"
+ ewarn "command line parameters."
+ echo ""
+ einfo "After these modifications, the relevant part of the kernel command"
+ einfo "line might look like:"
+ einfo " splash=silent,fadein,theme:emergence console=tty1"
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ if ! has_version 'media-gfx/splash-themes-livecd' &&
+ ! has_version 'media-gfx/splash-themes-gentoo'; then
+ einfo "The sample Gentoo themes (emergence, gentoo) have been removed from the"
+ einfo "core splashutils package. To get some themes you might want to emerge:"
+ einfo " media-gfx/splash-themes-livecd"
+ einfo " media-gfx/splash-themes-gentoo"
+ fi