field opt_merge ff; # type of merge to apply to existing branch
field opt_checkout 1; # automatically checkout the new branch?
+field opt_fetch 1; # refetch tracking branch if used?
field reset_ok 0; # did the user agree to reset?
constructor dialog {} {
pack $w.options.merge.reset -side left
pack $w.options.merge -anchor nw
+ checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
+ -text {Fetch Tracking Branch} \
+ -variable @opt_fetch
+ pack $w.options.fetch -anchor nw
checkbutton $w.options.checkout \
-text {Checkout After Creation} \
-variable @opt_checkout
method _create {} {
- global null_sha1 repo_config
- global all_heads current_branch
+ global repo_config current_branch
+ global M1B
+ set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
switch -- $name_type {
user {
set newbranch $name
match {
- set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
if {$spec eq {}} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
+ if {$spec ne {} && $opt_fetch} {
+ set l_trck [lindex $spec 0]
+ set remote [lindex $spec 1]
+ set r_head [lindex $spec 2]
+ regsub ^refs/heads/ $r_head {} r_head
+ set c $w.fetch_trck
+ toplevel $c
+ wm title $c "Refreshing Tracking Branch"
+ wm geometry $c "+[winfo rootx $w]+[winfo rooty $w]"
+ set e [::console::embed \
+ $c.console \
+ "Fetching $r_head from $remote"]
+ pack $c.console -fill both -expand 1
+ $e exec \
+ [list git fetch $remote +$r_head:$l_trck] \
+ [cb _finish_fetch $newbranch $c $e]
+ bind $c <Visibility> [list grab $c]
+ bind $c <$M1B-Key-w> break
+ bind $c <$M1B-Key-W> break
+ wm protocol $c WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _noop]
+ } else {
+ _finish_create $this $newbranch
+ }
+method _noop {} {}
+method _finish_fetch {newbranch c e ok} {
+ wm protocol $c WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
+ if {$ok} {
+ destroy $c
+ _finish_create $this $newbranch
+ } else {
+ $e done $ok
+ button $c.close -text Close -command [list destroy $c]
+ pack $c.close -side bottom -anchor e -padx 10 -pady 10
+ }
+method _finish_create {newbranch} {
+ global null_sha1 all_heads
if {[catch {set new [$w_rev commit_or_die]}]} {
field t_long
field w
field console_cr
+field is_toplevel 1; # are we our own window?
constructor new {short_title long_title} {
set t_short $short_title
return $this
+constructor embed {path title} {
+ set t_short {}
+ set t_long $title
+ set w $path
+ set is_toplevel 0
+ _init $this
+ return $this
method _init {} {
global M1B
- make_toplevel top w -autodelete 0
- wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): $t_short"
+ if {$is_toplevel} {
+ make_toplevel top w -autodelete 0
+ wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): $t_short"
+ } else {
+ frame $w
+ }
set console_cr 1.0
frame $w.m
$w.m.t tag remove sel 0.0 end
- button $w.ok -text {Close} \
- -state disabled \
- -command "destroy $w"
- pack $w.ok -side bottom -anchor e -pady 10 -padx 10
+ if {$is_toplevel} {
+ button $w.ok -text {Close} \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.ok -side bottom -anchor e -pady 10 -padx 10
+ bind $w <Visibility> [list focus $w]
+ }
bind_button3 $w.m.t "tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y"
bind $w.m.t <$M1B-Key-a> "$w.m.t tag add sel 0.0 end;break"
bind $w.m.t <$M1B-Key-A> "$w.m.t tag add sel 0.0 end;break"
- bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w"
method exec {cmd {after {}}} {
if {$ok} {
if {[winfo exists $w.m.s]} {
$w.m.s conf -background green -text {Success}
- $w.ok conf -state normal
- focus $w.ok
+ if {$is_toplevel} {
+ $w.ok conf -state normal
+ focus $w.ok
+ }
} else {
if {![winfo exists $w.m.s]} {
_init $this
$w.m.s conf -background red -text {Error: Command Failed}
- $w.ok conf -state normal
- focus $w.ok
+ if {$is_toplevel} {
+ $w.ok conf -state normal
+ focus $w.ok
+ }