--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright
+"""Use comedi commands for asyncronous input.
+An example for directly using Comedi commands. Comedi commands
+are used for asynchronous acquisition, with the timing controlled
+by on-board timers or external events.
+Based on David A. Schleef's `comedilib/demo/cmd.c`.
+import logging as _logging
+import sys as _sys
+import time as _time
+import numpy as _numpy
+from pycomedi import LOG as _LOG
+import pycomedi.constant as _constant
+from pycomedi.device import Device as _Device
+from pycomedi.subdevice import StreamingSubdevice as _StreamingSubdevice
+from pycomedi.channel import AnalogChannel as _AnalogChannel
+from pycomedi.chanspec import ChanSpec as _ChanSpec
+from pycomedi.utility import Reader as _Reader
+def open_channels(device, subdevice, channels, range, aref):
+ """Subdevice index and list of channel indexes
+ -> ``Subdevice`` instance and list of ``AnalogChannel`` instances
+ """
+ if args.subdevice >= 0:
+ subdevice = device.subdevice(subdevice, factory=_StreamingSubdevice)
+ else:
+ subdevice = device.find_subdevice_by_type(
+ _constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ai, factory=_StreamingSubdevice)
+ channels = [subdevice.channel(
+ index=i, factory=_AnalogChannel, range=range, aref=aref)
+ for i in channels]
+ return(subdevice, channels)
+def prepare_command(subdevice, channels, period, num_scans):
+ """Create a periodic sampling command.
+ Ask comedilib to create a generic sampling command and then modify
+ the parts we want.
+ """
+ command = subdevice.get_cmd_generic_timed(
+ len(channels), scan_period_ns=period)
+ command.chanlist = channels
+ command.stop_src = _constant.TRIG_SRC.count
+ command.stop_arg = num_scans
+ return command
+def test_command(subdevice, num_tests=2):
+ """Adjust a command as necessary to get valid arguments.
+ """
+ _LOG.info('command before testing:\n{}'.format(subdevice.cmd))
+ for i in range(2):
+ rc = subdevice.command_test()
+ if rc is None:
+ _LOG.info('command is valid')
+ return
+ _LOG.info('test {} returned {}\n{}'.format(i, rc, subdevice.cmd))
+ _LOG.error('error preparing command: {}'.format(rc))
+ _sys.exit(1)
+def print_data(channels, data, physical=False):
+ if physical:
+ converters = [c.get_converter() for c in channels]
+ physical_data = _numpy.zeros(data.shape, dtype=float32)
+ for i,c in enumerate(converters):
+ physical_data[:,i] = c.to_physical(data[:,i])
+ data = physical_data
+ for row in range(data.shape[0]):
+ print '\t'.join(str(x) for x in data[row,:])
+def read(device, subdevice=None, channels=[0], range=0, aref=0, period=0,
+ num_scans=2, physical=False):
+ """Read ``num_scans`` samples from each specified channel.
+ """
+ subdevice,channels = open_channels(
+ device=device, subdevice=subdevice, channels=channels, range=range,
+ aref=aref)
+ subdevice.cmd = prepare_command(
+ subdevice=subdevice, channels=channels, period=period,
+ num_scans=num_scans)
+ rc = test_command(subdevice=subdevice)
+ read_buffer = _numpy.zeros(
+ (num_scans, len(channels)),
+ dtype=subdevice.get_dtype())
+ reader = _Reader(subdevice, read_buffer)
+ start = _time.time()
+ _LOG.info('start time: {}'.format(start))
+ subdevice.command()
+ reader.start()
+ reader.join()
+ stop = _time.time()
+ _LOG.info('stop time: {}'.format(stop))
+ _LOG.info('time: {}'.format(stop - start))
+ print_data(channels=channels, data=read_buffer, physical=physical)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-f', '--filename', default='/dev/comedi0',
+ help='path to comedi device file')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--subdevice', type=int, help='subdevice for analog input')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--channel', type=int, action='append',
+ help='add a channel for analog input')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-a', '--analog-reference', dest='aref', default='ground',
+ choices=['diff', 'ground', 'other', 'common'],
+ help='reference for analog input')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-r', '--range', type=int, default=0, help='range for analog input')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-N', '--num-scans', type=int, default=10,
+ help='number of analog input scans')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-F', '--frequency', type=float, help='scan frequency in hertz')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-p', '--physical', default=False, action='store_const', const=True,
+ help='convert input to physical values before printing')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.verbose >= 3:
+ _LOG.setLevel(_logging.DEBUG)
+ elif args.verbose >= 2:
+ _LOG.setLevel(_logging.INFO)
+ elif args.verbose >= 1:
+ _LOG.setLevel(_logging.WARN)
+ _LOG.info(('measuring device={0.filename} subdevice={0.subdevice} '
+ 'channel={0.channel} range={0.range} analog reference={0.aref}'
+ ).format(args))
+ channel_indexes = args.channel
+ if not channel_indexes:
+ channel_indexes = [0] # user gave no channels on the command line
+ aref = _constant.AREF.index_by_name(args.aref)
+ if args.frequency is None:
+ period = 0
+ else:
+ period = 1/args.frequency
+ device = _Device(filename=args.filename)
+ device.open()
+ try:
+ read(
+ device=device, subdevice=args.subdevice,
+ channels=channel_indexes, range=args.range, aref=aref,
+ period=period, num_scans=args.num_scans, physical=args.physical)
+ finally:
+ device.close()