# Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Id$
+ 09 Jul 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> gen_compile.sh:
+ Fix linking of unionfs-fuse 0.24
09 Jul 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org>
Allow compilation of FUSE 2.8.6 with glibc 2.14 (bug #370411)
apply_patches unionfs-fuse ${UNIONFS_FUSE_VER}
print_info 1 'unionfs-fuse: >> Compiling...'
sed -i "/^\(CFLAGS\|CPPFLAGS\)/s:^\\(.*\\)$:\\1 -static -I${TEMP}/${FUSE_DIR}/include -L${TEMP}/${FUSE_DIR}/lib/.libs:" Makefile src/Makefile
- sed -i "/^LIB = /s:^LIB = \(.*\)$:LIB = -static -L${TEMP}/${FUSE_DIR}/lib/.libs \1 -ldl -lrt:" Makefile src/Makefile
+ sed -i "/^LIB = /s:^LIB = \(.*\)$:LIB = -static -L${TEMP}/${FUSE_DIR}/lib/.libs \1 -ldl -lpthread -lrt:" Makefile src/Makefile
MAKE=${UTILS_MAKE} compile_generic "" ""
print_info 1 'unionfs-fuse: >> Copying to cache...'
[ -f "${TEMP}/${UNIONFS_FUSE_DIR}/src/unionfs" ] ||