__Security__: [As with passwordauth](/security/#index14h2), be wary of sending usernames and passwords in cleartext. Unlike passwordauth, sniffing `unixauth` credentials can get an attacker much further than mere wiki access. Therefore, this plugin defaults to not even _displaying_ the login form fields unless we're running under SSL. Nobody should be able to do anything remotely dumb until the admin has done at least a little thinking. After that, dumb things are always possible. ;-)
-_XXX hang on, looks like we don't have the huge CGI environment so testing for ${HTTPS} always fails; need another way to be sure_
+`unixauth` tests for the presence of the `HTTPS` environment variable. `Wrapper.pm` needs to be tweaked to pass it through; without that, the plugin fails closed.
+[[!toggle id="diff" text="Wrapper.pm.diff"]]
+[[!toggleable id="diff" text="""
+ --- Wrapper.pm.orig 2008-07-29 00:09:10.000000000 -0400
+ +++ Wrapper.pm
+ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sub gen_wrapper () { #{{{
+ my @envsave;
+ - HTTP_COOKIE REMOTE_USER} if $config{cgi};
+ + HTTP_COOKIE REMOTE_USER HTTPS} if $config{cgi};
+ my $envsave="";
+ foreach my $var (@envsave) {
+ $envsave.=<<"EOF"
[[!toggle id="code" text="unixauth.pm"]]
[[!toggleable id="code" text="""
- #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #!/usr//bin/perl
# Ikiwiki unixauth authentication.
package IkiWiki::Plugin::unixauth;
if (! exists $config{unixauth_requiressl}) {
$config{unixauth_requiressl} = 1;
- if ($config{unixauth_requiressl} && \
- (! $config{sslcookie} || ! exists $ENV{'HTTPS'})) {
- die("SSL required to login. Contact your administrator.");
+ if ($config{unixauth_requiressl}) {
+ if ((! $config{sslcookie}) || (! exists $ENV{'HTTPS'})) {
+ die("SSL required to login. Contact your administrator.<br>");
+ }
if ($form->title eq "signin") {