xfrom = '(dependency required by '+ \
green('"%s"' % myparent[2]) + \
red(' [%s]' % myparent[0]) + ')'
- alleb = portdb.xmatch("match-all", x)
- if alleb:
- if "--usepkgonly" not in self.myopts:
- print "\n!!! "+red("All ebuilds that could satisfy ")+green(xinfo)+red(" have been masked.")
- print "!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:"
- oldcomment = ""
- shown_licenses = []
- portdb_keys = ["LICENSE","SLOT"]
- for p in alleb:
- mreasons = portage.getmaskingstatus(p,
- settings=pkgsettings, portdb=portdb)
- print "- "+p+" (masked by: "+", ".join(mreasons)+")"
- if "package.mask" in mreasons:
- comment, filename = \
- portage.getmaskingreason(p,
- settings=pkgsettings, portdb=portdb,
- return_location=True)
- if comment and comment != oldcomment:
- print filename+":"
- print comment
- oldcomment = comment
- try:
- metadata = dict(izip(portdb_keys,
- portdb.aux_get(p, portdb_keys)))
- except KeyError:
- # Corruption will have been reported above.
- continue
- metadata["USE"] = ""
+ masked_packages = []
+ missing_licenses = []
+ dbs = self._filtered_trees[myroot]["dbs"]
+ for db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys in dbs:
+ match = db.match
+ if hasattr(db, "xmatch"):
+ def match(atom):
+ return db.xmatch("match-all", atom)
+ cpv_list = match(x)
+ cpv_sort_descending(cpv_list)
+ for cpv in cpv_list:
+ try:
+ metadata = dict(izip(db_keys,
+ db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)))
+ except KeyError:
+ mreasons = ["corruption"]
+ metadata = None
+ if metadata and not built:
if "?" in metadata["LICENSE"]:
pkgsettings.setcpv(p, mydb=portdb)
metadata["USE"] = pkgsettings.get("USE", "")
- missing_licenses = []
+ else:
+ metadata["USE"] = ""
+ mreasons = portage.getmaskingstatus(
+ cpv, metadata=metadata,
+ settings=pkgsettings, portdb=portdb)
+ comment, filename = None, None
+ if "package.mask" in mreasons:
+ comment, filename = \
+ portage.getmaskingreason(
+ cpv, metadata=metadata,
+ settings=pkgsettings, portdb=portdb,
+ return_location=True)
+ if built and \
+ metadata["CHOST"] != pkgsettings["CHOST"]:
+ mreasons.append("CHOST: %s" % \
+ metadata["CHOST"])
+ missing_licenses = []
+ if metadata:
missing_licenses = \
- p, metadata)
+ cpv, metadata)
except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
# This will have already been reported
# above via mreasons.
- for l in missing_licenses:
- l_path = portdb.findLicensePath(l)
- if l in shown_licenses:
- continue
- msg = ("A copy of the '%s' license" + \
- " is located at '%s'.") % (l, l_path)
- print msg
- print
- shown_licenses.append(l)
- print
- print "For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or "
- print "refer to the Gentoo Handbook."
- else:
- print
- alleb = bindb.match(x)
- if alleb:
- chost = pkgsettings["CHOST"]
- bindb_keys = ["CHOST","EAPI"]
- for p in alleb:
- mreasons = []
- metadata = dict(izip(bindb_keys,
- bindb.aux_get(pkg, bindb_keys)))
- if chost != metadata["CHOST"]:
- mreasons.append("CHOST: %s" % \
- metadata["CHOST"])
- if not portage.eapi_is_supported(
- metadata["EAPI"]):
- mreasons.append(("required EAPI %s" + \
- ", supported EAPI %s") % \
- (metadata["EAPI"],
- portage.const.EAPI))
- print "- "+p+" (masked by: "+", ".join(mreasons)+")"
- print "!!! "+red("There are no packages available to satisfy: ")+green(xinfo)
- print "!!! Either add a suitable binary package or compile from an ebuild."
+ masked_packages.append((cpv, mreasons,
+ comment, filename, missing_licenses))
+ if masked_packages:
+ print "\n!!! "+red("All ebuilds that could satisfy ")+green(xinfo)+red(" have been masked.")
+ print "!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:"
+ shown_licenses = set()
+ shown_comments = set()
+ # Maybe there is both an ebuild and a binary. Only
+ # show one of them to avoid redundant appearance.
+ shown_cpvs = set()
+ for cpv, mreasons, comment, filename, missing_licenses in masked_packages:
+ if cpv in shown_cpvs:
+ continue
+ shown_cpvs.add(cpv)
+ print "- "+cpv+" (masked by: "+", ".join(mreasons)+")"
+ if comment and comment not in shown_comments:
+ print filename+":"
+ print comment
+ shown_comments.add(comment)
+ for l in missing_licenses:
+ l_path = portdb.findLicensePath(l)
+ if l in shown_licenses:
+ continue
+ msg = ("A copy of the '%s' license" + \
+ " is located at '%s'.") % (l, l_path)
+ print msg
+ print
+ shown_licenses.add(l)
+ print
+ print "For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or "
+ print "refer to the Gentoo Handbook."
print "\nemerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "+green(xinfo)+"."
if myparent:
return mykey
-def getmaskingreason(mycpv, settings=None, portdb=None, return_location=False):
+def getmaskingreason(mycpv, metadata=None, settings=None, portdb=None, return_location=False):
from portage.util import grablines
if settings is None:
settings = globals()["settings"]
mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
if not mysplit:
raise ValueError("invalid CPV: %s" % mycpv)
- if not portdb.cpv_exists(mycpv):
- raise KeyError("CPV %s does not exist" % mycpv)
+ if metadata is None:
+ db_keys = list(portdb._aux_cache_keys)
+ try:
+ metadata = dict(izip(db_keys, portdb.aux_get(mycpv, db_keys)))
+ except KeyError:
+ if not portdb.cpv_exists(mycpv):
+ raise
+ if metadata is None:
+ # Can't access SLOT due to corruption.
+ cpv_slot_list = [mycpv]
+ else:
+ cpv_slot_list = ["%s:%s" % (mycpv, metadata["SLOT"])]
# XXX- This is a temporary duplicate of code from the config constructor.
if settings.pmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
for x in settings.pmaskdict[mycp]:
- if mycpv in portdb.xmatch("match-all", x):
+ if match_from_list(x, cpv_slot_list):
comment = ""
l = "\n"
comment_valid = -1
return None
-def getmaskingstatus(mycpv, settings=None, portdb=None):
+def getmaskingstatus(mycpv, metadata=None, settings=None, portdb=None):
if settings is None:
settings = config(clone=globals()["settings"])
if portdb is None:
mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
if not mysplit:
raise ValueError("invalid CPV: %s" % mycpv)
- if not portdb.cpv_exists(mycpv):
- raise KeyError("CPV %s does not exist" % mycpv)
+ if metadata is None:
+ db_keys = list(portdb._aux_cache_keys)
+ try:
+ metadata = dict(izip(db_keys, portdb.aux_get(mycpv, db_keys)))
+ except KeyError:
+ if not portdb.cpv_exists(mycpv):
+ raise
+ return ["corruption"]
+ if "?" in metadata["LICENSE"]:
+ settings.setcpv(p, mydb=metadata)
+ metadata["USE"] = settings.get("USE", "")
+ else:
+ metadata["USE"] = ""
+ cpv_slot_list = ["%s:%s" % (mycpv, metadata["SLOT"])]
rValue = []
# profile checking
- revmaskdict=settings.prevmaskdict
- if revmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
- for x in revmaskdict[mycp]:
- if x[0]=="*":
- myatom = x[1:]
- else:
- myatom = x
- if not match_to_list(mycpv, [myatom]):
- rValue.append("profile")
- break
+ if settings.getProfileMaskAtom(mycpv, metadata):
+ rValue.append("profile")
# package.mask checking
- maskdict=settings.pmaskdict
- unmaskdict=settings.punmaskdict
- if maskdict.has_key(mycp):
- for x in maskdict[mycp]:
- if mycpv in portdb.xmatch("match-all", x):
- unmask=0
- if unmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
- for z in unmaskdict[mycp]:
- if mycpv in portdb.xmatch("match-all",z):
- unmask=1
- break
- if unmask==0:
- rValue.append("package.mask")
+ if settings.getMaskAtom(mycpv, metadata):
+ rValue.append("package.mask")
# keywords checking
- try:
- eapi, mygroups, licenses, slot = portdb.aux_get(
- mycpv, ["EAPI", "KEYWORDS", "LICENSE", "SLOT"])
- except KeyError:
- # The "depend" phase apparently failed for some reason. An associated
- # error message will have already been printed to stderr.
- return ["corruption"]
+ eapi = metadata["EAPI"]
+ mygroups = metadata["KEYWORDS"]
+ licenses = metadata["LICENSE"]
+ slot = metadata["SLOT"]
if eapi.startswith("-"):
eapi = eapi[1:]
if not eapi_is_supported(eapi):
cp = dep_getkey(mycpv)
if pkgdict.has_key(cp):
- matches = match_to_list(mycpv, pkgdict[cp].keys())
+ matches = []
+ for match in pkgdict[cp]:
+ if match_from_list(match, cpv_slot_list):
+ matches.append(match)
for match in matches:
if matches:
if kmask:
rValue.append(kmask+" keyword")
- use = ""
- if "?" in licenses:
- settings.setcpv(mycpv, mydb=portdb)
- use = settings.get("USE", "")
- missing_licenses = settings.getMissingLicenses(
- mycpv, {"LICENSE":licenses, "SLOT":slot, "USE":use})
+ missing_licenses = settings.getMissingLicenses(mycpv, metadata)
if missing_licenses:
allowed_tokens = set(["||", "(", ")"])