DIST teyjus-2.1.tar.gz 723763 BLAKE2B ab6a98c2d2291620b586ab0b419a214b0f7c0b27aad444324e5a417c1a0b27382e2d5c622f798ea88cab77853bca3305ec37904c50a7304ace20237afb993b91 SHA512 1f71d19502f4f4da00f635d2c3d4e141403182d65f039e0d43660edf84c5fcd900e7225ac92dc5bdbe0c8379c4e2ce6e27879af504fcfafddf2695a0c8a13379
-DIST teyjus-source-2.0-b2.tar.gz 465815 BLAKE2B 29d8cc2626144a77551a4cb47631a3b55d6edc33b3bf957c2b732144ce9566adb8d472b7ac423168605dcbabab507a4a3cd05b465b02fa0bbc3967a57183fc7c SHA512 071a25cd5341f7562f07dcaae1f87c35eb394ddab94a5160826c7fb2d9a51efea909b41947205503ebcc58df04388baf9eaf9f5a614186701940da29db1c1b29
--- /dev/null
+commit 4e53477a6685b515363f7123dbeeece4f60f103a
+Author: Fabien Renaud <fafounet@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun Aug 9 21:15:16 2015 +0200
+ Fixes arity for pervasive modulo operation
+diff --git a/source/tables_gen/pervasives/pervasives.in b/source/tables_gen/pervasives/pervasives.in
+index 2a332da..fcac330 100644
+--- a/source/tables_gen/pervasives/pervasives.in
++++ b/source/tables_gen/pervasives/pervasives.in
+@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@
+ TYPE 7 int -> int
+ /* unary minus on integers */
+ 56 %i~ intuminus 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE MAX PREFIX NOCODE -
+- /* modulus */
+- 61 mod mod 0 0 0 TRUE TRUE 160 INFIXL NOCODE
+ /* integer abs */
+ 63 %iabs iabs 0 0 0 TRUE TRUE 0 NOFIXITY NOCODE abs
+ ;;
+@@ -107,6 +105,8 @@
+ 59 %i* intmult 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 160 INFIXL NOCODE *
+ /* integer division */
+ 60 div intdiv 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 160 INFIXL NOCODE
++ /* modulus */
++ 61 mod mod 0 0 0 TRUE TRUE 160 INFIXL NOCODE
+ ;;
+ /* int -> int -> o */
--- /dev/null
+commit 78ba2ba7e42d06e64a7a10915259a4e419aa4ce4
+Merge: 4e53477 bb9ba6a
+Author: fafounet <fafounet@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat Feb 27 13:10:59 2016 +0100
+ Merge pull request #104 from robblanco/string-literals
+ Add string literals from proper character groups
+commit bb9ba6a57969c9eeab5841923ca822756860163c
+Author: Rob Blanco <roberto.blanco@inria.fr>
+Date: Wed Feb 24 19:01:06 2016 +0100
+ Add string literals from proper character groups
+ Escape prefixes were included in the strings being passed to the
+ character composition functions, resulting in incorrect characters
+ being generated (in the case of control characters) or exceptions
+ being thrown (in octal and hex literals, in combination with the
+ OCaml-specific prefixes).
+diff --git a/source/compiler/lplex.mll b/source/compiler/lplex.mll
+index 6cb28cd..6b2576a 100644
+--- a/source/compiler/lplex.mll
++++ b/source/compiler/lplex.mll
+@@ -215,11 +215,14 @@ and stringstate = parse
+ | "\\\"" {addChar '"'; stringstate lexbuf}
+ | "\"\"" {addChar '"'; stringstate lexbuf}
+-| "\\^"['@'-'z'] as text {addControl text; stringstate lexbuf}
+-| "\\" OCTAL as text {addOctal text; stringstate lexbuf}
+-| "\\" (OCTAL OCTAL OCTAL) as text {addOctal text; stringstate lexbuf}
+-| "\\x" HEX as text {addHex text; stringstate lexbuf}
+-| "\\x" (HEX HEX) as text {addHex text; stringstate lexbuf}
++| "\\^" (['@'-'z'] as text) {addControl (String.make 1 text);
++ stringstate lexbuf}
++| "\\" (OCTAL as text) {addOctal (String.make 1 text);
++ stringstate lexbuf}
++| "\\" (OCTAL OCTAL OCTAL as text) {addOctal text; stringstate lexbuf}
++| "\\x" (HEX as text) {addHex (String.make 1 text);
++ stringstate lexbuf}
++| "\\x" (HEX HEX as text) {addHex text; stringstate lexbuf}
+ | "\\x" _ {Errormsg.error lexbuf.lex_curr_p
+ "Illegal hex character specification";
--- /dev/null
+commit 38772fa56ed7edef88e71df8a69eea4f341968ed
+Author: Giselle Reis <giselle.mnr@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri Jul 26 15:28:03 2019 +0300
+ Removing deprecated function String.set
+ Teyjus will not build with a typecheck error
+ because String.set takes bytes, not a string. This
+ commit fixes this issue.
+ String.set is deprecated, so Bytes.set is used
+ instead.
+diff --git a/source/compiler/bytecode.ml b/source/compiler/bytecode.ml
+index 957c276..655ddab 100644
+--- a/source/compiler/bytecode.ml
++++ b/source/compiler/bytecode.ml
+@@ -248,28 +248,28 @@ let readWord () = readNBytes (getInChannel ()) (getWordSize ())
+ let readString () =
+ let input = getInChannel () in
+ let length = readNBytes input 4 in
+- let myString = String.make length ' ' in
++ let myString = Bytes.make length ' ' in
+ let rec readStringAux index =
+ if (index = length) then ()
+ else
+- (String.set myString index (input_char input);
++ (Bytes.set myString index (input_char input);
+ readStringAux (index + 1))
+ in
+ readStringAux 0;
+- myString
++ Bytes.to_string myString
+ let readLongString () =
+ let input = getInChannel() in
+ let length = readNBytes input 4 in
+- let myString = String.make length ' ' in
++ let myString = Bytes.make length ' ' in
+ let rec readStringAux index =
+ if (index = length) then ()
+ else
+- (String.set myString index (input_char input);
++ (Bytes.set myString index (input_char input);
+ readStringAux (index + 1))
+ in
+ readStringAux 0;
+- myString
++ Bytes.to_string myString
+ (* skip n bytes *)
+ let skipNBytes numberBytes =
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit elisp-common multilib versionator
-MY_P=$(version_format_string '${MY_PN}-$1.$2-b$3')
+inherit elisp-common multilib
DESCRIPTION="Higher-order logic programming language Lambda Prolog"
+SRC_URI="https://github.com/teyjus/teyjus/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
emacs? ( virtual/emacs )"
+ app-text/dos2unix
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-p001-Fixes-arity-for-pervasive-modulo-operation.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-p002-Add-string-literals-from-proper-character-groups.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-p003-Removing-deprecated-function-String.set.patch")
src_prepare() {
+ find . -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;
- eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.2-flags.patch"
local cflags=""
for i in ${CFLAGS}
lflags="${lflags} -cclib ${i}"
- sed -e "s@CFLAGS +=@CFLAGS += ${CFLAGS}@" \
- -e "s@LDFLAGS +=@LDFLAGS += ${LDFLAGS}@" \
- -e "s@OCAMLFLAGS +=@OCAMLFLAGS +=${cflags}${lflags}@" \
+ sed -e "s@\(OCAMLFLAGS= -w -A\)@\1 ${cflags}${lflags}@" \
+ -e "s@\(CFLAGS +=\) -g@\1 ${CFLAGS}\nLDFLAGS += ${LDFLAGS}@" \
-i "${S}/source/OMakefile" \
|| die "Could not set flags in ${S}/teyjus/source/OMakefile"
if has_version ">=dev-lang/ocaml-4.03.0"; then
src_compile() {
- addpredict "/usr/$(get_libdir)/omake/Pervasives.omc"
- addpredict "/usr/$(get_libdir)/omake/build/C.omc"
- addpredict "/usr/$(get_libdir)/omake/build/Common.omc"
- addpredict "/usr/$(get_libdir)/omake/configure/Configure.omc"
- addpredict "/usr/$(get_libdir)/omake/build/OCaml.omc"
- omake --verbose all || die "omake all failed"
+ export HOME="${T}"
+ omake --verbose --force-dotomake all || die "omake all failed"
if use emacs ; then
pushd "${S}/emacs" || die "Could change directory to emacs"
elisp-compile *.el || die "emacs elisp compile failed"
newbin source/tjdis.opt tjdis
newbin source/tjlink.opt tjlink
newbin source/tjsim.opt tjsim
- dodoc README
if use emacs ; then
elisp-install ${PN} emacs/*.{el,elc}
cp "${FILESDIR}"/${SITEFILE} "${S}"