1-40, A beta 1-42 fibrils are also defibrillized in the presence
of millimolar concentrations of Ca2+. These studies suggest that
metal cations can defibrillize the fibrils of synthetic A beta.},
+ note = {From page 806, ``The exact mechanism by which these metal
+ ions affect the fibrillization of A$\beta$ is not known.''},
@article{ friedman05,
developed that depend upon direct ion-macromolecule interactions
as well as interactions with water molecules in the first
hydration shell of the macromolecule.},
+ note = {A quick pass through Hofmeister history, but no discussion
+ of cations (``A complete picture will inevitably involve an
+ integrated understanding of the role of cations (including
+ guanidinium ions) and osmolytes (such as urea and tri-methylamine
+ N-oxide) as well. There has been some progress in these fields,
+ although such subjects are generally beyond the scope of this
+ short review.'').},
@article{ isaacs06,
impaired intraneuronal calcium regulation in the aging brain and
Alzheimer disease, may play an important role in the onset of
amyloid-related pathology.},
+ note = {Physiological levels of \NaCl\ are $\sim 150\U{mM}$. \Ca\
+ is $\sim 2\U{mM}$.},
@article{ itkin11,
fibrils. Overall, these results led us to conclude that calcium
ions stimulate the formation of oligomers of A$\beta$(1-40), that
have been implicated in the pathogenesis of AD.},
+ note = {$2\U{mM}$ of \Ca\ is the \emph{extracellular} concentration.
+ Cytosol concetrations are in the $\mu$M range.},
@article{ zidar11,
N-terminal parts of the fibril, whereas aggregation at higher
ionic strength is suggested to be driven by the hydrophobic
+ note = {Only study \NaCl\ over the range to $308\U{mM}$, but show a
+ general decreased hydrogen bonding as concentration increases.},
@article{ miao11,
with high affinity and specificity at biologically-relevant
concentrations. Interestingly, the binding is found to be both
salt- and residue-specific.},
+ note = {They suggest that for low concentrations ($<100\U{mM}$),
+ protein-ion interactions are mostly electrostatic. The Hofmeister
+ effects only kick in at higher consentrations.},
@article{ dyson05,