noiselevel=-1, level=logging.ERROR)
return 1
+ vcs_dirs = frozenset([".git", ".svn", "CVS", ".hg"])
+ vcs_dirs = vcs_dirs.intersection(os.listdir(myportdir))
updatecache_flg = False
if myaction == "metadata":
print "skipping sync"
updatecache_flg = True
+ elif ".git" in vcs_dirs:
+ # Update existing git repository, and ignore the syncuri. We are
+ # going to trust the user and assume that the user is in the branch
+ # that he/she wants updated. We'll let the user manage branches with
+ # git directly.
+ msg = ">>> Starting git pull in %s..." % myportdir
+ emergelog(xterm_titles, msg )
+ writemsg_level(msg + "\n")
+ exitcode = portage.spawn("cd %s ; git pull" % \
+ (portage._shell_quote(myportdir),), settings, free=1)
+ if exitcode != os.EX_OK:
+ msg = "!!! git pull error in %s." % myportdir
+ emergelog(xterm_titles, msg)
+ writemsg_level(msg + "\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return exitcode
+ msg = ">>> Git pull in %s successful" % myportdir
+ emergelog(xterm_titles, msg)
+ writemsg_level(msg + "\n")
+ return exitcode
elif syncuri[:8]=="rsync://":
+ for vcs_dir in vcs_dirs:
+ writemsg_level(("!!! %s appears to be under revision " + \
+ "control (contains %s).\n!!! Aborting rsync sync.\n") % \
+ (myportdir, vcs_dir), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/rsync"):
print "!!! /usr/bin/rsync does not exist, so rsync support is disabled."
print "!!! Type \"emerge net-misc/rsync\" to enable rsync support."