# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Id: $
+ 07 Sep 2008; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org> catalyst,
+ +modules/catalyst/config.py, -modules/catalyst/util.py:
+ More indecisiveness..move util.spec to config.SpecParser
06 Sep 2008; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org> catalyst,
-modules/catalyst/spec.py, +modules/catalyst/util.py,
if myspecfile:
- spec = catalyst.util.spec(myspecfile)
+ spec = catalyst.config.SpecParser(myspecfile)
if mycmdline:
--- /dev/null
+class ParserBase:
+ filename = ""
+ lines = None
+ values = None
+ key_value_separator = "="
+ multiple_values = False
+ empty_values = True
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.values[key]
+ def get_values(self):
+ return self.values
+ def parse_file(self, filename):
+ try:
+ myf = open(filename, "r")
+ except:
+ raise CatalystError, "Could not open file " + filename
+ self.lines = myf.readlines()
+ myf.close()
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.parse()
+ def parse_lines(self, lines):
+ self.lines = lines
+ self.parse()
+ def parse(self):
+ values = {}
+ cur_array = []
+ trailing_comment=re.compile('\s*#.*$')
+ white_space=re.compile('\s+')
+ for x, myline in enum(self.lines):
+ myline = myline.strip()
+ # Force the line to be clean
+ # Remove Comments ( anything following # )
+ myline = trailing_comment.sub("", myline)
+ # Skip any blank lines
+ if not myline: continue
+ # Look for separator
+ msearch = myline.find(self.key_value_separator)
+ # If separator found assume its a new key
+ if msearch != -1:
+ # Split on the first occurence of the separator creating two strings in the array mobjs
+ mobjs = myline.split(self.key_value_separator, 1)
+ mobjs[1] = mobjs[1].strip().strip('"')
+# # Check that this key doesn't exist already in the spec
+# if values.has_key(mobjs[0]):
+# raise Exception("You have a duplicate key (" + mobjs[0] + ") in your spec. Please fix it")
+ # Start a new array using the first element of mobjs
+ cur_array = [mobjs[0]]
+ if mobjs[1]:
+ if self.multiple_values:
+ # split on white space creating additional array elements
+# subarray = white_space.split(mobjs[1])
+ subarray = mobjs[1].split()
+ cur_array += subarray
+ else:
+ cur_array += mobjs[1]
+ # Else add on to the last key we were working on
+ else:
+ if self.multiple_values:
+# mobjs = white_space.split(myline)
+# cur_array += mobjs
+ cur_array += myline.split()
+ else:
+ throw Exception("Value without a key found on line " + x)
+ # XXX: Do we really still need this "single value is a string" behavior?
+ if len(cur_array) == 2:
+ values[cur_array[0]] = cur_array[1]
+ else:
+ values[cur_array[0]] = cur_array[1:]
+ if not self.empty_values:
+ for x in values.keys():
+ # Delete empty key pairs
+ if not values[x]:
+ print "\n\tWARNING: No value set for key " + x + "...deleting"
+ del values[x]
+ self.values = values
+class SpecParser:
+ key_value_separator = ':'
+ multiple_values = True
+ empty_values = False
+ def __init__(self, filename=""):
+ if filename:
+ self.parse_file(filename)
+ def dump(self):
+ dump = ""
+ for x in self.values.keys():
+ dump += x + ": " + repr(self.values[x]) + "\n"
+++ /dev/null
-class spec:
- filename = ""
- speclines = None
- values = None
- def __init__(self, filename=""):
- if filename:
- self.parse(filename)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.values[key]
- def get_values(self):
- return self.values
- def dump(self):
- dump = ""
- for x in self.values.keys():
- dump += x + ": " + repr(self.values[x]) + "\n"
- def load(self, filename):
- self.filename = filename
- try:
- myf = open(filename, "r")
- except:
- raise CatalystError, "Could not open spec file " + filename
- self.speclines = myf.readlines()
- myf.close()
- self.parse()
- def parse(self):
- myspec = {}
- cur_array = []
- trailing_comment=re.compile("#.*$")
- white_space=re.compile("\s+")
- while len(self.speclines):
- myline = mylines.pop(0).strip()
- # Force the line to be clean
- # Remove Comments ( anything following # )
- myline = trailing_comment.sub("", myline)
- # Skip any blank lines
- if not myline: continue
- # Look for colon
- msearch = myline.find(':')
- # If semicolon found assume its a new key
- # This may cause problems if : are used for key values but works for now
- if msearch != -1:
- # Split on the first semicolon creating two strings in the array mobjs
- mobjs = myline.split(':', 1)
- mobjs[1] = mobjs[1].strip()
- # Check that this key doesn't exist already in the spec
- if myspec.has_key(mobjs[0]):
- raise Exception("You have a duplicate key (" + mobjs[0] + ") in your spec. Please fix it")
- # Start a new array using the first element of mobjs
- cur_array = [mobjs[0]]
- if mobjs[1]:
- # split on white space creating additional array elements
- subarray = white_space.split(mobjs[1])
- if subarray:
- if len(subarray)==1:
- # Store as a string if only one element is found.
- # this is to keep with original catalyst behavior
- # eventually this may go away if catalyst just works
- # with arrays.
- cur_array.append(subarray[0])
- else:
- cur_array += subarray
- # Else add on to the last key we were working on
- else:
- mobjs = white_space.split(myline)
- cur_array += mobjs
- # XXX: Do we really still need this "single value is a string" behavior?
- if len(cur_array) == 2:
- myspec[cur_array[0]] = cur_array[1]
- else:
- myspec[cur_array[0]] = cur_array[1:]
- for x in myspec.keys():
- # Delete empty key pairs
- if not myspec[x]:
- print "\n\tWARNING: No value set for key " + x + "...deleting"
- del myspec[x]
- self.values = myspec