class InvalidCommand (InvalidEmail):
def __init__(self, msg, command, message=None):
bigmessage = u"Invalid execution command '%s'" % command
- if message == None:
+ if message != None:
bigmessage += u"\n%s" % message
InvalidEmail.__init__(self, msg, bigmessage)
self.command = command
class InvalidOption (InvalidCommand):
def __init__(self, msg, option, message=None):
bigmessage = u"Invalid option '%s'" % (option)
- if message == None:
+ if message != None:
bigmessage += u"\n%s" % message
InvalidCommand.__init__(self, msg, info, command, bigmessage)
self.option = option
if self.command in [None, u""]: # don't accept blank commands
- raise InvalidCommand(self.msg, self)
+ raise InvalidCommand(self.msg, self, "Blank")
elif self.command not in ALLOWED_COMMANDS:
- raise InvalidCommand(self.msg, self)
+ raise InvalidCommand(self.msg, self, "Not allowed")
assert self.ret == None, u"running %s twice!" % unicode(self)
# set stdin and catch stdout and stderr