Add get_architectures_status function to get the architecture status,
0 = unkown, 1 = dev, 2 = exp, 3 = stable.
Don't override stable status in get_architectures_status.
+ Stabilize stable architectures only when using "all", bug 304133.
2010-05-17: Christian Ruppert <>
* echangelog: Update copyright in other files too (except binaries and
$PORTDIR = get_portdir();
my $files = 0;
for my $f (@ARGV) {
} else {
if ($arch eq 'all') {
# modify all non-masked keywords in the list
- $quoted =~ s/(^|\s)~?(?=\w)/$1$leader/g;
+ # Don't add stable keywords for != stable architectures
+ if(length($leader) eq 0) {
+ foreach my $tmp (split(/\s/, $quoted)) {
+ my (undef, $_arch, undef) = ($tmp =~ m/$kw_re/o);
+ if($ARCH{$_arch} and $ARCH{$_arch} eq 3) {
+ $quoted =~ s/\Q~${_arch}\E/${_arch}/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $quoted =~ s/(^|\s)~?(?=\w)/$1$leader/g;
+ }
} else {
# modify or add keyword
unless ($quoted =~ s/[-~]?\Q$arch\E(\s|$)/$leader$arch$1/) {