# output authorized_keys line from ssh key
ssh2authorized_keys() {
- local userID
- local key
- userID="$1"
- key="$2"
+ local koptions="$1"
+ local userID="$2"
+ local key="$3"
- printf "%s MonkeySphere%s %s\n" "$key" "$DATE" "$userID"
+ if [[ -z $koptions ]]; then
+ printf "%s MonkeySphere%s %s\n" "$key" "$DATE" "$userID"
+ else
+ printf "%s %s MonkeySphere%s %s\n" "$koptions" "$key" "$DATE" "$userID"
+ fi
# convert key from gpg to ssh known_hosts format
# flag:sshKey to the calling function.
process_user_id() {
local returnCode=0
- local userID
+ local userID="$1"
local requiredCapability
local requiredPubCapability
local gpgOut
local lastKeyOK
local fingerprint
- userID="$1"
# set the required key capability based on the mode
requiredPubCapability=$(echo "$requiredCapability" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
# process uids for the authorized_keys file
process_uid_authorized_keys() {
local userID
+ local koptions
local nKeys
local nKeysOK
local ok
# set the key processing mode
- userID="$1"
+ koptions="$1"
+ userID="$2"
log verbose "processing: $userID"
# note that key was found ok
- ssh2authorized_keys "$userID" "$sshKey" >> "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
+ ssh2authorized_keys "$koptions" "$userID" "$sshKey" >> "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
local nIDsOK
local nIDsBAD
local fileCheck
+ local x koptions
+ declare -i argtype
+ if (( $# % 2 )); then log error "Bad number of arguments; this should never happen."; return 1; fi
# the number of ids specified on command line
- nIDs="$#"
+ (( nIDs=$#/2 ))
+ (( argtype=0 ))
# remove any monkeysphere lines from authorized_keys file
remove_monkeysphere_lines "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- for userID ; do
+ for x; do
+ (( argtype++ ))
+ if (( $argtype % 2 )); then
+ koptions="$x"
+ else
+ userID="$x"
# process the user ID, change return code if key not found for
# user ID
- process_uid_authorized_keys "$userID" || returnCode="$?"
+ process_uid_authorized_keys "$koptions" "$userID" || returnCode="$?"
# note the result
case "$returnCode" in
# touch the lockfile, for good measure.
lock touch "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
+ fi
# remove the lockfile and the trap
# process an authorized_user_ids file for authorized_keys
process_authorized_user_ids() {
local line
- local nline
- local userIDs
+ declare -i nline
+ declare -a userIDs
+ declare -a koptions
+ declare -a export_array
+ (( nline=0 ))
# exit if the authorized_user_ids file is empty
if [ ! -e "$authorizedUserIDs" ] ; then
failure "authorized_user_ids file '$authorizedUserIDs' does not exist."
# extract user IDs from authorized_user_ids file
for line in $(meat "$authorizedUserIDs") ; do
- userIDs["$nline"]="$line"
- nline=$((nline+1))
+ case "$line" in
+ (" "*|$'\t'*)
+ if [[ -z ${koptions[${nline}]} ]]; then
+ koptions[${nline}]=$(echo $line | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]$//;')
+ else
+ koptions[${nline}]="${koptions[${nline}]},$(echo $line | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]$//;')"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ (*)
+ ((nline++))
+ userIDs[${nline}]="$line"
+ unset koptions[${nline}] || true
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ for i in $(seq 1 $nline); do
+ export_array+=("${koptions[$i]}" "${userIDs[$i]}")
- update_authorized_keys "${userIDs[@]}"
+ update_authorized_keys "${export_array[@]}"
# takes a gpg key or keys on stdin, and outputs a list of