* If we have Gtk2, Linux::Inotify2, and AnyEvent, we should monitor for
updates and prompt the user when we notice one. (closes MS #2540)
* Added tests/basic, as a simple test of a few functions (closes MS #2537)
+ * fixed double-prompting on sites that have more than one User ID
+ (closes MS #2567)
+ -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> Thu, 28 Oct 2010 17:14:35 -0400
- -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> Wed, 27 Oct 2010 01:47:50 -0400
msva-perl (0.5) upstream;
* If ${MSVA_KEYSERVER} is unset or blank, default to using keyserver
$logger->log('debug', "checking on %s\n", $fprx);
foreach my $gpgkey ($gnupg->get_public_keys_with_sigs($fprx)) {
$logger->log('debug', "found key %.40s\n", $gpgkey->fingerprint->as_hex_string);
- # we're going to prompt the user here if we have any
- # relevant certifiers:
- my @valid_certifiers;
- my @marginal_certifiers;
# FIXME: if there are multiple keys in the OpenPGP WoT
# with the same key material and the same User ID
# to do is.
foreach my $user_id ($gpgkey->user_ids) {
$logger->log('debug', "found EE User ID %s\n", $user_id->as_string);
+ my @valid_certifiers = ();
+ my @marginal_certifiers = ();
if ($user_id->as_string eq $uid) {
# get a list of the certifiers of the relevant User ID for the key
foreach my $cert (@{$user_id->signatures}) {