#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from libhooke import WX_GOOD, ClickedPoint
import wxversion
print 'forces (pN)',forces
print 'slopes (N/m)',slopes
- #Ask the user what peaks to ignore from analysis.
- print 'Peaks to ignore (0,1...n from contact point,return to take all)'
- print 'N to discard measurement'
- exclude_raw=raw_input('Input:')
- if exclude_raw=='N':
- print 'Discarded.'
- return
- if not exclude_raw=='':
- exclude=exclude_raw.split(',')
- try:
- exclude=[int(item) for item in exclude]
- for i in exclude:
- c_lengths[i]=None
- p_lengths[i]=None
- forces[i]=None
- slopes[i]=None
- sigma_c_lengths[i]=None
- sigma_p_lengths[i]=None
- except:
- print 'Bad input, taking all...'
+ controller=False
+ while controller==False:
+ #Ask the user what peaks to ignore from analysis.
+ print 'Peaks to ignore (0,1...n from contact point,return to take all)'
+ print 'N to discard measurement'
+ exclude_raw=raw_input('Input:')
+ if exclude_raw=='N':
+ print 'Discarded.'
+ return
+ if not exclude_raw=='':
+ exclude=exclude_raw.split(',')
+ try:
+ exclude=[int(item) for item in exclude]
+ for i in exclude:
+ c_lengths[i]=None
+ p_lengths[i]=None
+ forces[i]=None
+ slopes[i]=None
+ sigma_c_lengths[i]=None
+ sigma_p_lengths[i]=None
+ controller=True
+ except:
+ print 'Bad input.'
+ controller=False
#Clean data vectors from ignored peaks
#FIXME:code duplication
c_lengths=[item for item in c_lengths if item != None]