from _emerge.show_invalid_depstring_notice import show_invalid_depstring_notice
from _emerge.UnmergeDepPriority import UnmergeDepPriority
+from _emerge.resolver.slot_collision import slot_conflict_handler
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
basestring = str
long = int
- msg = []
- msg.append("\n!!! Multiple package instances within a single " + \
- "package slot have been pulled\n")
- msg.append("!!! into the dependency graph, resulting" + \
- " in a slot conflict:\n\n")
- indent = " "
- # Max number of parents shown, to avoid flooding the display.
- max_parents = 3
- explanation_columns = 70
- explanations = 0
- for (slot_atom, root), slot_nodes \
- in self._dynamic_config._slot_collision_info.items():
- msg.append(str(slot_atom))
- if root != '/':
- msg.append(" for %s" % (root,))
- msg.append("\n\n")
+ handler = slot_conflict_handler(self._dynamic_config._slot_collision_info, \
+ self._dynamic_config._parent_atoms, self._frozen_config.myopts)
+ handler.print_conflict()
+ has_explanation = handler.print_explanation()
- for node in slot_nodes:
- msg.append(indent)
- msg.append(str(node))
- parent_atoms = self._dynamic_config._parent_atoms.get(node)
- if parent_atoms:
- pruned_list = set()
- for pkg, atom in parent_atoms:
- num_matched_slot_atoms = 0
- atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,))
- for other_node in slot_nodes:
- if other_node == node:
- continue
- if atom_set.findAtomForPackage(other_node):
- num_matched_slot_atoms += 1
- if num_matched_slot_atoms < len(slot_nodes) - 1:
- pruned_list.add((pkg, atom))
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- # If this package was pulled in by conflict atoms then
- # show those alone since those are the most interesting.
- if not pruned_list:
- # When generating the pruned list, prefer instances
- # of DependencyArg over instances of Package.
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- parent, atom = parent_atom
- if isinstance(parent, DependencyArg):
- pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
- # Prefer Packages instances that themselves have been
- # pulled into collision slots.
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- parent, atom = parent_atom
- if isinstance(parent, Package) and \
- (parent.slot_atom, parent.root) \
- in self._dynamic_config._slot_collision_info:
- pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
- omitted_parents = len(parent_atoms) - len(pruned_list)
- parent_atoms = pruned_list
- msg.append(" pulled in by\n")
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- parent, atom = parent_atom
- msg.append(2*indent)
- if isinstance(parent,
- (PackageArg, AtomArg)):
- # For PackageArg and AtomArg types, it's
- # redundant to display the atom attribute.
- msg.append(str(parent))
- else:
- # Display the specific atom from SetArg or
- # Package types.
- msg.append("%s required by %s" % (atom.unevaluated_atom, parent))
- msg.append("\n")
- if omitted_parents:
- msg.append(2*indent)
- msg.append("(and %d more)\n" % omitted_parents)
- else:
- msg.append(" (no parents)\n")
- msg.append("\n")
- explanation = self._slot_conflict_explanation(slot_nodes)
- if explanation:
- explanations += 1
- msg.append(indent + "Explanation:\n\n")
- for line in textwrap.wrap(explanation, explanation_columns):
- msg.append(2*indent + line + "\n")
- msg.append("\n")
- msg.append("\n")
- sys.stderr.write("".join(msg))
- sys.stderr.flush()
- explanations_for_all = explanations == len(self._dynamic_config._slot_collision_info)
- if explanations_for_all or "--quiet" in self._frozen_config.myopts:
+ if has_explanation or "--quiet" in self._frozen_config.myopts:
msg = []
writemsg(line + '\n', noiselevel=-1)
writemsg('\n', noiselevel=-1)
- def _slot_conflict_explanation(self, slot_nodes):
- """
- When a slot conflict occurs due to USE deps, there are a few
- different cases to consider:
- 1) New USE are correctly set but --newuse wasn't requested so an
- installed package with incorrect USE happened to get pulled
- into graph before the new one.
- 2) New USE are incorrectly set but an installed package has correct
- USE so it got pulled into the graph, and a new instance also got
- pulled in due to --newuse or an upgrade.
- 3) Multiple USE deps exist that can't be satisfied simultaneously,
- and multiple package instances got pulled into the same slot to
- satisfy the conflicting deps.
- Currently, explanations and suggested courses of action are generated
- for cases 1 and 2. Case 3 is too complex to give a useful suggestion.
- """
- if len(slot_nodes) != 2:
- # Suggestions are only implemented for
- # conflicts between two packages.
- return None
- all_conflict_atoms = self._dynamic_config._slot_conflict_parent_atoms
- matched_node = None
- matched_atoms = None
- unmatched_node = None
- for node in slot_nodes:
- parent_atoms = self._dynamic_config._parent_atoms.get(node)
- if not parent_atoms:
- # Normally, there are always parent atoms. If there are
- # none then something unexpected is happening and there's
- # currently no suggestion for this case.
- return None
- conflict_atoms = all_conflict_atoms.intersection(parent_atoms)
- for parent_atom in conflict_atoms:
- parent, atom = parent_atom
- if not atom.use:
- # Suggestions are currently only implemented for cases
- # in which all conflict atoms have USE deps.
- return None
- if conflict_atoms:
- if matched_node is not None:
- # If conflict atoms match multiple nodes
- # then there's no suggestion.
- return None
- matched_node = node
- matched_atoms = conflict_atoms
- else:
- if unmatched_node is not None:
- # Neither node is matched by conflict atoms, and
- # there is no suggestion for this case.
- return None
- unmatched_node = node
- if matched_node is None or unmatched_node is None:
- # This shouldn't happen.
- return None
- if unmatched_node.installed and not matched_node.installed and \
- unmatched_node.cpv == matched_node.cpv:
- # If the conflicting packages are the same version then
- # --newuse should be all that's needed. If they are different
- # versions then there's some other problem.
- return "New USE are correctly set, but --newuse wasn't" + \
- " requested, so an installed package with incorrect USE " + \
- "happened to get pulled into the dependency graph. " + \
- "In order to solve " + \
- "this, either specify the --newuse option or explicitly " + \
- " reinstall '%s'." % matched_node.slot_atom
- if matched_node.installed and not unmatched_node.installed:
- atoms = sorted(set(atom for parent, atom in matched_atoms))
- explanation = ("New USE for '%s' are incorrectly set. " + \
- "In order to solve this, adjust USE to satisfy '%s'") % \
- (matched_node.slot_atom, atoms[0])
- if len(atoms) > 1:
- for atom in atoms[1:-1]:
- explanation += ", '%s'" % (atom,)
- if len(atoms) > 2:
- explanation += ","
- explanation += " and '%s'" % (atoms[-1],)
- explanation += "."
- return explanation
- return None
def _process_slot_conflicts(self):
Process slot conflict data to identify specific atoms which
--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+from _emerge.AtomArg import AtomArg
+from _emerge.DependencyArg import DependencyArg
+from _emerge.Package import Package
+from _emerge.PackageArg import PackageArg
+from _emerge.SetArg import SetArg
+from portage.output import colorize
+from portage.sets.base import InternalPackageSet
+from portage.util import writemsg
+class slot_conflict_handler(object):
+ """This class keeps track of all slot conflicts and provides
+ an interface to get possible solutions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, slot_collision_info, all_parents, myopts):
+ self.myopts = myopts
+ self.debug = "--debug" in myopts
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg("Starting slot conflict handler\n")
+ #slot_collision_info is a dict mapping (slot atom, root) to set
+ #of packages. The packages in the set all belong to the same
+ #slot.
+ self.slot_collision_info = slot_collision_info
+ #A dict mapping packages to pairs of parent package
+ #and parent atom
+ self.all_parents = all_parents
+ #set containing all nodes that are part of a slot conflict
+ conflict_nodes = set()
+ #a list containing list of packages that form a slot conflict
+ conflict_pkgs = []
+ #a list containing sets of (parent, atom) pairs that have pulled packages
+ #into the same slot
+ all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom = []
+ #fill conflict_pkgs, all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom
+ for (atom, root), pkgs \
+ in slot_collision_info.items():
+ conflict_pkgs.append(list(pkgs))
+ all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom.append(set())
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ conflict_nodes.add(pkg)
+ for ppkg, atom in all_parents.get(pkg):
+ all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom[-1].add((ppkg, atom))
+ #Variable that holds the non-explanation part of the message.
+ self.conflict_msg = []
+ #If any conflict package was pulled in only by unspecific atoms, then
+ #the user forgot to enable --newuse and/or --update.
+ self.conflict_is_unspecific = False
+ self._prepare_conflict_msg_and_check_for_specificity()
+ #a list of dicts that hold the needed USE changes to solve all conflicts
+ = []
+ #configuration = a list of packages with exactly one package from every
+ #single slot conflict
+ config_gen = _configuration_generator(conflict_pkgs)
+ first_config = True
+ #go through all configurations and collect solutions
+ while(True):
+ config = config_gen.get_configuration()
+ if not config:
+ break
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg("\nNew configuration:\n")
+ for pkg in config:
+ writemsg(" " + str(pkg) + "\n")
+ writemsg("\n")
+ new_solutions = self._check_configuration(config, all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom, conflict_nodes)
+ if new_solutions:
+ if first_config:
+ #If the "all ebuild"-config gives a solution, use it.
+ #Otherwise enumerate all other soultions.
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg("All-ebuild configuration has a solution. Aborting search.\n")
+ break
+ first_config = False
+ def print_conflict(self):
+ sys.stderr.write("".join(self.conflict_msg))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ def _prepare_conflict_msg_and_check_for_specificity(self):
+ """
+ Print all slot conflicts in a human readable way.
+ """
+ msg = self.conflict_msg
+ indent = " "
+ # Max number of parents shown, to avoid flooding the display.
+ max_parents = 3
+ msg.append("\n!!! Multiple package instances within a single " + \
+ "package slot have been pulled\n")
+ msg.append("!!! into the dependency graph, resulting" + \
+ " in a slot conflict:\n\n")
+ for (slot_atom, root), pkgs \
+ in self.slot_collision_info.items():
+ msg.append(str(slot_atom))
+ if root != '/':
+ msg.append(" for %s" % (root,))
+ msg.append("\n\n")
+ for node in pkgs:
+ msg.append(indent)
+ msg.append(str(node))
+ parent_atoms = self.all_parents.get(node)
+ if parent_atoms:
+ pruned_list = set()
+ for pkg, atom in parent_atoms:
+ num_matched_slot_atoms = 0
+ atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,))
+ for other_node in pkgs:
+ if other_node == node:
+ continue
+ if atom_set.findAtomForPackage(other_node):
+ num_matched_slot_atoms += 1
+ if num_matched_slot_atoms < len(pkgs) - 1:
+ pruned_list.add((pkg, atom))
+ if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
+ break
+ # If this package was pulled in by conflict atoms then
+ # show those alone since those are the most interesting.
+ if not pruned_list:
+ #If we prunned all atoms, the user most likely forgot
+ #to enable --newuse and/or --update
+ self.conflict_is_unspecific = True
+ # When generating the pruned list, prefer instances
+ # of DependencyArg over instances of Package.
+ for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
+ if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
+ break
+ parent, atom = parent_atom
+ if isinstance(parent, DependencyArg):
+ pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
+ # Prefer Packages instances that themselves have been
+ # pulled into collision slots.
+ for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
+ if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
+ break
+ parent, atom = parent_atom
+ if isinstance(parent, Package) and \
+ (parent.slot_atom, parent.root) \
+ in self.slot_collision_info:
+ pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
+ for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
+ if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
+ break
+ pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
+ omitted_parents = len(parent_atoms) - len(pruned_list)
+ parent_atoms = pruned_list
+ msg.append(" pulled in by\n")
+ for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
+ parent, atom = parent_atom
+ msg.append(2*indent)
+ if isinstance(parent,
+ (PackageArg, AtomArg)):
+ # For PackageArg and AtomArg types, it's
+ # redundant to display the atom attribute.
+ msg.append(str(parent))
+ else:
+ # Display the specific atom from SetArg or
+ # Package types.
+ msg.append("%s required by %s" % (atom.unevaluated_atom, parent))
+ msg.append("\n")
+ if omitted_parents:
+ msg.append(2*indent)
+ msg.append("(and %d more)\n" % omitted_parents)
+ else:
+ msg.append(" (no parents)\n")
+ msg.append("\n")
+ msg.append("\n")
+ def print_explanation(self):
+ if self.conflict_is_unspecific and \
+ not ("--newuse" in self.myopts and "--update" in self.myopts):
+ writemsg("!!!Enabling --newuse and --update might solve this conflict.\n")
+ writemsg("!!!If not, it might at least allow emerge to give a suggestions.\n\n")
+ return True
+ solutions =
+ if not solutions:
+ return False
+ if len(solutions)==1:
+ if len(self.slot_collision_info)==1:
+ writemsg("It might be possible to solve this slot collision\n")
+ else:
+ writemsg("It might be possible to solve these slot collisions\n")
+ writemsg("by applying all of the following changes:\n")
+ else:
+ if len(self.slot_collision_info)==1:
+ writemsg("It might be possible to solve this slot collision\n")
+ else:
+ writemsg("It might be possible to solve these slot collisions\n")
+ writemsg("by applying one of the following solutions:\n")
+ def print_solution(solution, indent=""):
+ for pkg in solution:
+ changes = []
+ for flag, state in solution[pkg].items():
+ if state == "enabled" and flag not in pkg.use.enabled:
+ changes.append(colorize("red", "+" + flag))
+ elif state == "disabled" and flag in pkg.use.enabled:
+ changes.append(colorize("blue", "-" + flag))
+ if changes:
+ writemsg(indent + "- " + pkg.cpv + " (Change USE: %s" % " ".join(changes) + ")\n")
+ writemsg("\n")
+ if len(solutions) == 1:
+ print_solution(solutions[0], " ")
+ else:
+ for solution in solutions:
+ writemsg(" Solution: Apply all of:\n")
+ print_solution(solution, " ")
+ return True
+ def _check_configuration(self, config, all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom, conflict_nodes):
+ """
+ Given a configuartion, required use changes are computed and checked to
+ make sure that no new conflict is introduced. Returns a solution or None.
+ """
+ #An installed package can only be part of a valid configuration if it has no
+ #pending use changed. Otherwise the ebuild will be pulled in again.
+ for pkg in config:
+ if not pkg.installed:
+ continue
+ for (atom, root), pkgs \
+ in self.slot_collision_info.items():
+ if pkg not in pkgs:
+ continue
+ for other_pkg in pkgs:
+ if other_pkg == pkg:
+ continue
+ if pkg.iuse.all.symmetric_difference(other_pkg.iuse.all) \
+ or pkg.use.enabled.symmetric_difference(other_pkg.use.enabled):
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg(str(pkg) + " has pending USE changes. Rejecting configuration.\n")
+ return False
+ #A list of dicts. Keeps one dict per slot conflict. [ { flag1: "enabled" }, { flag2: "disabled" } ]
+ all_involved_flags = []
+ #Go through all slot conflicts
+ for id, pkg in enumerate(config):
+ involved_flags = {}
+ for ppkg, atom in all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom[id]:
+ if ppkg in conflict_nodes and not ppkg in config:
+ #The parent is part of a slot conflict itself and is
+ #not part of the current config.
+ continue
+ i = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,))
+ if i.findAtomForPackage(pkg):
+ continue
+ i = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom.without_use,))
+ if not i.findAtomForPackage(pkg):
+ #Version range does not match.
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg(str(pkg) + " does not satify all version requirements. Rejecting configuration.\n")
+ return False
+ if not pkg.iuse.is_valid_flag(atom.unevaluated_atom.use.required):
+ #Missing IUSE.
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg(str(pkg) + " misses need flags from IUSE. Rejecting configuration.\n")
+ return False
+ if ppkg.installed:
+ #We cannot assume that it's possible to reinstall the package. Do not
+ #check if some of its atom has use.conditional
+ violated_atom = atom.violated_conditionals(pkg.use.enabled, ppkg.use.enabled)
+ else:
+ violated_atom = atom.unevaluated_atom.violated_conditionals(pkg.use.enabled, ppkg.use.enabled)
+ if pkg.installed and (violated_atom.use.enabled or violated_atom.use.disabled):
+ #We can't change USE of an installed package (only of an ebuild, but that is already
+ #part of the conflict, isn't it?
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg(str(pkg) + ": installed package would need USE changes. Rejecting configuration.\n")
+ return False
+ #Compute the required USE changes. A flag can be forced to "enabled" or "disabled",
+ #it can be in the conditional state "cond" that allows both values or in the
+ #"contradiction" state, which means that some atoms insist on differnt values
+ #for this flag and those kill this configuration.
+ for flag in violated_atom.use.required:
+ state = involved_flags.get(flag, "")
+ if flag in violated_atom.use.enabled:
+ if state in ("", "cond", "enabled"):
+ state = "enabled"
+ else:
+ state = "contradiction"
+ elif flag in violated_atom.use.disabled:
+ if state in ("", "cond", "disabled"):
+ state = "disabled"
+ else:
+ state = "contradiction"
+ else:
+ if state == "":
+ state = "cond"
+ involved_flags[flag] = state
+ if pkg.installed:
+ #We don't change the installed pkg's USE. Force all involved flags
+ #to the same value as the installed package has it.
+ for flag in involved_flags:
+ if involved_flags[flag] == "enabled":
+ if not flag in pkg.use.enabled:
+ involved_flags[flag] = "contradiction"
+ elif involved_flags[flag] == "disabled":
+ if flag in pkg.use.enabled:
+ involved_flags[flag] = "contradiction"
+ elif involved_flags[flag] == "cond":
+ if flag in pkg.use.enabled:
+ involved_flags[flag] = "enabled"
+ else:
+ involved_flags[flag] = "disabled"
+ for flag, state in involved_flags.items():
+ if state == "contradiction":
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg("Contradicting requirements found for flag " + flag + ". Rejecting configuration.\n")
+ return False
+ all_involved_flags.append(involved_flags)
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg("All involved flags:\n")
+ for id, involved_flags in enumerate(all_involved_flags):
+ writemsg(" " + str(config[id]) + "\n")
+ for flag, state in involved_flags.items():
+ writemsg(" " + flag + ": " + state + "\n")
+ solutions = []
+ sol_gen = _solution_candidate_generator(all_involved_flags)
+ while(True):
+ candidate = sol_gen.get_candidate()
+ if not candidate:
+ break
+ solution = self._check_solution(config, candidate, all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom)
+ if solution:
+ solutions.append(solution)
+ if self.debug:
+ if not solutions:
+ writemsg("No viable solutions. Rejecting configuration.\n")
+ return solutions
+ def _force_flag_for_package(self, required_changes, pkg, flag, state):
+ """
+ Adds an USE change to required_changes. Sets the target state to
+ "contradiction" if a flag is forced to conflicting values.
+ """
+ if state == "disabled":
+ changes = required_changes.get(pkg, {})
+ flag_change = changes.get(flag, "")
+ if flag_change == "enabled":
+ flag_change = "contradiction"
+ elif flag in pkg.use.enabled:
+ flag_change = "disabled"
+ changes[flag] = flag_change
+ required_changes[pkg] = changes
+ elif state == "enabled":
+ changes = required_changes.get(pkg, {})
+ flag_change = changes.get(flag, "")
+ if flag_change == "disabled":
+ flag_change = "contradiction"
+ else:
+ flag_change = "enabled"
+ changes[flag] = flag_change
+ required_changes[pkg] = changes
+ def _check_solution(self, config, all_involved_flags, all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom):
+ """
+ Given a configuartion and all involved flags, all possible settings for the involved
+ flags are checked if they solve the slot conflict.
+ """
+ if self.debug:
+ #The code is a bit verbose, because the states might not
+ #be a string, but a _value_helper.
+ msg = "Solution candidate: "
+ msg += "["
+ first = True
+ for involved_flags in all_involved_flags:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ msg += ", "
+ msg += "{"
+ inner_first = True
+ for flag, state in involved_flags.items():
+ if inner_first:
+ inner_first = False
+ else:
+ msg += ", "
+ msg += flag + ": " + str(state)
+ msg += "}"
+ msg += "]\n"
+ writemsg(msg)
+ required_changes = {}
+ for id, pkg in enumerate(config):
+ if not pkg.installed:
+ #We can't change the USE of installed packages.
+ for flag in all_involved_flags[id]:
+ if not pkg.iuse.is_valid_flag(flag):
+ continue
+ state = all_involved_flags[id][flag]
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, pkg, flag, state)
+ #Go through all (parebt, atom) pairs for the current slot conflict.
+ for ppkg, atom in all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom[id]:
+ use = atom.unevaluated_atom.use
+ if not use:
+ #No need to force something for an atom without USE conditionals.
+ #These atoms are already satisfied.
+ continue
+ for flag in all_involved_flags[id]:
+ state = all_involved_flags[id][flag]
+ if flag not in use.required or not use.conditional:
+ continue
+ if flag in use.conditional.enabled:
+ #[flag?]
+ if state == "enabled":
+ #no need to change anything, the atom won't
+ #force -flag on pkg
+ pass
+ elif state == "disabled":
+ #if flag is enabled we get [flag] -> it must be disabled
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, ppkg, flag, "disabled")
+ elif flag in use.conditional.disabled:
+ #[!flag?]
+ if state == "enabled":
+ #if flag is enabled we get [-flag] -> it must be disabled
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, ppkg, flag, "disabled")
+ elif state == "disabled":
+ #no need to change anything, the atom won't
+ #force +flag on pkg
+ pass
+ elif flag in use.conditional.equal:
+ #[flag=]
+ if state == "enabled":
+ #if flag is disabled we get [-flag] -> it must be enabled
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, ppkg, flag, "enabled")
+ elif state == "disabled":
+ #if flag is enabled we get [flag] -> it must be disabled
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, ppkg, flag, "disabled")
+ elif flag in use.conditional.not_equal:
+ #[!flag=]
+ if state == "enabled":
+ #if flag is enabled we get [-flag] -> it must be disabled
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, ppkg, flag, "disabled")
+ elif state == "disabled":
+ #if flag is disabled we get [flag] -> it must be enabled
+ self._force_flag_for_package(required_changes, ppkg, flag, "enabled")
+ is_valid_solution = True
+ for pkg in required_changes:
+ for state in required_changes[pkg].values():
+ if not state in ("enabled", "disabled"):
+ is_valid_solution = False
+ if not is_valid_solution:
+ return None
+ #Check if all atoms are satisfied after the changes are applied.
+ for id, pkg in enumerate(config):
+ if pkg in required_changes:
+ old_use = set(pkg.use.enabled)
+ new_use = set(pkg.use.enabled)
+ use_has_changed = False
+ for flag, state in required_changes[pkg].items():
+ if state == "enabled" and flag not in new_use:
+ new_use.add(flag)
+ use_has_changed = True
+ elif state == "disabled" and flag in new_use:
+ use_has_changed = True
+ new_use.remove(flag)
+ if use_has_changed:
+ new_pkg = pkg.copy()
+ new_pkg.metadata["USE"] = " ".join(new_use)
+ else:
+ new_pkg = pkg
+ else:
+ new_pkg = pkg
+ for ppkg, atom in all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom[id]:
+ if isinstance(ppkg, SetArg):
+ continue
+ new_use = set(ppkg.use.enabled)
+ if ppkg in required_changes:
+ for flag, state in required_changes[ppkg].items():
+ if state == "enabled" and flag not in new_use:
+ new_use.add(flag)
+ elif state == "disabled" and flag in new_use:
+ new_use.remove(flag)
+ new_atom = atom.unevaluated_atom.evaluate_conditionals(new_use)
+ i = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(new_atom,))
+ if not i.findAtomForPackage(new_pkg):
+ #We managed to create a new problem with our changes.
+ is_valid_solution = False
+ if self.debug:
+ writemsg("new conflict introduced: " + str(new_pkg) + \
+ " does not match " + new_atom + " from " + str(ppkg) + "\n")
+ break
+ if not is_valid_solution:
+ break
+ if is_valid_solution and required_changes:
+ return required_changes
+ else:
+ return None
+class _configuration_generator(object):
+ def __init__(self, conflict_pkgs):
+ #reorder packages such that installed packages come last
+ self.conflict_pkgs = []
+ for pkgs in conflict_pkgs:
+ new_pkgs = []
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if not pkg.installed:
+ new_pkgs.append(pkg)
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if pkg.installed:
+ new_pkgs.append(pkg)
+ self.conflict_pkgs.append(new_pkgs)
+ self.solution_ids = []
+ for pkgs in self.conflict_pkgs:
+ self.solution_ids.append(0)
+ self._is_first_solution = True
+ def get_configuration(self):
+ if self._is_first_solution:
+ self._is_first_solution = False
+ else:
+ if not self._next():
+ return None
+ solution = []
+ for id, pkgs in enumerate(self.conflict_pkgs):
+ solution.append(pkgs[self.solution_ids[id]])
+ return solution
+ def _next(self, id=None):
+ solution_ids = self.solution_ids
+ conflict_pkgs = self.conflict_pkgs
+ if id is None:
+ id = len(solution_ids)-1
+ if solution_ids[id] == len(conflict_pkgs[id])-1:
+ if id > 0:
+ return self._next(id=id-1)
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ solution_ids[id] += 1
+ for other_id in range(id+1, len(solution_ids)):
+ solution_ids[other_id] = 0
+ return True
+class _solution_candidate_generator(object):
+ class _value_helper(object):
+ def __init__(self, value=None):
+ self.value = value
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, basestring):
+ return self.value == other
+ else:
+ return self.value == other.value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.value)
+ def __init__(self, all_involved_flags):
+ #A copy of all_involved_flags with all "cond" values
+ #replaced by a _value_helper object.
+ self.all_involved_flags = []
+ #A list tracking references to all used _value_helper
+ #objects.
+ self.conditional_values = []
+ for involved_flags in all_involved_flags:
+ new_involved_flags = {}
+ for flag, state in involved_flags.items():
+ if state in ("enabled", "disabled"):
+ new_involved_flags[flag] = state
+ else:
+ v = self._value_helper("disabled")
+ new_involved_flags[flag] = v
+ self.conditional_values.append(v)
+ self.all_involved_flags.append(new_involved_flags)
+ self._is_first_solution = True
+ def get_candidate(self):
+ if self._is_first_solution:
+ self._is_first_solution = False
+ else:
+ if not self._next():
+ return None
+ return self.all_involved_flags
+ def _next(self, id=None):
+ values = self.conditional_values
+ if not values:
+ return False
+ if id is None:
+ id = len(values)-1
+ if values[id].value == "enabled":
+ if id > 0:
+ return self._next(id=id-1)
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ values[id].value = "enabled"
+ for other_id in range(id+1, len(values)):
+ values[other_id].value = "disabled"
+ return True