# share. We hope IGOR Technical Notes will provide you with lots of
# valuable information while you are developing IGOR applications.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
import array as _array
+import struct as _struct
import sys as _sys
import types as _types
import numpy as _numpy
+from . import LOG as _LOG
from .struct import Structure as _Structure
+from .struct import DynamicStructure as _DynamicStructure
from .struct import Field as _Field
+from .struct import DynamicField as _DynamicField
from .util import assert_null as _assert_null
from .util import byte_order as _byte_order
from .util import need_to_reorder_bytes as _need_to_reorder_bytes
complexUInt32 = _numpy.dtype(
[('real', _numpy.uint32), ('imag', _numpy.uint32)])
+class StaticStringField (_DynamicField):
+ _null_terminated = False
+ _array_size_field = None
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ d = self._normalize_string(wave_data[self.name])
+ wave_data[self.name] = d
+ def _normalize_string(self, d):
+ if hasattr(d, 'tostring'):
+ d = d.tostring()
+ else:
+ d = ''.join(d)
+ if self._array_size_field:
+ start = 0
+ strings = []
+ for count in self.counts:
+ end = start + count
+ if end > start:
+ strings.append(d[start:end])
+ if self._null_terminated:
+ strings[-1] = strings[-1].split('\x00', 1)[0]
+ start = end
+ elif self._null_terminated:
+ d = d.split('\x00', 1)[0]
+ return d
+class NullStaticStringField (StaticStringField):
+ _null_terminated = True
# Begin IGOR constants and typedefs from IgorBin.h
# From IgorMath.h
# From binary.h
-BinHeaderCommon = _Structure( # WTK: this one is mine.
- name='BinHeaderCommon',
- fields=[
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number for backwards compatibility.'),
- ])
-BinHeader1 = _Structure(
+BinHeader1 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into Wave
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number for backwards compatibility.'),
_Field('l', 'wfmSize', help='The size of the WaveHeader2 data structure plus the wave data plus 16 bytes of padding.'),
_Field('h', 'checksum', help='Checksum over this header and the wave header.'),
-BinHeader2 = _Structure(
+BinHeader2 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into Wave
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number for backwards compatibility.'),
_Field('l', 'wfmSize', help='The size of the WaveHeader2 data structure plus the wave data plus 16 bytes of padding.'),
_Field('l', 'noteSize', help='The size of the note text.'),
_Field('l', 'pictSize', default=0, help='Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('h', 'checksum', help='Checksum over this header and the wave header.'),
-BinHeader3 = _Structure(
+BinHeader3 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into Wave
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number for backwards compatibility.'),
- _Field('h', 'wfmSize', help='The size of the WaveHeader2 data structure plus the wave data plus 16 bytes of padding.'),
+ _Field('l', 'wfmSize', help='The size of the WaveHeader2 data structure plus the wave data plus 16 bytes of padding.'),
_Field('l', 'noteSize', help='The size of the note text.'),
_Field('l', 'formulaSize', help='The size of the dependency formula, if any.'),
_Field('l', 'pictSize', default=0, help='Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('h', 'checksum', help='Checksum over this header and the wave header.'),
-BinHeader5 = _Structure(
+BinHeader5 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into Wave
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number for backwards compatibility.'),
_Field('h', 'checksum', help='Checksum over this header and the wave header.'),
_Field('l', 'wfmSize', help='The size of the WaveHeader5 data structure plus the wave data.'),
_Field('l', 'formulaSize', help='The size of the dependency formula, if any.'),
# Header to an array of waveform data.
-WaveHeader2 = _Structure(
+# `wData` field pulled out into DynamicWaveDataField1
+WaveHeader2 = _DynamicStructure(
_Field('h', 'type', help='See types (e.g. NT_FP64) above. Zero for text waves.'),
_Field('P', 'next', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
- _Field('c', 'bname', help='Name of wave plus trailing null.', count=MAX_WAVE_NAME2+2),
+ NullStaticStringField('c', 'bname', help='Name of wave plus trailing null.', count=MAX_WAVE_NAME2+2),
_Field('h', 'whVersion', default=0, help='Write 0. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('h', 'srcFldr', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('P', 'fileName', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('c', 'wUnused', default=0, help='Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.', count=2),
_Field('L', 'modDate', help='DateTime of last modification.'),
_Field('P', 'waveNoteH', help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
- _Field('f', 'wData', help='The start of the array of waveform data.', count=4),
-WaveHeader5 = _Structure(
+# `sIndices` pointer unset (use Wave5_data['sIndices'] instead). This
+# field is filled in by DynamicStringIndicesDataField.
+# `wData` field pulled out into DynamicWaveDataField5
+WaveHeader5 = _DynamicStructure(
_Field('P', 'next', help='link to next wave in linked list.'),
_Field('h', 'dLock', default=0, help='Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('c', 'whpad1', default=0, help='Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.', count=6),
_Field('h', 'whVersion', default=1, help='Write 1. Ignore on read.'),
- _Field('c', 'bname', help='Name of wave plus trailing null.', count=MAX_WAVE_NAME5+1),
+ NullStaticStringField('c', 'bname', help='Name of wave plus trailing null.', count=MAX_WAVE_NAME5+1),
_Field('l', 'whpad2', default=0, help='Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('P', 'dFolder', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
# Dimensioning info. [0] == rows, [1] == cols etc
_Field('h', 'srcFldr', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('P', 'fileName', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
_Field('P', 'sIndices', default=0, help='Used in memory only. Write zero. Ignore on read.'),
- _Field('f', 'wData', help='The start of the array of data. Must be 64 bit aligned.', count=1),
-# End IGOR constants and typedefs from IgorBin.h
-def _version_structs(version, byte_order):
- if version == 1:
- bin = BinHeader1
- wave = WaveHeader2
- elif version == 2:
- bin = BinHeader2
- wave = WaveHeader2
- elif version == 3:
- bin = BinHeader3
- wave = WaveHeader2
- elif version == 5:
- bin = BinHeader5
- wave = WaveHeader5
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- ('This does not appear to be a valid Igor binary wave file. '
- 'The version field = {}.\n').format(version))
- checkSumSize = bin.size + wave.size
- if version == 5:
- checkSumSize -= 4 # Version 5 checksum does not include the wData field.
- bin.set_byte_order(byte_order)
- wave.set_byte_order(byte_order)
- return (bin, wave, checkSumSize)
-# Translated from ReadWave()
-def load(filename, strict=True):
- if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
- f = filename # filename is actually a stream object
- else:
- f = open(filename, 'rb')
- try:
- BinHeaderCommon.set_byte_order('=')
- b = buffer(f.read(BinHeaderCommon.size))
- version = BinHeaderCommon.unpack_from(b)['version']
- needToReorderBytes = _need_to_reorder_bytes(version)
- byteOrder = _byte_order(needToReorderBytes)
- if needToReorderBytes:
- BinHeaderCommon.set_byte_order(byteOrder)
- version = BinHeaderCommon.unpack_from(b)['version']
- bin_struct,wave_struct,checkSumSize = _version_structs(
- version, byteOrder)
- b = buffer(b + f.read(bin_struct.size + wave_struct.size - BinHeaderCommon.size))
- c = _checksum(b, byteOrder, 0, checkSumSize)
- if c != 0:
- raise ValueError(
- ('This does not appear to be a valid Igor binary wave file. '
- 'Error in checksum: should be 0, is {}.').format(c))
- bin_info = bin_struct.unpack_from(b)
- wave_info = wave_struct.unpack_from(b, offset=bin_struct.size)
- if version in [1,2,3]:
- tail = 16 # 16 = size of wData field in WaveHeader2 structure
- waveDataSize = bin_info['wfmSize'] - wave_struct.size
- # = bin_info['wfmSize']-16 - (wave_struct.size - tail)
- else:
- assert version == 5, version
- tail = 4 # 4 = size of wData field in WaveHeader5 structure
- waveDataSize = bin_info['wfmSize'] - (wave_struct.size - tail)
+class DynamicWaveDataField1 (_DynamicField):
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def pre_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ full_structure = parents[0]
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_header_structure = wave_structure.fields[1].format
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ version = data['version']
+ bin_header = wave_data['bin_header']
+ wave_header = wave_data['wave_header']
+ self.count = wave_header['npnts']
+ self.data_size = self._get_size(bin_header, wave_header_structure.size)
+ type_ = TYPE_TABLE.get(wave_header['type'], None)
+ if type_:
+ self.shape = self._get_shape(bin_header, wave_header)
+ else: # text wave
+ type_ = _numpy.dtype('S1')
+ self.shape = (self.data_size,)
# dtype() wrapping to avoid numpy.generic and
# getset_descriptor issues with the builtin numpy types
# (e.g. int32). It has no effect on our local complex
# integers.
- if version == 5:
- shape = [n for n in wave_info['nDim'] if n > 0] or (0,)
+ self.dtype = _numpy.dtype(type_).newbyteorder(
+ wave_structure.byte_order)
+ if (version == 3 and
+ self.count > 0 and
+ bin_header['formulaSize'] > 0 and
+ self.data_size == 0):
+ """From TN003:
+ Igor Pro 2.00 included support for dependency formulae. If
+ a wave was governed by a dependency formula then the
+ actual wave data was not written to disk for that wave,
+ because on loading the wave Igor could recalculate the
+ data. However,this prevented the wave from being loaded
+ into an experiment other than the original
+ experiment. Consequently, in a version of Igor Pro 3.0x,
+ we changed it so that the wave data was written even if
+ the wave was governed by a dependency formula. When
+ reading a binary wave file, you can detect that the wave
+ file does not contain the wave data by examining the
+ wfmSize, formulaSize and npnts fields. If npnts is greater
+ than zero and formulaSize is greater than zero and
+ the waveDataSize as calculated above is zero, then this is
+ a file governed by a dependency formula that was written
+ without the actual wave data.
+ """
+ self.shape = (0,)
+ elif TYPE_TABLE.get(wave_header['type'], None) is not None:
+ assert self.data_size == self.count * self.dtype.itemsize, (
+ self.data_size, self.count, self.dtype.itemsize, self.dtype)
- shape = (wave_info['npnts'],)
- t = _numpy.dtype(_numpy.int8) # setup a safe default
- if wave_info['type'] == 0: # text wave
- shape = (waveDataSize,)
- elif wave_info['type'] in TYPE_TABLE or wave_info['npnts']:
- t = _numpy.dtype(TYPE_TABLE[wave_info['type']])
- assert waveDataSize == wave_info['npnts'] * t.itemsize, (
- '{}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
- waveDataSize, wave_info['npnts'], t.itemsize, t))
+ assert self.data_size >= 0, (
+ bin_header['wfmSize'], wave_header_structure.size)
+ def _get_size(self, bin_header, wave_header_size):
+ return bin_header['wfmSize'] - wave_header_size - 16
+ def _get_shape(self, bin_header, wave_header):
+ return (self.count,)
+ def unpack(self, stream):
+ data_b = stream.read(self.data_size)
+ try:
+ data = _numpy.ndarray(
+ shape=self.shape,
+ dtype=self.dtype,
+ buffer=data_b,
+ order='F',
+ )
+ except:
+ _LOG.error(
+ 'could not reshape data from {} to {}'.format(
+ self.shape, data_b))
+ raise
+ return data
+class DynamicWaveDataField5 (DynamicWaveDataField1):
+ "Adds support for multidimensional data."
+ def _get_size(self, bin_header, wave_header_size):
+ return bin_header['wfmSize'] - wave_header_size
+ def _get_shape(self, bin_header, wave_header):
+ return [n for n in wave_header['nDim'] if n > 0] or (0,)
+# End IGOR constants and typedefs from IgorBin.h
+class DynamicStringField (StaticStringField):
+ _size_field = None
+ def pre_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ size = self._get_size_data(parents, data)
+ if self._array_size_field:
+ self.counts = size
+ self.count = sum(self.counts)
- pass # formula waves
- if wave_info['npnts'] == 0:
- data_b = buffer('')
+ self.count = size
+ self.setup()
+ def _get_size_data(self, parents, data):
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ bin_header = wave_data['bin_header']
+ return bin_header[self._size_field]
+class DynamicWaveNoteField (DynamicStringField):
+ _size_field = 'noteSize'
+class DynamicDependencyFormulaField (DynamicStringField):
+ """Optional wave dependency formula
+ Excerpted from TN003:
+ A wave has a dependency formula if it has been bound by a
+ statement such as "wave0 := sin(x)". In this example, the
+ dependency formula is "sin(x)". The formula is stored with
+ no trailing null byte.
+ """
+ _size_field = 'formulaSize'
+ # Except when it is stored with a trailing null byte :p. See, for
+ # example, test/data/mac-version3Dependent.ibw.
+ _null_terminated = True
+class DynamicDataUnitsField (DynamicStringField):
+ """Optional extended data units data
+ Excerpted from TN003:
+ dataUnits - Present in versions 1, 2, 3, 5. The dataUnits field
+ stores the units for the data represented by the wave. It is a C
+ string terminated with a null character. This field supports
+ units of 0 to 3 bytes. In version 1, 2 and 3 files, longer units
+ can not be represented. In version 5 files, longer units can be
+ stored using the optional extended data units section of the
+ file.
+ """
+ _size_field = 'dataEUnitsSize'
+class DynamicDimensionUnitsField (DynamicStringField):
+ """Optional extended dimension units data
+ Excerpted from TN003:
+ xUnits - Present in versions 1, 2, 3. The xUnits field stores the
+ X units for a wave. It is a C string terminated with a null
+ character. This field supports units of 0 to 3 bytes. In
+ version 1, 2 and 3 files, longer units can not be represented.
+ dimUnits - Present in version 5 only. This field is an array of 4
+ strings, one for each possible wave dimension. Each string
+ supports units of 0 to 3 bytes. Longer units can be stored using
+ the optional extended dimension units section of the file.
+ """
+ _size_field = 'dimEUnitsSize'
+ _array_size_field = True
+class DynamicLabelsField (DynamicStringField):
+ """Optional dimension label data
+ From TN003:
+ If the wave has dimension labels for dimension d then the
+ dimLabelsSize[d] field of the BinHeader5 structure will be
+ non-zero.
+ A wave will have dimension labels if a SetDimLabel command has
+ been executed on it.
+ A 3 point 1D wave has 4 dimension labels. The first dimension
+ label is the label for the dimension as a whole. The next three
+ dimension labels are the labels for rows 0, 1, and 2. When Igor
+ writes dimension labels to disk, it writes each dimension label as
+ a C string (null-terminated) in a field of 32 bytes.
+ """
+ _size_field = 'dimLabelsSize'
+ _array_size_field = True
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ bin_header = wave_data['bin_header']
+ d = ''.join(wave_data[self.name])
+ dim_labels = []
+ start = 0
+ for size in bin_header[self._size_field]:
+ end = start + size
+ if end > start:
+ dim_data = d[start:end]
+ # split null-delimited strings
+ labels = dim_data.split(chr(0))
+ start = end
+ else:
+ labels = []
+ dim_labels.append(labels)
+ wave_data[self.name] = dim_labels
+class DynamicStringIndicesDataField (_DynamicField):
+ """String indices used for text waves only
+ """
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def pre_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ bin_header = wave_data['bin_header']
+ wave_header = wave_data['wave_header']
+ self.string_indices_size = bin_header['sIndicesSize']
+ self.count = self.string_indices_size / 4
+ if self.count: # make sure we're in a text wave
+ assert TYPE_TABLE[wave_header['type']] is None, wave_header
+ self.setup()
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ if not self.count:
+ return
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ wave_header = wave_data['wave_header']
+ wdata = wave_data['wData']
+ strings = []
+ start = 0
+ for i,offset in enumerate(wave_data['sIndices']):
+ if offset > start:
+ chars = wdata[start:offset]
+ strings.append(''.join(chars))
+ start = offset
+ elif offset == start:
+ strings.append('')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError((offset, wave_data['sIndices']))
+ wdata = _numpy.array(strings)
+ shape = [n for n in wave_header['nDim'] if n > 0] or (0,)
+ try:
+ wdata = wdata.reshape(shape)
+ except ValueError:
+ _LOG.error(
+ 'could not reshape strings from {} to {}'.format(
+ shape, wdata.shape))
+ raise
+ wave_data['wData'] = wdata
+class DynamicVersionField (_DynamicField):
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, byte_order):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ wave_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, wave_structure)
+ version = wave_data['version']
+ if wave_structure.byte_order in '@=':
+ need_to_reorder_bytes = _need_to_reorder_bytes(version)
+ wave_structure.byte_order = _byte_order(need_to_reorder_bytes)
+ _LOG.debug(
+ 'get byte order from version: {} (reorder? {})'.format(
+ wave_structure.byte_order, need_to_reorder_bytes))
- tail_data = _array.array('f', b[-tail:])
- data_b = buffer(buffer(tail_data) + f.read(waveDataSize-tail))
- data = _numpy.ndarray(
- shape=shape,
- dtype=t.newbyteorder(byteOrder),
- buffer=data_b,
- order='F',
- )
+ need_to_reorder_bytes = False
+ old_format = wave_structure.fields[-1].format
if version == 1:
- pass # No post-data information
+ wave_structure.fields[-1].format = Wave1
elif version == 2:
- # Post-data info:
- # * 16 bytes of padding
- # * Optional wave note data
- pad_b = buffer(f.read(16)) # skip the padding
- _assert_null(pad_b, strict=strict)
- bin_info['note'] = str(f.read(bin_info['noteSize'])).strip()
+ wave_structure.fields[-1].format = Wave2
elif version == 3:
- # Post-data info:
- # * 16 bytes of padding
- # * Optional wave note data
- # * Optional wave dependency formula
- """Excerpted from TN003:
- A wave has a dependency formula if it has been bound by a
- statement such as "wave0 := sin(x)". In this example, the
- dependency formula is "sin(x)". The formula is stored with
- no trailing null byte.
- """
- pad_b = buffer(f.read(16)) # skip the padding
- _assert_null(pad_b, strict=strict)
- bin_info['note'] = str(f.read(bin_info['noteSize'])).strip()
- bin_info['formula'] = str(f.read(bin_info['formulaSize'])).strip()
+ wave_structure.fields[-1].format = Wave3
elif version == 5:
- # Post-data info:
- # * Optional wave dependency formula
- # * Optional wave note data
- # * Optional extended data units data
- # * Optional extended dimension units data
- # * Optional dimension label data
- # * String indices used for text waves only
- """Excerpted from TN003:
- dataUnits - Present in versions 1, 2, 3, 5. The dataUnits
- field stores the units for the data represented by the
- wave. It is a C string terminated with a null
- character. This field supports units of 0 to 3 bytes. In
- version 1, 2 and 3 files, longer units can not be
- represented. In version 5 files, longer units can be
- stored using the optional extended data units section of
- the file.
- xUnits - Present in versions 1, 2, 3. The xUnits field
- stores the X units for a wave. It is a C string
- terminated with a null character. This field supports
- units of 0 to 3 bytes. In version 1, 2 and 3 files,
- longer units can not be represented.
- dimUnits - Present in version 5 only. This field is an
- array of 4 strings, one for each possible wave
- dimension. Each string supports units of 0 to 3
- bytes. Longer units can be stored using the optional
- extended dimension units section of the file.
- """
- bin_info['formula'] = str(f.read(bin_info['formulaSize'])).strip()
- bin_info['note'] = str(f.read(bin_info['noteSize'])).strip()
- bin_info['dataEUnits'] = str(f.read(bin_info['dataEUnitsSize'])).strip()
- bin_info['dimEUnits'] = [
- str(f.read(size)).strip() for size in bin_info['dimEUnitsSize']]
- bin_info['dimLabels'] = []
- for size in bin_info['dimLabelsSize']:
- labels = str(f.read(size)).split(chr(0)) # split null-delimited strings
- bin_info['dimLabels'].append([L for L in labels if len(L) > 0])
- if wave_info['type'] == 0: # text wave
- sIndices_data = f.read(bin_info['sIndicesSize'])
- sIndices_count = bin_info['sIndicesSize']/4
- bin_info['sIndices'] = _numpy.ndarray(
- shape=(sIndices_count,),
- dtype=_numpy.dtype(
- _numpy.uint32()).newbyteorder(byteOrder),
- buffer=sIndices_data,
- order='F',
- )
- if wave_info['type'] == 0: # text wave
- # use sIndices to split data into strings
- strings = []
- start = 0
- for i,offset in enumerate(bin_info['sIndices']):
- if offset > start:
- string = data[start:offset]
- strings.append(''.join(chr(x) for x in string))
- start = offset
- elif offset == start:
- strings.append('')
- else:
- raise ValueError((offset, bin_info['sIndices']))
- data = _numpy.array(strings)
- shape = [n for n in wave_info['nDim'] if n > 0] or (0,)
- data.reshape(shape)
+ wave_structure.fields[-1].format = Wave5
+ elif not need_to_reorder_bytes:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'invalid binary wave version: {}'.format(version))
+ if wave_structure.fields[-1].format != old_format:
+ _LOG.debug('change wave headers from {} to {}'.format(
+ old_format, wave_structure.fields[-1].format))
+ wave_structure.setup()
+ elif need_to_reorder_bytes:
+ wave_structure.setup()
+ # we might need to unpack again with the new byte order
+ return need_to_reorder_bytes
+class DynamicWaveField (_DynamicField):
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ return
+ raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
+ checksum_size = bin.size + wave.size
+ wave_structure = parents[-1]
+ if version == 5:
+ # Version 5 checksum does not include the wData field.
+ checksum_size -= 4
+ c = _checksum(b, parents[-1].byte_order, 0, checksum_size)
+ if c != 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ ('This does not appear to be a valid Igor binary wave file. '
+ 'Error in checksum: should be 0, is {}.').format(c))
+Wave1 = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Wave1',
+ fields=[
+ _Field(BinHeader1, 'bin_header', help='Binary wave header'),
+ _Field(WaveHeader2, 'wave_header', help='Wave header'),
+ DynamicWaveDataField1('f', 'wData', help='The start of the array of waveform data.', count=0),
+ ])
+Wave2 = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Wave2',
+ fields=[
+ _Field(BinHeader2, 'bin_header', help='Binary wave header'),
+ _Field(WaveHeader2, 'wave_header', help='Wave header'),
+ DynamicWaveDataField1('f', 'wData', help='The start of the array of waveform data.', count=0),
+ _Field('x', 'padding', help='16 bytes of padding in versions 2 and 3.', count=16),
+ DynamicWaveNoteField('c', 'note', help='Optional wave note data', count=0),
+ ])
+Wave3 = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Wave3',
+ fields=[
+ _Field(BinHeader3, 'bin_header', help='Binary wave header'),
+ _Field(WaveHeader2, 'wave_header', help='Wave header'),
+ DynamicWaveDataField1('f', 'wData', help='The start of the array of waveform data.', count=0),
+ _Field('x', 'padding', help='16 bytes of padding in versions 2 and 3.', count=16),
+ DynamicWaveNoteField('c', 'note', help='Optional wave note data', count=0),
+ DynamicDependencyFormulaField('c', 'formula', help='Optional wave dependency formula', count=0),
+ ])
+Wave5 = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Wave5',
+ fields=[
+ _Field(BinHeader5, 'bin_header', help='Binary wave header'),
+ _Field(WaveHeader5, 'wave_header', help='Wave header'),
+ DynamicWaveDataField5('f', 'wData', help='The start of the array of waveform data.', count=0),
+ DynamicDependencyFormulaField('c', 'formula', help='Optional wave dependency formula.', count=0),
+ DynamicWaveNoteField('c', 'note', help='Optional wave note data.', count=0),
+ DynamicDataUnitsField('c', 'data_units', help='Optional extended data units data.', count=0),
+ DynamicDimensionUnitsField('c', 'dimension_units', help='Optional dimension label data', count=0),
+ DynamicLabelsField('c', 'labels', help="Optional dimension label data", count=0),
+ DynamicStringIndicesDataField('P', 'sIndices', help='Dynamic string indices for text waves.', count=0),
+ ])
+Wave = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Wave',
+ fields=[
+ DynamicVersionField('h', 'version', help='Version number for backwards compatibility.'),
+ DynamicWaveField(Wave1, 'wave', help='The rest of the wave data.'),
+ ])
+def load(filename):
+ if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
+ f = filename # filename is actually a stream object
+ else:
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ try:
+ Wave.byte_order = '='
+ Wave.setup()
+ data = Wave.unpack_stream(f)
if not hasattr(filename, 'read'):
- return data, bin_info, wave_info
+ return data
def save(filename):
# Copyright
+import io as _io
+from .. import LOG as _LOG
from ..binarywave import TYPE_TABLE as _TYPE_TABLE
+from ..binarywave import NullStaticStringField as _NullStaticStringField
+from ..binarywave import DynamicStringField as _DynamicStringField
from ..struct import Structure as _Structure
+from ..struct import DynamicStructure as _DynamicStructure
from ..struct import Field as _Field
+from ..struct import DynamicField as _DynamicField
from ..util import byte_order as _byte_order
from ..util import need_to_reorder_bytes as _need_to_reorder_bytes
from .base import Record
-VarHeaderCommon = _Structure(
- name='VarHeaderCommon',
- fields=[
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number for this header.'),
- ])
+class ListedStaticStringField (_NullStaticStringField):
+ """Handle string conversions for multi-count dynamic parents.
+ If a field belongs to a multi-count dynamic parent, the parent is
+ called multiple times to parse each count, and the field's
+ post-unpack hook gets called after the field is unpacked during
+ each iteration. This requires alternative logic for getting and
+ setting the string data. The actual string formatting code is not
+ affected.
+ """
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ parent_structure = parents[-1]
+ parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
+ d = self._normalize_string(parent_data[-1][self.name])
+ parent_data[-1][self.name] = d
+class ListedStaticStringField (_NullStaticStringField):
+ """Handle string conversions for multi-count dynamic parents.
+ If a field belongs to a multi-count dynamic parent, the parent is
+ called multiple times to parse each count, and the field's
+ post-unpack hook gets called after the field is unpacked during
+ each iteration. This requires alternative logic for getting and
+ setting the string data. The actual string formatting code is not
+ affected.
+ """
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ parent_structure = parents[-1]
+ parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
+ d = self._normalize_string(parent_data[-1][self.name])
+ parent_data[-1][self.name] = d
+class ListedDynamicStrDataField (_DynamicStringField, ListedStaticStringField):
+ _size_field = 'strLen'
+ _null_terminated = False
+ def _get_size_data(self, parents, data):
+ parent_structure = parents[-1]
+ parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
+ return parent_data[-1][self._size_field]
+class DynamicVarDataField (_DynamicField):
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ var_structure = parents[-1]
+ var_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, var_structure)
+ data = var_data[self.name]
+ d = {}
+ for i,value in enumerate(data):
+ key,value = self._normalize_item(i, value)
+ d[key] = value
+ var_data[self.name] = d
+ def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class DynamicSysVarField (DynamicVarDataField):
+ def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
+ name = 'K{}'.format(index)
+ return (name, value)
+class DynamicUserVarField (DynamicVarDataField):
+ def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
+ name = value['name']
+ value = value['num']
+ return (name, value)
+class DynamicUserStrField (DynamicVarDataField):
+ def _normalize_item(self, index, value):
+ name = value['name']
+ value = value['data']
+ return (name, value)
+class DynamicVarNumField (_DynamicField):
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ parent_structure = parents[-1]
+ parent_data = self._get_structure_data(parents, data, parent_structure)
+ d = self._normalize_numeric_variable(parent_data[-1][self.name])
+ parent_data[-1][self.name] = d
+ def _normalize_numeric_variable(self, num_var):
+ t = _TYPE_TABLE[num_var['numType']]
+ if num_var['numType'] % 2: # complex number
+ return t(complex(num_var['realPart'], num_var['imagPart']))
+ else:
+ return t(num_var['realPart'])
+class DynamicFormulaField (_DynamicStringField):
+ _size_field = 'formulaLen'
+ _null_terminated = True
# From Variables.h
-VarHeader1 = _Structure(
+VarHeader1 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into VariablesRecord
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number is 1 for this header.'),
_Field('h', 'numSysVars', help='Number of system variables (K0, K1, ...).'),
_Field('h', 'numUserVars', help='Number of user numeric variables -- may be zero.'),
_Field('h', 'numUserStrs', help='Number of user string variables -- may be zero.'),
# From Variables.h
-VarHeader2 = _Structure(
+VarHeader2 = _Structure( # `version` field pulled out into VariablesRecord
- _Field('h', 'version', help='Version number is 2 for this header.'),
_Field('h', 'numSysVars', help='Number of system variables (K0, K1, ...).'),
_Field('h', 'numUserVars', help='Number of user numeric variables -- may be zero.'),
_Field('h', 'numUserStrs', help='Number of user string variables -- may be zero.'),
# From Variables.h
-UserStrVarRec1 = _Structure(
+UserStrVarRec1 = _DynamicStructure(
- _Field('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
+ ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('h', 'strLen', help='The real size of the following array.'),
- _Field('c', 'data'),
+ ListedDynamicStrDataField('c', 'data'),
# From Variables.h
-UserStrVarRec2 = _Structure(
+UserStrVarRec2 = _DynamicStructure(
- _Field('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
+ ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('l', 'strLen', help='The real size of the following array.'),
_Field('c', 'data'),
# From Variables.h
-UserNumVarRec = _Structure(
+UserNumVarRec = _DynamicStructure(
- _Field('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
+ ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('h', 'type', help='0 = string, 1 = numeric.'),
- _Field(VarNumRec, 'num', help='Type and value of the variable if it is numeric. Not used for string.'),
+ DynamicVarNumField(VarNumRec, 'num', help='Type and value of the variable if it is numeric. Not used for string.'),
# From Variables.h
-UserDependentVarRec = _Structure(
+UserDependentVarRec = _DynamicStructure(
- _Field('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
+ ListedStaticStringField('c', 'name', help='Name of the string variable.', count=32),
_Field('h', 'type', help='0 = string, 1 = numeric.'),
_Field(VarNumRec, 'num', help='Type and value of the variable if it is numeric. Not used for string.'),
_Field('h', 'formulaLen', help='The length of the dependency formula.'),
- _Field('c', 'formula', help='Start of the dependency formula. A C string including null terminator.'),
+ DynamicFormulaField('c', 'formula', help='Start of the dependency formula. A C string including null terminator.'),
-class VariablesRecord (Record):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(VariablesRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # self.header['version'] # record version always 0?
- version = self._set_byte_order_and_get_version()
- self.structure = self._get_structure(version)
- self.variables = self.structure.unpack_from(self.data)
- self.variables.update(self._unpack_variable_length_structures(version))
- self._normalize_variables()
- def _set_byte_order_and_get_version(self):
- if self.byte_order:
- VarHeaderCommon.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
- else:
- VarHeaderCommon.set_byte_order('=')
- version = VarHeaderCommon.unpack_from(self.data)['version']
- if not self.byte_order:
- need_to_reorder = _need_to_reorder_bytes(version)
- self.byte_order = _byte_order(need_to_reorder)
- if need_to_reorder:
- VarHeaderCommon.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
- version = VarHeaderCommon.unpack_from(self.data)['version']
- return version
- def _get_structure(self, version):
- if version == 1:
- header_struct = VarHeader1
- elif version == 2:
- header_struct = VarHeader2
+class DynamicVarHeaderField (_DynamicField):
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ var_structure = parents[-1]
+ var_data = self._get_structure_data(
+ parents, data, var_structure)
+ var_header_structure = self.format
+ data = var_data['var_header']
+ sys_vars_field = var_structure.get_field('sysVars')
+ sys_vars_field.count = data['numSysVars']
+ sys_vars_field.setup()
+ user_vars_field = var_structure.get_field('userVars')
+ user_vars_field.count = data['numUserVars']
+ user_vars_field.setup()
+ user_strs_field = var_structure.get_field('userStrs')
+ user_strs_field.count = data['numUserStrs']
+ user_strs_field.setup()
+ if 'numDependentVars' in data:
+ dependent_vars_field = var_structure.get_field('dependentVars')
+ dependent_vars_field.count = data['numDependentVars']
+ dependent_vars_field.setup()
+ dependent_strs_field = var_structure.get_field('dependentStrs')
+ dependent_strs_field.count = data['numDependentStrs']
+ dependent_strs_field.setup()
+ var_structure.setup()
+Variables1 = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Variables1',
+ fields=[
+ DynamicVarHeaderField(VarHeader1, 'var_header', help='Variables header'),
+ DynamicSysVarField('f', 'sysVars', help='System variables', count=0),
+ DynamicUserVarField(UserNumVarRec, 'userVars', help='User numeric variables', count=0),
+ DynamicUserStrField(UserStrVarRec1, 'userStrs', help='User string variables', count=0),
+ ])
+Variables2 = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='Variables2',
+ fields=[
+ DynamicVarHeaderField(VarHeader2, 'var_header', help='Variables header'),
+ DynamicSysVarField('f', 'sysVars', help='System variables', count=0),
+ DynamicUserVarField(UserNumVarRec, 'userVars', help='User numeric variables', count=0),
+ DynamicUserStrField(UserStrVarRec2, 'userStrs', help='User string variables', count=0),
+ _Field(UserDependentVarRec, 'dependentVars', help='Dependent numeric variables.', count=0),
+ _Field(UserDependentVarRec, 'dependentStrs', help='Dependent string variables.', count=0),
+ ])
+class DynamicVersionField (_DynamicField):
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, byte_order):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ variables_structure = parents[-1]
+ variables_data = self._get_structure_data(
+ parents, data, variables_structure)
+ version = variables_data['version']
+ if variables_structure.byte_order in '@=':
+ need_to_reorder_bytes = _need_to_reorder_bytes(version)
+ variables_structure.byte_order = _byte_order(need_to_reorder_bytes)
+ _LOG.debug(
+ 'get byte order from version: {} (reorder? {})'.format(
+ variables_structure.byte_order, need_to_reorder_bytes))
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'Variables record version {}'.format(version))
- header = header_struct.unpack_from(self.data)
- fields = [
- _Field(header_struct, 'header', help='VarHeader'),
- _Field('f', 'sysVars', help='system variables',
- count=header['numSysVars']),
- _Field(UserNumVarRec, 'userVars', help='user variables',
- count=header['numUserVars']),
- ]
- return _Structure(name='variables', fields=fields)
- def _unpack_variable_length_structures(self, version):
- data = {'userStrs': []}
- offset = self.structure.size
+ need_to_reorder_bytes = False
+ old_format = variables_structure.fields[-1].format
if version == 1:
- user_str_var_struct = UserStrVarRec1
+ variables_structure.fields[-1].format = Variables1
elif version == 2:
- user_str_var_struct = UserStrVarRec2
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'Variables record version {}'.format(version))
- user_str_var_struct.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
- for i in range(self.variables['header']['numUserStrs']):
- d = user_str_var_struct.unpack_from(self.data, offset)
- offset += user_str_var_struct.size
- end = offset + d['strLen'] - 1 # one character already in struct
- if d['strLen']:
- d['data'] = d['data'] + self.data[offset:end]
- else:
- d['data'] = ''
- offset = end
- data['userStrs'].append(d)
- if version == 2:
- data.update({'dependentVars': [], 'dependentStrs': []})
- UserDependentVarRec.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
- for i in range(self.variables['header']['numDependentVars']):
- d,offset = self._unpack_dependent_variable(offset)
- data['dependentVars'].append(d)
- for i in range(self.variables['header']['numDependentStrs']):
- d,offset = self._unpack_dependent_variable(offset)
- data['dependentStrs'].append(d)
- if offset != len(self.data):
- raise ValueError('too much data ({} extra bytes)'.format(
- len(self.data)-offset))
- return data
- def _unpack_dependent_variable(self, offset):
- d = UserDependentVarRec.unpack_from(self.data, offset)
- offset += UserDependentVarRec.size
- end = offset + d['formulaLen'] - 1 # one character already in struct
- if d['formulaLen']:
- d['formula'] = d['formula'] + self.data[offset:end]
- else:
- d['formula'] = ''
- offset = end
- return (d, offset)
- def _normalize_variables(self):
- user_vars = {}
- for num_var in self.variables['userVars']:
- key,value = self._normalize_user_numeric_variable(num_var)
- user_vars[key] = value
- self.variables['userVars'] = user_vars
- user_strs = {}
- for str_var in self.variables['userStrs']:
- name = self._normalize_null_terminated_string(str_var['name'])
- user_strs[name] = str_var['data']
- if self.variables['header']['version'] == 2:
- raise NotImplementedError('normalize dependent variables')
- self.variables['userStrs'] = user_strs
- def _normalize_null_terminated_string(self, string):
- return string.tostring().split('\x00', 1)[0]
- def _normalize_user_numeric_variable(self, user_num_var):
- user_num_var['name'] = self._normalize_null_terminated_string(
- user_num_var['name'])
- if user_num_var['type']: # numeric
- value = self._normalize_numeric_variable(user_num_var['num'])
- else: # string
- value = None
- return (user_num_var['name'], value)
+ variables_structure.fields[-1].format = Variables2
+ elif not need_to_reorder_bytes:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'invalid variables record version: {}'.format(version))
- def _normalize_numeric_variable(self, num_var):
- t = _TYPE_TABLE[num_var['numType']]
- if num_var['numType'] % 2: # complex number
- return t(complex(num_var['realPart'], num_var['imagPart']))
- else:
- return t(num_var['realPart'])
+ if variables_structure.fields[-1].format != old_format:
+ _LOG.debug('change variables record from {} to {}'.format(
+ old_format, variables_structure.fields[-1].format))
+ variables_structure.setup()
+ elif need_to_reorder_bytes:
+ variables_structure.setup()
+ # we might need to unpack again with the new byte order
+ return need_to_reorder_bytes
+VariablesRecordStructure = _DynamicStructure(
+ name='VariablesRecord',
+ fields=[
+ DynamicVersionField('h', 'version', help='Version number for this header.'),
+ _Field(Variables1, 'variables', help='The rest of the variables data.'),
+ ])
+class VariablesRecord (Record):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(VariablesRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # self.header['version'] # record version always 0?
+ VariablesRecordStructure.byte_order = '='
+ VariablesRecordStructure.setup()
+ stream = _io.BytesIO(bytes(self.data))
+ self.variables = VariablesRecordStructure.unpack_stream(stream)
+ self.namespace = {}
+ for key,value in self.variables['variables'].items():
+ if key not in ['var_header']:
+ _LOG.debug('update namespace {} with {} for {}'.format(
+ self.namespace, value, key))
+ self.namespace.update(value)
from __future__ import absolute_import
+import io as _io
+import logging as _logging
+import pprint as _pprint
import struct as _struct
import numpy as _numpy
+from . import LOG as _LOG
_buffer = buffer # save builtin buffer for clobbered situations
>>> time = Field(
... 'I', 'time', default=0, help='POSIX time')
- >>> time.total_count
+ >>> time.arg_count
>>> list(time.pack_data(1))
>>> data = Field(
... 'f', 'data', help='example data', count=(2,3,4))
- >>> data.total_count
+ >>> data.arg_count
>>> list(data.indexes()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0], ..., [1, 2, 3]]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ..., 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]
>>> list(data.pack_item(3))
- >>> data.unpack_data(range(data.total_count))
+ >>> data.unpack_data(range(data.arg_count))
array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11]],
>>> run = Structure('run', fields=[time, data])
>>> runs = Field(run, 'runs', help='pair of runs', count=2)
- >>> runs.total_count # = 2 * (1 + 24)
+ >>> runs.arg_count # = 2 * (1 + 24)
- >>> data1 = numpy.arange(data.total_count).reshape(data.count)
- >>> data2 = data1 + data.total_count
+ >>> data1 = numpy.arange(data.arg_count).reshape(data.count)
+ >>> data2 = data1 + data.arg_count
>>> list(runs.pack_data(
... [{'time': 100, 'data': data1},
... {'time': 101, 'data': data2}])
>>> list(runs.pack_item({'time': 100, 'data': data1})
... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[100, 0, 1, 2, ..., 22, 23]
- >>> pprint(runs.unpack_data(range(runs.total_count)))
+ >>> pprint(runs.unpack_data(range(runs.arg_count)))
[{'data': array([[[ 1, 2, 3, 4],
[ 5, 6, 7, 8],
[ 9, 10, 11, 12]],
self.default = default
self.help = help
self.count = count
- self.item_count = _numpy.prod(count) # number of item repeats
+ self.setup()
+ def setup(self):
+ """Setup any dynamic properties of a field.
+ Use this method to recalculate dynamic properities after
+ changing the basic properties set during initialization.
+ """
+ _LOG.debug('setup {}'.format(self))
+ self.item_count = _numpy.prod(self.count) # number of item repeats
if isinstance(self.format, Structure):
- self.structure_count = sum(f.total_count for f in format.fields)
- self.total_count = self.item_count * self.structure_count
+ self.structure_count = sum(
+ f.arg_count for f in self.format.fields)
+ self.arg_count = self.item_count * self.structure_count
+ elif self.format == 'x':
+ self.arg_count = 0 # no data in padding bytes
- self.total_count = self.item_count # struct.Struct format chars
+ self.arg_count = self.item_count # struct.Struct format args
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def unpack_data(self, data):
"""Inverse of .pack_data"""
+ _LOG.debug('unpack {} for {} {}'.format(data, self, self.format))
iterator = iter(data)
- items = [iterator.next() for i in range(self.total_count)]
+ items = [iterator.next() for i in range(self.arg_count)]
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('not enough data to unpack {}'.format(self))
items = [[i] for i in items]
unpacked = [self.unpack_item(i) for i in items]
- if self.count == 1:
+ if self.arg_count:
+ count = self.count
+ else:
+ count = 0 # padding bytes, etc.
+ if count == 1:
return unpacked[0]
if isinstance(self.format, Structure):
raise NotImplementedError('reshape Structure field')
unpacked = _numpy.array(unpacked)
- unpacked = unpacked.reshape(self.count)
+ _LOG.debug('reshape {} data from {} to {}'.format(
+ self, unpacked.shape, count))
+ unpacked = unpacked.reshape(count)
return unpacked
- def unpack_item(self, item):
+ def unpack_item(self, item):
"""Inverse of .unpack_item"""
if isinstance(self.format, Structure):
return self.format._unpack_item(item)
return item[0]
+class DynamicField (Field):
+ """Represent a DynamicStructure field with a dynamic definition.
+ Adds the methods ``.pre_pack``, ``pre_unpack``, and
+ ``post_unpack``, all of which are called when a ``DynamicField``
+ is used by a ``DynamicStructure``. Each method takes the
+ arguments ``(parents, data)``, where ``parents`` is a list of
+ ``DynamicStructure``\s that own the field and ``data`` is a dict
+ hierarchy of the structure data.
+ See the ``DynamicStructure`` docstring for the exact timing of the
+ method calls.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ Field, DynamicStructure
+ """
+ def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ "Prepare to pack."
+ pass
+ def pre_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ "React to previously unpacked data"
+ pass
+ def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ "React to our own data"
+ pass
+ def _get_structure_data(self, parents, data, structure):
+ """Extract the data belonging to a particular ancestor structure.
+ """
+ d = data
+ s = parents[0]
+ if s == structure:
+ return d
+ for p in parents[1:]:
+ for f in s.fields:
+ if f.format == p:
+ s = p
+ d = d[f.name]
+ break
+ assert s == p, (s, p)
+ if p == structure:
+ break
+ return d
class Structure (_struct.Struct):
r"""Represent a C structure.
struct run runs[2];
- As
+ As:
>>> time = Field('I', 'time', default=0, help='POSIX time')
>>> data = Field(
The structures automatically calculate the flattened data format:
>>> run.format
- '=Ihhhhhh'
+ '@Ihhhhhh'
>>> run.size # 4 + 2*3*2
>>> experiment.format
- '=HIhhhhhhIhhhhhh'
- >>> experiment.size # 2 + 2*(4 + 2*3*2)
+ '@HIhhhhhhIhhhhhh'
+ >>> experiment.size # 2 + 2 + 2*(4 + 2*3*2)
+ 36
+ The first two elements in the above size calculation are 2 (for
+ the unsigned short, 'H') and 2 (padding so the unsigned int aligns
+ with a 4-byte block). If you select a byte ordering that doesn't
+ mess with alignment and recalculate the format, the padding goes
+ away and you get:
+ >>> experiment.set_byte_order('>')
+ >>> experiment.get_format()
+ '>HIhhhhhhIhhhhhh'
+ >>> experiment.size
You can read data out of any object supporting the buffer
>>> b = array.array('B', range(experiment.size))
- >>> experiment.set_byte_order('>')
>>> d = experiment.unpack_from(buffer=b)
>>> pprint(d)
{'runs': [{'data': array([[1543, 2057, 2571],
>>> b2 == b
- def __init__(self, name, fields, byte_order='='):
+ _byte_order_symbols = '@=<>!'
+ def __init__(self, name, fields, byte_order='@'):
# '=' for native byte order, standard size and alignment
# See http://docs.python.org/library/struct for details
self.name = name
self.fields = fields
- self.set_byte_order(byte_order)
+ self.byte_order = byte_order
+ self.setup()
def __str__(self):
return self.name
return '<{} {} {}>'.format(
self.__class__.__name__, self.name, id(self))
+ def setup(self):
+ """Setup any dynamic properties of a structure.
+ Use this method to recalculate dynamic properities after
+ changing the basic properties set during initialization.
+ """
+ _LOG.debug('setup {!r}'.format(self))
+ self.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
+ self.get_format()
def set_byte_order(self, byte_order):
"""Allow changing the format byte_order on the fly.
- if (hasattr(self, 'format') and self.format != None
- and self.format.startswith(byte_order)):
- return # no need to change anything
- format = []
+ _LOG.debug('set byte order for {!r} to {}'.format(self, byte_order))
+ self.byte_order = byte_order
for field in self.fields:
if isinstance(field.format, Structure):
- field_format = field.format.sub_format(
- ) * field.item_count
- else:
- field_format = [field.format]*field.item_count
- format.extend(field_format)
- super(Structure, self).__init__(
- format=byte_order+''.join(format).replace('P', 'L'))
+ field.format.set_byte_order(byte_order)
+ def get_format(self):
+ format = self.byte_order + ''.join(self.sub_format())
+ # P format only allowed for native byte ordering
+ # Convert P to I for ILP32 compatibility when running on a LP64.
+ format = format.replace('P', 'I')
+ try:
+ super(Structure, self).__init__(format=format)
+ except _struct.error as e:
+ raise ValueError((e, format))
+ return format
def sub_format(self):
- return self.format.lstrip('=<>') # byte order handled by parent
+ _LOG.debug('calculate sub-format for {!r}'.format(self))
+ for field in self.fields:
+ if isinstance(field.format, Structure):
+ field_format = list(
+ field.format.sub_format()) * field.item_count
+ else:
+ field_format = [field.format]*field.item_count
+ for fmt in field_format:
+ yield fmt
def _pack_item(self, item=None):
"""Linearize a single count of the structure's data to a flat iterable
iterator = iter(args)
for f in self.fields:
- items = [iterator.next() for i in range(f.total_count)]
+ items = [iterator.next() for i in range(f.arg_count)]
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('not enough data to unpack {}.{}'.format(
self, f))
def pack(self, data):
args = list(self._pack_item(data))
- return super(Structure, self).pack(*args)
+ try:
+ return super(Structure, self).pack(*args)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError(self.format)
def pack_into(self, buffer, offset=0, data={}):
args = list(self._pack_item(data))
return self._unpack_item(args)
def unpack_from(self, buffer, offset=0, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- args = super(Structure, self).unpack_from(
- buffer, offset, *args, **kwargs)
- except _struct.error as e:
- if not self.name in ('WaveHeader2', 'WaveHeader5'):
- raise
- # HACK! For WaveHeader5, when npnts is 0, wData is
- # optional. If we couldn't unpack the structure, fill in
- # wData with zeros and try again, asserting that npnts is
- # zero.
- if len(buffer) - offset < self.size:
- # missing wData? Pad with zeros
- buffer += _buffer('\x00'*(self.size + offset - len(buffer)))
- args = super(Structure, self).unpack_from(buffer, offset)
- data = self._unpack_item(args)
- assert data['npnts'] == 0, data['npnts']
+ _LOG.debug(
+ 'unpack {!r} for {!r} ({}, offset={}) with {} ({})'.format(
+ buffer, self, len(buffer), offset, self.format, self.size))
+ args = super(Structure, self).unpack_from(
+ buffer, offset, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._unpack_item(args)
+ def get_field(self, name):
+ return [f for f in self.fields if f.name == name][0]
+class DebuggingStream (object):
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ self.stream = stream
+ def read(self, size):
+ data = self.stream.read(size)
+ _LOG.debug('read {} from {}: ({}) {!r}'.format(
+ size, self.stream, len(data), data))
+ return data
+class DynamicStructure (Structure):
+ r"""Represent a C structure field with a dynamic definition.
+ Any dynamic fields have their ``.pre_pack`` called before any
+ structure packing is done. ``.pre_unpack`` is called for a
+ particular field just before that field's ``.unpack_data`` call.
+ ``.post_unpack`` is called for a particular field just after
+ ``.unpack_data``. If ``.post_unpack`` returns ``True``, the same
+ field is unpacked again.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from pprint import pprint
+ This allows you to define structures where some portion of the
+ global structure depends on earlier data. For example, in the
+ quasi-C structure::
+ struct vector {
+ unsigned int length;
+ short data[length];
+ }
+ You can generate a Python version of this structure in two ways,
+ with a dynamic ``length``, or with a dynamic ``data``. In both
+ cases, the required methods are the same, the only difference is
+ where you attach them.
+ >>> def packer(self, parents, data):
+ ... vector_structure = parents[-1]
+ ... vector_data = self._get_structure_data(
+ ... parents, data, vector_structure)
+ ... length = len(vector_data['data'])
+ ... vector_data['length'] = length
+ ... data_field = vector_structure.get_field('data')
+ ... data_field.count = length
+ ... data_field.setup()
+ >>> def unpacker(self, parents, data):
+ ... vector_structure = parents[-1]
+ ... vector_data = self._get_structure_data(
+ ... parents, data, vector_structure)
+ ... length = vector_data['length']
+ ... data_field = vector_structure.get_field('data')
+ ... data_field.count = length
+ ... data_field.setup()
+ >>> class DynamicLengthField (DynamicField):
+ ... def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ ... packer(self, parents, data)
+ ... def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ ... unpacker(self, parents, data)
+ >>> dynamic_length_vector = DynamicStructure('vector',
+ ... fields=[
+ ... DynamicLengthField('I', 'length'),
+ ... Field('h', 'data', count=0),
+ ... ],
+ ... byte_order='>')
+ >>> class DynamicDataField (DynamicField):
+ ... def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ ... packer(self, parents, data)
+ ... def pre_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ ... unpacker(self, parents, data)
+ >>> dynamic_data_vector = DynamicStructure('vector',
+ ... fields=[
+ ... Field('I', 'length'),
+ ... DynamicDataField('h', 'data', count=0),
+ ... ],
+ ... byte_order='>')
+ >>> b = '\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x02\x03\x04'
+ >>> d = dynamic_length_vector.unpack(b)
+ >>> pprint(d)
+ {'data': array([258, 772]), 'length': 2}
+ >>> d = dynamic_data_vector.unpack(b)
+ >>> pprint(d)
+ {'data': array([258, 772]), 'length': 2}
+ >>> d['data'] = [1,2,3,4]
+ >>> dynamic_length_vector.pack(d)
+ '\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04'
+ >>> dynamic_data_vector.pack(d)
+ '\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04'
+ The implementation is a good deal more complicated than the one
+ for ``Structure``, because we must make multiple calls to
+ ``struct.Struct.unpack`` to unpack the data.
+ """
+ #def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # pass #self.parent = ..
+ def _pre_pack(self, parents=None, data=None):
+ if parents is None:
+ parents = [self]
+ else:
+ parents = parents + [self]
+ for f in self.fields:
+ if hasattr(f, 'pre_pack'):
+ _LOG.debug('pre-pack {}'.format(f))
+ f.pre_pack(parents=parents, data=data)
+ if isinstance(f.format, DynamicStructure):
+ _LOG.debug('pre-pack {!r}'.format(f.format))
+ f._pre_pack(parents=parents, data=data)
+ def pack(self, data):
+ self._pre_pack(data=data)
+ self.setup()
+ return super(DynamicStructure, self).pack(data)
+ def pack_into(self, buffer, offset=0, data={}):
+ self._pre_pack(data=data)
+ self.setup()
+ return super(DynamicStructure, self).pack_into(
+ buffer=buffer, offset=offset, data=data)
+ def unpack_stream(self, stream, parents=None, data=None, d=None):
+ # `d` is the working data directory
+ if data is None:
+ parents = [self]
+ data = d = {}
+ if _LOG.level == _logging.DEBUG:
+ stream = DebuggingStream(stream)
+ else:
+ parents = parents + [self]
+ for f in self.fields:
+ _LOG.debug('parsing {!r}.{} (count={}, item_count={})'.format(
+ self, f, f.count, f.item_count))
+ _LOG.debug('data:\n{}'.format(_pprint.pformat(data)))
+ if hasattr(f, 'pre_unpack'):
+ _LOG.debug('pre-unpack {}'.format(f))
+ f.pre_unpack(parents=parents, data=data)
+ if hasattr(f, 'unpack'): # override default unpacking
+ _LOG.debug('override unpack for {}'.format(f))
+ d[f.name] = f.unpack(stream)
+ continue
+ # setup for unpacking loop
+ if isinstance(f.format, Structure):
+ f.format.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
+ f.setup()
+ f.format.setup()
+ if isinstance(f.format, DynamicStructure):
+ if f.item_count == 1:
+ # TODO, fix in case we *want* an array
+ d[f.name] = {}
+ f.format.unpack_stream(
+ stream, parents=parents, data=data, d=d[f.name])
+ else:
+ d[f.name] = []
+ for i in range(f.item_count):
+ x = {}
+ d[f.name].append(x)
+ f.format.unpack_stream(
+ stream, parents=parents, data=data, d=x)
+ if hasattr(f, 'post_unpack'):
+ _LOG.debug('post-unpack {}'.format(f))
+ repeat = f.post_unpack(parents=parents, data=data)
+ if repeat:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'cannot repeat unpack for dynamic structures')
+ continue
+ if isinstance(f.format, Structure):
+ _LOG.debug('parsing {} bytes for {}'.format(
+ f.format.size, f.format.format))
+ bs = [stream.read(f.format.size) for i in range(f.item_count)]
+ def unpack():
+ f.format.set_byte_order(self.byte_order)
+ f.setup()
+ f.format.setup()
+ x = [f.format.unpack_from(b) for b in bs]
+ if len(x) == 1: # TODO, fix in case we *want* an array
+ x = x[0]
+ return x
+ else:
+ field_format = self.byte_order + f.format*f.item_count
+ field_format = field_format.replace('P', 'I')
+ try:
+ size = _struct.calcsize(field_format)
+ except _struct.error as e:
+ _LOG.error(e)
+ _LOG.error('{}.{}: {}'.format(self, f, field_format))
+ raise
+ _LOG.debug('parsing {} bytes for preliminary {}'.format(
+ size, field_format))
+ raw = stream.read(size)
+ if len(raw) < size:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'not enough data to unpack {}.{} ({} < {})'.format(
+ self, f, len(raw), size))
+ def unpack():
+ field_format = self.byte_order + f.format*f.item_count
+ field_format = field_format.replace('P', 'I')
+ _LOG.debug('parse previous bytes using {}'.format(
+ field_format))
+ struct = _struct.Struct(field_format)
+ items = struct.unpack(raw)
+ return f.unpack_data(items)
+ # unpacking loop
+ repeat = True
+ while repeat:
+ d[f.name] = unpack()
+ if hasattr(f, 'post_unpack'):
+ _LOG.debug('post-unpack {}'.format(f))
+ repeat = f.post_unpack(parents=parents, data=data)
+ else:
+ repeat = False
+ if repeat:
+ _LOG.debug('repeat unpack for {}'.format(f))
+ return data
+ def unpack(self, string):
+ stream = _io.BytesIO(string)
+ return self.unpack_stream(stream)
+ def unpack_from(self, buffer, offset=0, *args, **kwargs):
+ args = super(Structure, self).unpack_from(
+ buffer, offset, *args, **kwargs)
return self._unpack_item(args)
r"""Test the igor module by loading sample files.
->>> dumpibw('mac-double.ibw', strict=False) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
-array([ 5., 4., 3., 2., 1.])
-{'checksum': 25137,
- 'note': '',
- 'noteSize': 0,
- 'pictSize': 0,
- 'version': 2,
- 'wfmSize': 166}
-{'aModified': 0,
- 'bname': array(['d', 'o', 'u', 'b', 'l', 'e', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
- '', '', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'botFullScale': 0.0,
- 'creationDate': 3001587842,
- 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'depID': 0,
- 'fileName': 0,
- 'formula': 0,
- 'fsValid': 0,
- 'hsA': 1.0,
- 'hsB': 0.0,
- 'kindBits': '\x00',
- 'modDate': 3001587842,
- 'next': 0,
- 'npnts': 5,
- 'srcFldr': 0,
- 'swModified': 0,
- 'topFullScale': 0.0,
- 'type': 4,
- 'useBits': '\x00',
- 'wData': array([ 2.3125, 0. , 2.25 , 0. ]),
- 'wModified': 0,
- 'wUnused': array(['', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'waveNoteH': 0,
- 'whVersion': 0,
- 'xUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1')}
+>>> dumpibw('mac-double.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+{'version': 2,
+ 'wave': {'bin_header': {'checksum': 25137,
+ 'noteSize': 0,
+ 'pictSize': 0,
+ 'wfmSize': 166},
+ 'note': '',
+ 'padding': array([], dtype=float64),
+ 'wData': array([ 5., 4., 3., 2., 1.]),
+ 'wave_header': {'aModified': 0,
+ 'bname': 'double',
+ 'botFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'creationDate': 3001587842,
+ 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'depID': 0,
+ 'fileName': 0,
+ 'formula': 0,
+ 'fsValid': 0,
+ 'hsA': 1.0,
+ 'hsB': 0.0,
+ 'kindBits': '\x00',
+ 'modDate': 3001587842,
+ 'next': 0,
+ 'npnts': 5,
+ 'srcFldr': 0,
+ 'swModified': 0,
+ 'topFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'type': 4,
+ 'useBits': '\x00',
+ 'wModified': 0,
+ 'wUnused': array(['', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'waveNoteH': 0,
+ 'whVersion': 0,
+ 'xUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1')}}}
>>> dumpibw('mac-textWave.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
-array(['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb'],
- dtype='|S6')
-{'checksum': 5554,
- 'dataEUnits': '',
- 'dataEUnitsSize': 0,
- 'dimEUnits': ['', '', '', ''],
- 'dimEUnitsSize': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
- 'dimLabels': [[], [], [], []],
- 'dimLabelsSize': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
- 'formula': '',
- 'formulaSize': 0,
- 'note': '',
- 'noteSize': 0,
- 'optionsSize1': 0,
- 'optionsSize2': 0,
- 'sIndices': array([ 4, 7, 8, 14, 18], dtype=uint32),
- 'sIndicesSize': 20,
- 'version': 5,
- 'wfmSize': 338}
-{'aModified': 0,
- 'bname': array(['t', 'e', 'x', 't', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
- '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'botFullScale': 0.0,
- 'creationDate': 3001571199,
- 'dFolder': 69554896,
- 'dLock': 0,
- 'dataEUnits': 0,
- 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'depID': 22,
- 'dimEUnits': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
- 'dimLabels': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
- 'dimUnits': array([['', '', '', ''],
+{'version': 5,
+ 'wave': {'bin_header': {'checksum': 5554,
+ 'dataEUnitsSize': 0,
+ 'dimEUnitsSize': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
+ 'dimLabelsSize': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
+ 'formulaSize': 0,
+ 'noteSize': 0,
+ 'optionsSize1': 0,
+ 'optionsSize2': 0,
+ 'sIndicesSize': 20,
+ 'wfmSize': 338},
+ 'data_units': '',
+ 'dimension_units': '',
+ 'formula': '',
+ 'labels': [[], [], [], []],
+ 'note': '',
+ 'sIndices': array([ 4, 7, 8, 14, 18]),
+ 'wData': array(['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb'],
+ dtype='|S6'),
+ 'wave_header': {'aModified': 0,
+ 'bname': 'text0',
+ 'botFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'creationDate': 3001571199,
+ 'dFolder': 69554896,
+ 'dLock': 0,
+ 'dataEUnits': 0,
+ 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'depID': 22,
+ 'dimEUnits': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
+ 'dimLabels': array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
+ 'dimUnits': array([['', '', '', ''],
['', '', '', ''],
['', '', '', ''],
['', '', '', '']],
- 'fileName': 0,
- 'formula': 0,
- 'fsValid': 0,
- 'kindBits': '\x00',
- 'modDate': 3001571215,
- 'nDim': array([5, 0, 0, 0]),
- 'next': 0,
- 'npnts': 5,
- 'sIndices': 69557296,
- 'sfA': array([ 1., 1., 1., 1.]),
- 'sfB': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
- 'srcFldr': 0,
- 'swModified': 1,
- 'topFullScale': 0.0,
- 'type': 0,
- 'useBits': '\x00',
- 'wData': 236398480.0,
- 'wModified': 0,
- 'waveNoteH': 0,
- 'whUnused': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
- 'whVersion': 1,
- 'whpad1': array(['', '', '', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'whpad2': 0,
- 'whpad3': 0,
- 'whpad4': 0}
+ 'fileName': 0,
+ 'formula': 0,
+ 'fsValid': 0,
+ 'kindBits': '\x00',
+ 'modDate': 3001571215,
+ 'nDim': array([5, 0, 0, 0]),
+ 'next': 0,
+ 'npnts': 5,
+ 'sIndices': 69557296,
+ 'sfA': array([ 1., 1., 1., 1.]),
+ 'sfB': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
+ 'srcFldr': 0,
+ 'swModified': 1,
+ 'topFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'type': 0,
+ 'useBits': '\x00',
+ 'wModified': 0,
+ 'waveNoteH': 0,
+ 'whUnused': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
+ 'whVersion': 1,
+ 'whpad1': array(['', '', '', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'whpad2': 0,
+ 'whpad3': 0,
+ 'whpad4': 0}}}
->>> dumpibw('mac-version2.ibw', strict=False) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
-array([ 5., 4., 3., 2., 1.], dtype=float32)
-{'checksum': -16803,
- 'note': 'This is a test.',
- 'noteSize': 15,
- 'pictSize': 0,
- 'version': 2,
- 'wfmSize': 146}
-{'aModified': 0,
- 'bname': array(['v', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n', '2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
- '', '', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'botFullScale': 0.0,
- 'creationDate': 3001251979,
- 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'depID': 0,
- 'fileName': 0,
- 'formula': 0,
- 'fsValid': 0,
- 'hsA': 1.0,
- 'hsB': 0.0,
- 'kindBits': '\x00',
- 'modDate': 3001573594,
- 'next': 0,
- 'npnts': 5,
- 'srcFldr': 0,
- 'swModified': 0,
- 'topFullScale': 0.0,
- 'type': 2,
- 'useBits': '\x00',
- 'wData': array([ 5., 4., 3., 2.]),
- 'wModified': 0,
- 'wUnused': array(['', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'waveNoteH': 0,
- 'whVersion': 0,
- 'xUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1')}
+>>> dumpibw('mac-version2.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+{'version': 2,
+ 'wave': {'bin_header': {'checksum': -16803,
+ 'noteSize': 15,
+ 'pictSize': 0,
+ 'wfmSize': 146},
+ 'note': 'This is a test.',
+ 'padding': array([], dtype=float64),
+ 'wData': array([ 5., 4., 3., 2., 1.], dtype=float32),
+ 'wave_header': {'aModified': 0,
+ 'bname': 'version2',
+ 'botFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'creationDate': 3001251979,
+ 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'depID': 0,
+ 'fileName': 0,
+ 'formula': 0,
+ 'fsValid': 0,
+ 'hsA': 1.0,
+ 'hsB': 0.0,
+ 'kindBits': '\x00',
+ 'modDate': 3001573594,
+ 'next': 0,
+ 'npnts': 5,
+ 'srcFldr': 0,
+ 'swModified': 0,
+ 'topFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'type': 2,
+ 'useBits': '\x00',
+ 'wModified': 0,
+ 'wUnused': array(['', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'waveNoteH': 0,
+ 'whVersion': 0,
+ 'xUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1')}}}
->>> dumpibw('mac-version3Dependent.ibw', strict=False) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
-array([], dtype=int8)
-{'checksum': 0,
- 'formula': '',
- 'formulaSize': 0,
- 'note': '',
- 'noteSize': 8257536,
- 'pictSize': 262144,
- 'version': 3,
- 'wfmSize': 0}
-{'aModified': 10,
- 'bname': array(['', '', 'v', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n', '3', 'D', 'e', 'p', 'e',
- 'n', 'd', 'e', 'n', 't', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'botFullScale': 0.0,
- 'creationDate': 1507328,
- 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'depID': -487849984,
- 'fileName': 0,
- 'formula': 1577,
- 'fsValid': 1,
- 'hsA': 4.5193417557662e-309,
- 'hsB': 0.0,
- 'kindBits': '\x00',
- 'modDate': 45801,
- 'next': 131072,
- 'npnts': 0,
- 'srcFldr': 0,
- 'swModified': 1,
- 'topFullScale': 0.0,
- 'type': -32334,
- 'useBits': '\x00',
- 'wData': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
- 'wModified': 0,
- 'wUnused': array(['', ''],
- dtype='|S1'),
- 'waveNoteH': 3835494400,
- 'whVersion': 0,
- 'xUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
- dtype='|S1')}
+>>> dumpibw('mac-version3Dependent.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+{'version': 3,
+ 'wave': {'bin_header': {'checksum': -32334,
+ 'formulaSize': 4,
+ 'noteSize': 0,
+ 'pictSize': 0,
+ 'wfmSize': 126},
+ 'formula': ' K0',
+ 'note': '',
+ 'padding': array([], dtype=float64),
+ 'wData': array([], dtype=float32),
+ 'wave_header': {'aModified': 3,
+ 'bname': 'version3Dependent',
+ 'botFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'creationDate': 0,
+ 'dataUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'depID': 23,
+ 'fileName': 0,
+ 'formula': 103408364,
+ 'fsValid': 0,
+ 'hsA': 1.0,
+ 'hsB': 0.0,
+ 'kindBits': '\x00',
+ 'modDate': 3001672861,
+ 'next': 0,
+ 'npnts': 10,
+ 'srcFldr': 0,
+ 'swModified': 1,
+ 'topFullScale': 0.0,
+ 'type': 2,
+ 'useBits': '\x00',
+ 'wModified': 1,
+ 'wUnused': array(['', ''],
+ dtype='|S1'),
+ 'waveNoteH': 0,
+ 'whVersion': 0,
+ 'xUnits': array(['', '', '', ''],
+ dtype='|S1')}}}
>>> dumpibw('mac-version5.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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>>> dumpibw('mac-zeroPointWave.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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>>> dumpibw('win-double.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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>>> dumpibw('win-textWave.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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>>> dumpibw('win-version2.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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>>> dumpibw('win-version5.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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>>> dumpibw('win-zeroPointWave.ibw') # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
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record 40:
record 41:
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record 43:
record 44:
record 45:
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record 46:
record 47:
_this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
_data_dir = os.path.join(_this_dir, 'data')
-def dumpibw(filename, strict=True):
+def dumpibw(filename):
sys.stderr.write('Testing {}\n'.format(filename))
path = os.path.join(_data_dir, filename)
- data,bin_info,wave_info = loadibw(path, strict=strict)
+ data = loadibw(path)
- pprint(bin_info)
- pprint(wave_info)
-def dumppxp(filename, strict=True):
+def dumppxp(filename):
sys.stderr.write('Testing {}\n'.format(filename))
path = os.path.join(_data_dir, filename)
- records,filesystem = loadpxp(path, strict=strict)
+ records,filesystem = loadpxp(path)
for i,record in enumerate(records):
print('record {}:'.format(i))
if isinstance(record, (FolderStartRecord, FolderEndRecord)):
elif isinstance(record, WaveRecord):
- pprint(record.bin_info)
- pprint(record.wave_info)